Sunday, December 20, 2015

Blind Item #4

This B list actor looked pained as he watched his former A+ list singer turned A- lister/part-time actress girlfriend try and get an entire restaurant to notice her. Whether it was the constant restroom walks or the over the top of hugs and screams when she saw someone she knew, it was all too much. Her boyfriend just sat with his head down most of the time and looked like it would all go away.


  1. Tricia1311:31 PM

    Taylor Kinney/ Gaga

  2. meowie11:41 PM

    Sounds good @tricia, +1.

  3. meowie11:46 PM

    P.S. I could so use a cup of your Turkish coffee this AM! @tricia13
    Waiting for the plumber and getting ready for holiday house guests along with work. Calgon, take me away ... Beam me up, Scotty ... Mothership, please send the funk! ;)

  4. Tricia1311:48 PM

    Hey Meowie:) who else right?! He looks so humble and cute--- I don't get it. Think entys having real slow tips/ stories today- all his good spies must be out holiday shopping!

  5. Tricia1311:50 PM

    Be.ieve me I need some more too...! Tis the season...exciting you are having guests- it'll be worth it once you're all sitting around with good food and wine my friend:)
    Ps...totally relate to the Calgon mantra though +10000!

  6. meowie12:21 AM

    The goss has been snoozy @tricia. Could use some juicy bites to perk me up this day. :P

  7. Ibebackyo12:35 AM

    Get used to it kinney or pull the plug. You know who she is.

  8. mariaj12:53 AM

    That's why i think that next year will happen something important Gaga related, be a break-up, a marriage, she going to rehab, something's gonna happen.

  9. serious as1:03 AM

    whatever happens it probably wont be any radio hits

  10. meowie1:04 AM

    Lainey Blind, could be Gaga as well??

  11. serious as1:04 AM

    it takes a special level of desperate to buy a Billboard magazine cover. if she still had ability and talent you wouldnt need to pony up $$$$

  12. serious as1:05 AM


    so it has to be a costar on AHS that she is hooking up with. and he's married.

  13. mariaj1:46 AM

    I agree ;)

  14. Cinabun2:25 AM

    Maybe for publicity. Sadly, it will likely work.

  15. Wendy7:45 AM

    I never understood them together anyway. He is a fine hunk of a man, and doesn't seem to care about the celebrity. Gaga, is the opposite lol.

  16. LaBomba10:36 AM

    That screaming/shrieking/loud laughing goes on all over the place where there are people who need attention/therapy.

    That crap gets old fast.

  17. Shaddup mimsey11:44 AM

    Finn wittrock formerly dandy

  18. She is a hot mess!!!

  19. Think he is the most likely candidate @Shaddup mimsey. Thanks on doing the leg work. If not Finn W, then Wes Bentley, but I agree with you, think it's Finn.
