Monday, December 14, 2015

Blind Item #4

It is interesting to see that this former A list mostly television actress from two hit shows and has A list name recognition despite not doing much except post photos of herself on social media and talk about sports has totally distanced herself from a former company. They paid her millions of dollars, but she likes to pretend they didn't. You know, because they are getting sued.


  1. Anoynmous11:34 PM

    I want to say the company's definitely Wen. So maybe Alyssa Milano?

  2. ???
    The actress is being sued?
    Or, the company she worked for is being sued?

  3. Kno Won Uno11:35 PM

    Almost typed that, but you type faster!
    If it's not her, I got nuthin'

  4. Kno Won Uno11:36 PM

    If it's Milano, WEN hair care is being sued for causing people to permanently lose their hair.

  5. Tricia1311:36 PM

    I agree- definitely Wen and don't think it's Brooke shields because she wasn't really A list TV. Milano fits- hubby is sports agent I thin? Makes sense.

  6. Tricia1311:37 PM

    Stuff is bloody crap. I used it a few hair loss, but what a waste of money!

  7. Kno Won Uno11:37 PM

    Brooke Shields?

  8. Kno Won Uno11:39 PM

    I'm gonna go with Brooke Shields, she's definitely A List name recognition. The TV thing isn't quite right but it's Enty, so....

  9. Kno Won Uno11:40 PM

    I considered buy that stuff - I must have dozed off on the sofa and woke up to an infomercial.

  10. Snookiemonster11:42 PM

    Alyssa had 2 TV shows. Whos the boss and Charmed. She has sports clothing. Line for women.

  11. Fugazi12:15 AM

    Alyssa is all about sports on Twitter and she created a line of MLB apparel for women.

  12. meowie12:33 AM

    My sister and cousins love it. But they're a mix of curls and coarse hair.

    I once was seated across the aisle from Chas Dean and his team on a plane, he's a super nice guy.

  13. She was my 1st thought also. Great guess!

  14. Southern Smartass7:18 AM

    Absolutely Alyssa Milano!

  15. JSierra10:25 AM

    I love Wen but I use it more as a conditioner. Shampoo the roots and use Wen on the ends. Even when I was using it as a full eanser I didn't have any issues, I'm wondering if people aren't using it correctly. Letting it sit on their scalp or not washing it out properly. It is pretty tingly when applied directly to the skin, I made the mistake of using it to take off my eye makeup while in the shower once.
