Sunday, December 27, 2015

Blind Item #5

Her boyfriend called in as many favors as he could and sunk a ton of money into the venture to try and save it, but the end of the road is near for yet another failed attempt to get back in front of the camera for this former A- list mostly television actress turned no one will cast me so had to do my own show which bombed mightily actress/producer.


  1. Tricia1311:51 PM

    Debra Messing- mysteries of Laura?

  2. Tricia1311:53 PM

    Or Eva Longoris:)))!
    Jose Baston BF- Telenovela?

  3. Scrooge11:54 PM


  4. Does Eva Longoria fit here?

    I may be one of the few who really like her.

  5. Scrooge11:57 PM

    Maybe no one will cast her because of her shit with Clooney

  6. Tricia1312:02 AM

    Ha...tele-NOT- vela....

  7. Honeybunny12:49 AM

    I'm on the Debra Messing train.

  8. Kno Won Uno1:10 AM

    Desperation is so unattractive.

  9. sandybrook1:22 AM

    Last week one of the Enterns decided Longoria's new show Telenovella was a huge hit. This week it failed? It's only been on once and doesn't officially premiere until next week.

  10. careless diamond1:46 AM

    debra messing has a brutally unattractive face. and her voice. whole chick needs to shut down she's annoying by design

  11. Unemployable11:09 AM

    Hey, where did we land on that whole Coke Mom thing? Was it Debra Messing or what? Did I miss the reveal or are we all still guessing? I cant move on with my life until I know.

  12. i like her too! i guess it's left over from DHW days

  13. well then it's probably not the answer

  14. Scallywag2:00 AM

    Since her fiance is president of Televisa, I expect this is about Eva Longoria.

    Both Telenovela and Superstore are doing okay and they will get a pass as long as the ratings don't suck this time of year. No one expects them to beat Rudolph or Charlie Brown. And I don't think NBC will cancel Latin Night quickly without some sucky numbers.
