Thursday, December 03, 2015

Blind Item #3

At the party, but conspicuously left out of most group photos taken at the party was this A- list mostly movie actress who is hated by this A- list mostly television actress. Palpable, someone called it. Yeah, I'm not sure they know what it means, or if they just like saying it.


  1. Tricia1311:03 PM

    Sophia V and Reese W at the wedding?
    Why go then?

  2. sandybrook11:10 PM

    Because this is a b.s. blind maybe? The only group photos I see are of the wedding party. In Enty's mind they are enemies even though there is no evidence to show it.

  3. Tricia1311:12 PM

    Eureka! Lol.


  5. It is the same when people are photographed together or are at the same place/city. Enty automatically thinks that they are dating or something.

  6. medley12:14 AM

    'the tension is palpable' works

    sincerely, someone with an education

  7. medley12:14 AM

    enty you went to law school you know what context palpable can be used in right?

  8. Tricia1312:20 AM

    Touche@medley ! well played:)

  9. muchlu1:20 AM

    why would Reese go to the wedding if she hated Sofia or she knew that she hated her?

  10. Kno Won Uno1:35 AM

    A photo might exist of the two of them looking toward each other and NOT displaying the $10K, high beam, glass-shattering, shiny white teeth indicative of not-hate. Absolute confirmation of a blood feud for 13-15 year olds.

  11. Charlie4:05 AM

    Zooey Deschanel and Megan Fox. The New Girl 100th episode party.

  12. DoctorMaybe5:32 AM

    Yeah, why would someone in an industry that's all about image and connections EVER go to an event for a reason other than a sincere desire to be there?

    Good lord, people.

  13. DoctorMaybe5:38 AM

    Also, evidence for hating Reese Witherspoon is KNOWING Reese Witherspoon.

  14. Wendy6:55 AM

    +1 I noticed Fox was not in that pic.

  15. muchlu7:13 AM

    I dislike Reese, but she does not need to kiss Sofia's ass for anything, all they had was a flop movie a few months ago.

  16. Caitlyn7:40 AM

    If Megan Fox is a current , or ever really, A list film actress ( let's remember that is the ranking if Gywnth, Cate Blanchett, Kidman, Kate Winslet, Im a Nobel prize winner! No way no how.She's not even B list at this point- she only just returned to the screen in a Teenage Mutant Turtle movie which is sure to set the cinema world on fire. That's why she did NG in the first place, she kinda has no career. Not sure if them but Vergara & Witherspoon fit for the most part, if rumors are true.

  17. LaBomba11:43 AM

    Ms. Witherspoon was on a show with a title something like, "100 Questions." She seemed upbeat, and really, really preppy, and wholesome. On the other hand, Vigara is just the opposite. Loud, brash, etc. Yet, both are caring, hands-on mothers. Who can say what transpired personally between the two of the during the filming.
