Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Blind Item #5

Why do all the tabloids fall for this? For the second time in as many years or maybe it is three years. Anyway, this A list reality star with a side job she would prefer to be her only one is not dating the foreign born A list boy bander who may not have a boy band to go back to in the future. He likes guys. I'm not even sure if she likes guys to be honest. Lets just say her last few hookups were not with guys.


  1. Tricia1311:47 PM


  2. Kylie Jenner and Harry Styles

  3. Ha. Almost a jinx. :)

  4. Megley12:09 AM

    The tabloids fall for this because they are PAID to do so. You should know that, Entys.

    I love the FakeOutrage Entys the best.

  5. nasty baby12:27 AM

    Kendall Jenner/Harry Styles

    take two gay young stars and send them off on vacation together. might as well get some holiday publicity. both sides know their fans are too dumb to think it's not real.

  6. nasty baby12:28 AM


    for real. PMK feeds them.

  7. Isn't Kendall dating that Lauren Perez girl? I saw some people talking about it before. And well... Harry liking guys is not even a secret anymore. Anyway, I don't think it will happen much, everyone think it's a joke. And as for Kendall, better being linked with Harry without having to do anything than hanging around Bieber and that Hailey chick I'm sure

  8. larry1:26 AM

    damn wow this is sooooo new...hendall is fake and Larry is real....we know

  9. Sheepskin2:00 AM

    Wow look another conflicting blind bc Enty had revealed one in the past sa ting Harry slept with Pamela Anderson

  10. No he didn't. He said a boybander. It could have been any of them.

    Besides, apart from it being ridiculous Harry was with Nick Grimshaw that time. You don't seriously believe every blind item is true!? Please!

  11. PS: If it was a reveal then I really doubt Ent was in the loop back then.

    Harry being into guys is literally the worst kept industry 'secret' ever. Every other person knows.

  12. Lol, all Harry and Kendall did was sit together for a few minutes at a social gathering of approx. 60 people. There are witnesses there saying there was literally nothing happening.

    For the dummies nothing is still enough to write headlines for months but anyone with half a brain knows Harry is not interested and Kendall is a friend who probably wants to come out as much.

    Still, it all distracts from Louis 'babymama', Briana's vanishing moon bump at 34 weeks the other day!

  13. Scrooge2:43 AM

    So Luis babymama Brianna not pregnant. This a fake thing by Simon

  14. question_tag2:49 AM

    Why do the tabloids accept to be paid for it? DM has a direct link to updates about the Kim woman. What is this family power, or is it their producer power working on? Still, they killed Hermes aura and that's for ever unforgiveable!

  15. chickenhead3:21 AM

    Not gonna lie, I'm a grown woman with a boy band obsession. New Kids, N'Sync, and 1D are my favorites but I won't say no to Boys II Men or Backstreet Boys.

  16. SHEEPskin3:51 AM

  17. Malibuborebee3:55 AM

    With luck, Kendull and whatever boybander this is will both fade into the United States of Amnesia very soon.

  18. killer abs 2 minutes6:36 AM


    Tabloids need a constant stream/flood of material. PMK gives it to them. And stupid people buy all of it. As long as dumb people exist, the Kardashian demand will be there. Look at Just Jared - thats not even a tabloid, its just a blog. PMK invited Jared to her xmas party and then lo and behold, 6 posts a day of Kardashians.

  19. Unemployable7:20 AM

    Harry Styles is not gay. Its only because he is so secure in his masculinity that he can sport a banana clip. Besides the Kardashian/Jenner girls only date heterosexual men like Tyga and Kanye and that guy that PMK was married to for awhile... what's his name, now?

  20. I love your sass. You should be employed by the Bureau of Sarcasm and write all the press releases for the Karcrashians and Simon Cowell's acts.

  21. Unemployable1:18 AM

    What does it pay? Do I get a discount on all PMK brand anti-viral ointments? Can I wear a Hawaiian shirt on Fridays?

  22. ellie8:03 AM

    Haha I've noticed so many people on here like "well this doesn't fit because of this _____". Okay, well then you're probably wrong lol. "Well 4+4 can't be 8, because I'm pretty sure it's 10."

  23. FranklySpeaking6:59 AM

    Just because a rumor has been around for a while, does not make it true. Harry Styles is far from gay. He doesn't address the rumors because he doesn't think anything is wrong with being gay, so who cares? The Larry bullshit is just that...bullshit. If you think two guys go out of their way to NOT spend any of their free time with each other are doing so because they're in some secret relationship and afraid to "come out", they're delusional. If you're an adult and think that, you need to reevaluate your life choices. This blind is false.

    Now, were the paps tipped off and did at least one of them know pics would surface? Most likely. But believe whatever you need to believe to get you through the day.

  24. tarap7:19 AM

    And PMK has her new (paid and quite gay I bet) boytoy who looks like he'd rather be anywhere but where he is. Has he seen her poon? The odds are against it.
