Saturday, December 26, 2015

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly television actor on a middling hit cable show that has been around for a couple of seasons now got his girlfriend an engagement ring and a car because she is very good at keeping his secrets. The last person this good at keeping his secrets was his actress wife who dumped him when the cheating got out of hand.


  1. Elle B1:57 AM

    taye diggs maybe

  2. +1 and I assume his secrets are concerning him being on the DL?...

  3. Tricia132:29 AM

    Fred Armisen/Portlandia

    Natasha Lyonne- GF
    Elizabeth Moss- ex wife

  4. yayaya4:20 AM

    this +10000

  5. nasty babay5:02 AM

    could be either,
    fred armisen and taye diggs are both closeted.

  6. Nenkes6:48 AM

    David Duchovny?

  7. Fred because Taye Diggs is not on a cable show and isn't mostly TV.
    I think Armisen is closeted as bisexual but more that he is just a big cheat , maybe sex addict. Elizabeth Moss said the marriage was "awful and traumatic".

  8. Saskia9:52 AM

    Michael Sheen (Masters of Sex)
    GF: Sarah Silverman
    EX: Kate Beckinsale

  9. Whywhywhy???10:18 AM

    @Maya isn't Fred a Scientologist and isn't there a deprogramming or reprogramming kit for being homosexual or bisexual? Not that it works for Travolta

  10. Liz Moss is the scientologist, not Fred. Probably didn't help the marriage because she is full on batshit SCIO.
    Masters of Sex is pay / premium cable so not Michael Sheen.
    Duchovny on network again-.
    so yeah- Armisen and Natasha who probably his female twin are the only ones who make sense here.

  11. Boredtechindenver1:49 PM

    Taye Diggs is on cable, "Murder in the First" on TNT. It is a summer series and had the second season in 2015.

  12. cebii9:37 PM

    I'm not saying it isn't Armisen/Lyonne, but usually Enty would mention that she's an actress on a hit, almost cable show or something like that. Natasha's got her own credentials. OITNB is more successful than Portlandia.
