Sunday, December 13, 2015

Blind Item #3

This foreign born permanent A list musician from a permanent A list group that will perform until they die on stage is financing a campaign to keep asylum seekers from living in his town.


  1. Cinabun1:52 AM

    Mick Jagger/The Rolling Stones

  2. it took forever2:00 AM

    Enty this topic is very dear to me, i think about my children and how the parents in paris felt about theirs that died, paris a country so warm and accepting and yet it wasnt good enough for them NOT to destroy. It makes you wonder what do they really want. I fear not them but living in a world that fears them. They want annihiliation or total submission, choose your poison.

  3. French girl2:01 AM

    1/ Why is not a kindness blind ?
    2/ Jagger or Bono?

  4. Tricia132:03 AM

    Keith Richards/RS (and his daughter as well)it seems.

  5. Tricia132:03 AM

  6. A list group: The Rolling Stones

    Musician: Mick Jagger or Keith Richards (both are the most A list of the group)

    Anyway...Really, musician? Really? Good luck trying to keep them from coming, because they sure will come anyway.

  7. Huh? The article is saying that his daughter is protesting, right? Why is Enty coming with the father then?

  8. Jonathan Andrew Sheen2:17 AM

    No asylum seekers or refugees were involved in the Paris attacks. If you love your children, teach them that bigotry is wrong. If you hate terrorists like Daesh, don't do their bidding by adding to the mindless, unjustifiable hatred in the West for Muslims.

  9. Snookiemonster2:25 AM

    Mick Jagger

  10. Nevermind.

  11. marlo3:02 AM

    Oh you must have missed how 3 of those involved in the attacks, came into Europe less than 4 months ago, with forged Syrian passports - how convenient for you.

    If only everybody were as non bigoted and peaceful as those Christian/Jew/Sikh and Hindu-loving Muslims. Oh yeah, and Muslims are so peaceful, they can't even live in peace with anybody, including themselves!

  12. Dylan3:03 AM

    I could be wrong, but Mick Jagger is a singer- not a musician in the Rolling Stones?
    Another vote for the 9th wonder of the world- Keith Richards!

  13. marlo3:04 AM

    I live in London and travel regularly to Paris on business, and let me tell you: the people have had enough of this!
    While liberal cretins sit and preach kumbaya, half a globe away, we have to count innocent dead bodies every year.
    It speaks volumes that Muslim countries DO NOT TAKE IN ANY MUSLIM REFUGEES, but force our to: this is an INVASION.

  14. If this topic is so dear to you, why do you know so little about it? Those involved in the Paris attacks were French nationals. When I'm passionate about a topic I usually try to find out more about it, or at the very least, understand the basics. The issue in Paris wasn't the influx of refugees but rather the Schengen rules which allow citizens to travel between selected countries without border control.

  15. Marlo, you straight up don't know what you're talking about. Saudi Arabia and Lebanon between them have taken in nearly 2 million Syrian refugees. I hate poorly educated racists.

  16. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:13 AM

    No, I didn't miss how Daesh sent terrorists under cover. Those are not asylum seekers nor are they refugees.

    You, however, really are a worthless, gutless, anti-American bigot.

  17. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:14 AM

    Is there another kind?

  18. Snarknado.com3:44 AM

    That's quite a flip to the dark side in one hour, JAS. Lunch didn't agree with you?
    Marlo has risked her life saving others from Daesh types in the Middle East. Respect that, if you really believe what you say you believe.

  19. Snarknado.com3:48 AM

    Taking up the fight with you against the armchair pussies on this thread.

  20. TopperMadison3:50 AM

    Thanks for finding this! As per usual, Enty's version is more hysterical than what sounds like is really happening. Keith Richards isn't "financing a campaign". His daughter attended a meeting to find out what the plans are for a local building that is being considered re-purposed to house temporary refugees rather than the students it currently does. Since the village has 150 people in it, and the building will accommodate 200, I can understand why the locals are concerned. If it was my neighborhood, I'd go to the meeting, too. It's really a non-story.

    Some times I hate the interwebs. No wonder everyone hates everyone else these days. Vicious lies spread way too quickly.

    FYI: Keith Richards lives in Connecticut, too.

  21. Snarknado.com3:51 AM

    Give me a link to that. Really. It's the first time I've heard it, and I'd like to confirm it, since you are a hater. From that alone, I doubt your veracity.

  22. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:51 AM

    Marlo is doing Daesh's work for them, spreading her ignorant, bigoted swill. They WANT non-Muslims to hate and fear Muslims. They want Muslims to believe they have nowhere to turn except them. With the trash she's spreading, she's helping Daesh far more than she's ever hindered them.

  23. Snarknado.com3:55 AM

    Enty's antiquated system is sending my comments all over the place.
    Duhh- linky or stinky. You are a hater and I doubt your honesty.
    JAS, take your Pepto Bismol, untwist your panties, and take a nap. I don't doubt you look exactly like your icon.

  24. Snarknado.com3:56 AM

    The issue in Paris was the Schengen rules? Had nothing to do with Islam or Daesh? That's a little precious, princess.

  25. Snarknado.com3:57 AM

    Lots of use of the hate word today.

  26. So because he is not agree with you or Marlo you do not believe him. Wow. You should know better than that.

  27. Snarknado4:02 AM

    You started out talking peace love and understanding. Which is the lie, that, or this?

  28. Snarknado4:04 AM

    Marlo saved lives. You are barking from your doghouse. Who do you think has earned my respect?

  29. You have no idea what I may or not may have done. If you do not know about someone else please do not try to go and judge the person.

  30. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:09 AM

    I didn't start out talking peace, love and understanding. I started out talking about rejecting bigotry and lies. I'm still talking about rejecting bigotry and lies, and I'm calling out lying bigots who happily do Daesh's bidding.

    There's no conflict and no inconsistency, and the only lies are Marlo's -- and yours.

  31. Snarknado4:15 AM

    Why you are allowed access to a computer is a mystery, considering your situation.

  32. Snarknado4:17 AM

    You started the judging on me, telling me I "know better than that". If you don't like getting a slap back, then shut up. If you can take it, then keep it going, granny.

  33. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:18 AM

    And, of course, when you stand revealed as a empty poser, without wit or sanity or point to make, you're reduced to name-calling like a third-grader. I don't mind that you're born to lose, but must you do it so gracelessly?

  34. Snarknado4:19 AM

    No links from Duhh about the millions of refugees taken in by SA and Lebanon. Waiting.

  35. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:19 AM

    Rotherham and the 1400 (fourteen hundred) girls raped by muslims (arrived as refugees), paris and its 130 killed by recently arrived muslims (or sons of refugees) incoming, but do not worry, our facebooks, twitters and all that crap will be filled with jesuiswhatevershitmuslimshavedoneagain and criticism to American gun laws that allow muslims murder people in Europe or buy pressure cookers in order to kill people in Bombston.

  36. it took forever4:21 AM

    @DUHH, you speak so passionately and said so much without really saying nothing at all.In some situations, if you say nothing, you are called dull; if you talk, you are thought impertinent and arrogant. It is hard to know what to do in this case, does that mean i am not allowed to voice my opinion? @DUHH , the day when you willingly send your kids to the middle east to communicate about tolerance and peace, i will listen to everything you say as gospel... until then sit in your life of luxury and enjoy the creature comforts while you call out all bigots.

  37. Snarknado4:21 AM

    Now you're talking to yourself. Take your meds.

  38. Huh? I was not even judging you. Never mind. And yes I can take it.

  39. it took forever4:25 AM

    @KERMIT are you saying feeling sorry for some people means we hate the others and are against them? even curbing gun sales will not stop terrorism, there wasnt a single gun used in 911

  40. Jonathan Andrew Sheen4:28 AM

    You've lost. You lost about five idiotic comments ago. You can't fool anyone into thinking you might still win when the game is over, the victorious team has gone home, and you're running across the goal lie at three am in an empty stadium.

    You lost. Don't make yourself look even stupider into the bargain.

  41. French girl4:41 AM

    Sorry ...I just understood he didn't want some asylum seekers in his town

  42. French girl4:46 AM

    The guys who killed the 130 Parisians were not refugees .They were French or Belgian .They came in Syria to do Jihad then they came back in Belgium .They are as religious as Paris Hilton is virgin .
    2 of the terrorists are drug dealers .

  43. Snarknado4:54 AM

    S: You're five years and three months from going home, unless you win parole.

    L: "This is not a sports site."

    R: "It's a football clinic now?"

    B: ""You're 'running across the goal lie"? Shouldn't that be "even stupideriest?"

    JJ: You made my day. I haven't laughed so much since I saw this video about some broad in a DMV kicking a cop in the nuts.

    Todd: Must really hate the Rolling Stones.

    RR: What a drama Queen.

    T: We're stealing our Shark back and watching the game, numbnuts waster.

  44. it took forever5:01 AM

    @kermit, i guess you will now then tell us who we are to feel sorry for. Is it the media who should tell us? I think we have sense enough to make our own decisions, i cant tell one of those nature loving persons that we need to stop spending all the worlds money on climate change and put it to the fight against terrorism. They also feel their cause is just as significant so who am i to decide which is more important for ALL. YOU HAVE A BRAIN, MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS, BUT DONT PATRONIZE ME BECAUSE OUR VIEW OF WHATS IMPORTANT MAYBE DIFFERENT.

  45. What about those MASSIVE amount of people who have been raped by Catholics and the so-called Christians all over Europe, England and the US? BUT that doesn't mean that EVERY Catholics are like that.

    They were NOT just arrived and all. The so called ring leader of the attack was BORN and raised in Belgium. The others?

    The other two attackers at the concert hall have been named as Samy Amimour, 28, a former bus driver from Drancy, north east of Paris, and Ismail Omar Mostefai, 29, a Frenchman of Algerian descent who lived for a time in Chartres, south west of Paris.

    Brahim Abdeslam, 31, who blew himself up after taking part in the cafe and restaurant killings, was a French citizen too although born and raised in Brussels.

    Bilal Hadfi, 20, one of three suicide bombers who died near the Stade de France, dropped out of school in 2014 to travel to Syria. Another of the attackers, Salah Abdeslam, 26, also a Frenchman although born in Brussels, is still on the run.

  46. JSierra5:57 AM

    This world won't work unless we help each other and work together. To turn our backs on thousands and thousands of innocents for the bat shit insane acts of a handful is wrong, plain and simple. Every refugee the world rejects is another follower the evils stand to gain. What better way to grow support and followers than by saying "See, we told you they would hate you. We'll accept you and you can stand with us against this injustice".

  47. Jonathan Andrew Sheen6:07 AM

    in other words, you're claiming to be in a room full of people as stupid as you are, which makes sense, because, if they're not imaginary -- unlikely -- they'd have to be as stupid as you are to tolerate you.

  48. Molly6:31 AM

    Don't mind Snarknado/ or the many other usernames she has for herself, as she obviously has some kind of mental condition. Not only does she constantly send fake blinds to this site and pretends to be a bunch of different people, but she's a complete bigot as well. Pay no attention to this hateful sick person, as she clearly having another meltdown of some sort.

  49. Snarknado6:42 AM

    So why was your comment "Wow. You should know better than that." offset under my comment? That's not judgey? That's not meant for me?
    Anyway, if you want to take up for Downtown Abby, go right ahead. Just remember the least little thing will set it off with that nut.
    Hugs for future good times together, Me.

  50. Misdismay7:04 AM

    Marlo, you are in a den of liberals. I happen to agree with you. I don't want them in my neighborhood. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a muslim. Stick to your guns. Shortly they are going to see just how wrong they are, of course by then it will be too late.

  51. JSierra7:06 AM

    People have always given JAS a hard time, including myself. I may not always agree with what he says but the dude is always rational and always backs up his words. I've got respect for JAS, he takes a ton of ahit here but is always there the next day, ready to roll.

  52. its Keith Richards actually , his daighter is also campaigning , they live in Sussex

  53. Alison7:14 AM

  54. Molly7:25 AM

    He does sound rational and polite. Don't understand why he continued to reply to the psychotic Snarknado.

  55. What a stupid, ignorant comment by marlo. Muslims ARE very peaceful, I've personally known some. If you don't know the difference between real Muslims and these vicious animals who commit heinous acts under the guise of Islam, you shouldn't even be commenting until you do your homework.

  56. The KKK were muslims?

  57. Alison7:57 AM

    Saudi and the UAE are not accepting migrants. (Saudi leadership is Sunni). Their contribution is to send money to fund massive camps in Jordan.

  58. Let me try to put it this way; It was not meant to be judgey, but mere disappointment. We both know that it is not a good argument to call other people (like Duhh) a liar/hater if it is only because they don't share the same opinion and all. If you know what I mean.

    But nevermind. Let us move on.

  59. Not to mention the Volksfront.

  60. Well aren't you just marinating in a hot bath or moral turpentine

  61. Malibuborebee8:22 AM

    Oh for fuck's sake. Some of you have obviously lost whatever was left of your minds.

    Thank you, JAS, and thanks to the others who are not ignorant bigots posting here. It's nice to see reason, facts and common sense from people. There is far too much baseless hysteria being sold to simpletons who are whipped into a frenzy by phony, opportunistic, right-wing candidates/politicians/muckraking scum and reactionary media propagandists. It's disgusting and un-American. Happily for sensible people, what these fools propose is absolutely unconstitutional. Even Scalia and his lapdog Thomas couldn't and wouldn't sanction it.

    Of course the notorious troll/bigot/stalker/moron Davida Rochelle is chiming in here. I see you upthread there, Saggytits McFreak.

  62. youknowho8:57 AM

    Jonathan is right. No asylum seekers were or are involved in the Events. the kids involved are under 30 children of migrants born in Belgium and France. I advise the new kids on the block like Snarknado to consider carefuly any kind of public statetements that can be considered desinformation and defamatory act.

  63. youknowho9:00 AM

    Trump or London desinformation Marlo?

  64. youknowho9:02 AM

    I was ashamed to read most of your comments.

  65. youknowho9:20 AM

    Holy ignorance. any black people in your area Misdismay or most of them are criminals too? mexican housekeepers accepted in your houses??

  66. Snarknado9:51 AM

    Nah, I like stirring things up. I thrive on it. And Duhh never did send a link, so who is a liar?

  67. Snarknado9:55 AM

    Boys just want to have fun. And you are such a soft target.

  68. Snarknado9:58 AM

    not very un-judgey.

  69. Snarknado10:01 AM

    How old are you, Me? Are you a vampyre?

  70. Snarknado10:21 AM

    Jesus, Malibu, Marlo risked her own life to save a mentally challenged muslim boy who was going to be rigged up as a suicide bomber.

    If you support the raving of the twin posters JAS and Molly, who are the filthiest bile vomiters on this site, you deserve each other. Your ass-kissing will buy you no favors from them.

    Oh, allow me to finish this with your favorite bit of logic and rationality: Fuck off.

  71. Snarknado10:30 AM

    I only post as sbarknado, but I might change my mind, just to up the ante, I've never sent in a blind item, but I might change my mind now that I know I can, and know what would stir things up. Thanks Molly/Jonathan/Ay, you're good for something after all!

  72. Snarknado10:34 AM

    But you didn't stop. That's entertainment!

  73. Snarknado10:50 AM

    Not a new kid. Sorry.
    Not a shrinking violet, not sorry.
    Who am I defaming on this site--a bunch of people with fake names reading and commenting about real celebrities being defamed?
    Court case #123456. youknowwho vs. Sharknado.... Not a chance.

    Love the freudian slip: de-sin-formation.

  74. i admire how you keep fighting the good fight, JAS. But you can't win against stupidity. It doesn't know when to shut up and go home. :)

  75. Snarknado11:44 AM

    Marlo risked her life smuggling a mentally challenged youngster out of the mid-east. He was going to be used as a suicide bomber by his family.
    This is what she was called by Jonathan Andrew Sheen: "You, however, really are a worthless, gutless, anti-American bigot. Marlo is doing Daesh’s work for them, spreading her ignorant, bigoted swill. With the trash she’s spreading, she’s helping Daesh far more than she’s ever hindered them. I’m calling out lying bigots who happily do Daesh’s bidding. the only lies are Marlo’s — and yours.
    From Nope: What a stupid, ignorant comment by marlo.
    From OKay: i admire how you keep fighting the good fight, JAS. But you can’t win against stupidity. It doesn’t know when to shut up and go home
    From Duhh: I hate poorly educated racists.
    From youknowwho: Trump or London desinformation Marlo?
    From Malibuborebee:Thank you, JAS, and thanks to the others who are not ignorant bigots posting here.

  76. Ratoncita12:05 PM

    Word Jonathon. Please don't take forever to wake up 'it took forever'.

  77. Snarknado12:05 PM

    This is what was said to me for defending her:
    From Jonathan Andrew Sheen: you stand revealed as a empty poser, without wit or sanity or point to make, you’re reduced to name-calling like a third-grader. I don’t mind that you’re born to lose, but must you do it so gracelessly? You’ve lost. You lost about five idiotic comments ago. You can’t fool anyone into thinking you might still win when the game is over, the victorious team has gone home, and you’re running across the goal lie at three am in an empty stadium. You lost. Don’t make yourself look even stupider into the bargain. you’re claiming to be in a room full of people as stupid as you are, which makes sense, because, if they’re not imaginary — unlikely — they’d have to be as stupid as you are to tolerate you.
    From Molly: she obviously has some kind of mental condition. Not only does she constantly send fake blinds to this site and pretends to be a bunch of different people, but she’s a complete bigot as well. Pay no attention to this hateful sick person, as she clearly having another meltdown of some sort.
    Kudos to JAS from JSierra.
    Another JAS admirer, Me: So because he is not agree with you or Marlo you do not believe him. Wow. You should know better than that.

  78. Snarknado12:14 PM

    I'm pasting this into each of your bylines so you have to see it in your mailbox.

    I thank you all for the opportunity to play Zingbot!

    Let's do this again soon. Thanks to Molly, though, I may be playing under a different name!

  79. JSierra12:15 PM

    Hold up. So you believe that story but don't believe some people here are only posting under one name? You believe that yarn but can't believe that some people feel differently than you?

    Well let me tell ya. I was on the beaches in Jordan. Greece, France, etc and I personally pulled thousands of refugee children from the waters. Wrestled them away from sharks and republicans with my own bare hands. Than I carried each refugee, one by one, up a mountain to saftey where I then bathed them, vaccinated them, fed them, and gave then amazeballs Tyra Banks makeovers. I know the struggle!

    Dude, its a fake gossip site that 5 people read. I'm ashamed of myself for this response but that's what wine and a boring ep of Atlanta Housewives will do to ya.

  80. Snarknado12:19 PM

    Marlo risked her life smuggling a mentally challenged youngster out of the mid-east. He was going to be used as a suicide bomber by his family.
    This is what she was called by Jonathan Andrew Sheen: “You, however, really are a worthless, gutless, anti-American bigot. Marlo is doing Daesh’s work for them, spreading her ignorant, bigoted swill. With the trash she’s spreading, she’s helping Daesh far more than she’s ever hindered them. I’m calling out lying bigots who happily do Daesh’s bidding. the only lies are Marlo’s — and yours.
    From Nope: What a stupid, ignorant comment by marlo.
    From OKay: i admire how you keep fighting the good fight, JAS. But you can’t win against stupidity. It doesn’t know when to shut up and go home
    From Duhh: I hate poorly educated racists.
    From youknowwho: Trump or London desinformation Marlo?
    From Malibuborebee:Thank you, JAS, and thanks to the others who are not ignorant bigots posting here.

  81. Snarknado12:21 PM

    This is what was said to me for defending her:
    From Jonathan Andrew Sheen: you stand revealed as a empty poser, without wit or sanity or point to make, you’re reduced to name-calling like a third-grader. I don’t mind that you’re born to lose, but must you do it so gracelessly? You’ve lost. You lost about five idiotic comments ago. You can’t fool anyone into thinking you might still win when the game is over, the victorious team has gone home, and you’re running across the goal lie at three am in an empty stadium. You lost. Don’t make yourself look even stupider into the bargain. you’re claiming to be in a room full of people as stupid as you are, which makes sense, because, if they’re not imaginary — unlikely — they’d have to be as stupid as you are to tolerate you.
    From Molly: she obviously has some kind of mental condition. Not only does she constantly send fake blinds to this site and pretends to be a bunch of different people, but she’s a complete bigot as well. Pay no attention to this hateful sick person, as she clearly having another meltdown of some sort.
    Kudos to JAS from JSierra.
    Another JAS admirer, Me: So because he is not agree with you or Marlo you do not believe him. Wow. You should know better than that.

  82. Snarknado12:23 PM

    I’m pasting this into each of your bylines so you have to see it in your mailbox.

    I thank you all for the opportunity to play Zingbot!

    Let’s do this again soon. Thanks to Molly, though, I may be playing under a different name!

  83. It's hilarious that snarknado/it took forever/god knows who else thinks he/she's the smart one. Sorry bud, you look like an idiot, and everyone here knows it. And look at how much shit you talk about muslims while simultaneously mentioning over and over again how Marlo (probably you?) saved a MUSLIM boy from having a bomb strapped to his chest. But wasn't that muslim boy evil, according to you?

    Again, you're making yourself look terrible. Quit while you're ahead.

  84. Snarknado12:25 PM

    Marlo risked her life smuggling a mentally challenged youngster out of the mid-east. He was going to be used as a suicide bomber by his family.
    This is what she was called by Jonathan Andrew Sheen: “You, however, really are a worthless, gutless, anti-American bigot. Marlo is doing Daesh’s work for them, spreading her ignorant, bigoted swill. With the trash she’s spreading, she’s helping Daesh far more than she’s ever hindered them. I’m calling out lying bigots who happily do Daesh’s bidding. the only lies are Marlo’s — and yours.
    From Nope: What a stupid, ignorant comment by marlo.
    From OKay: i admire how you keep fighting the good fight, JAS. But you can’t win against stupidity. It doesn’t know when to shut up and go home
    From Duhh: I hate poorly educated racists.
    From youknowwho: Trump or London desinformation Marlo?
    From Malibuborebee:Thank you, JAS, and thanks to the others who are not ignorant bigots posting here.

  85. Snarknado12:27 PM

    Marlo risked her life smuggling a mentally challenged youngster out of the mid-east. He was going to be used as a suicide bomber by his family.
    This is what she was called by Jonathan Andrew Sheen: “You, however, really are a worthless, gutless, anti-American bigot. Marlo is doing Daesh’s work for them, spreading her ignorant, bigoted swill. With the trash she’s spreading, she’s helping Daesh far more than she’s ever hindered them. I’m calling out lying bigots who happily do Daesh’s bidding. the only lies are Marlo’s — and yours.
    From Nope: What a stupid, ignorant comment by marlo.
    From OKay: i admire how you keep fighting the good fight, JAS. But you can’t win against stupidity. It doesn’t know when to shut up and go home
    From Duhh: I hate poorly educated racists.
    From youknowwho: Trump or London desinformation Marlo?
    From Malibuborebee:Thank you, JAS, and thanks to the others who are not ignorant bigots posting here.

  86. Snarknado12:28 PM

    Argue with this yoda:
    Marlo risked her life smuggling a mentally challenged youngster out of the mid-east. He was going to be used as a suicide bomber by his family.
    This is what she was called by Jonathan Andrew Sheen: “You, however, really are a worthless, gutless, anti-American bigot. Marlo is doing Daesh’s work for them, spreading her ignorant, bigoted swill. With the trash she’s spreading, she’s helping Daesh far more than she’s ever hindered them. I’m calling out lying bigots who happily do Daesh’s bidding. the only lies are Marlo’s — and yours.
    From Nope: What a stupid, ignorant comment by marlo.
    From OKay: i admire how you keep fighting the good fight, JAS. But you can’t win against stupidity. It doesn’t know when to shut up and go home
    From Duhh: I hate poorly educated racists.
    From youknowwho: Trump or London desinformation Marlo?
    From Malibuborebee:Thank you, JAS, and thanks to the others who are not ignorant bigots posting here.

  87. it took forever12:37 PM

    @Wendy you need to take several seats my dear. no one called muslims evil, no one but YOU.

  88. it took forever12:42 PM

    and you with your "sensible" rant running up in this post AS IF YOU ARE THE SMART ONE, calling people names yet adding zero sense to the argument, YOU MY LOVE NEED TO SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND MOVE ALONG

  89. Snarknado12:46 PM

    As for looking terrible, who cares? They don't. I don't. It's playground fun.
    As for your accusations that I'm Marlo and the mentally challenged boy was evil, who looks good there--you? Go back and isolate my posts in this thread and try to find even one where I accused muslims of being evil. Wendy, you are over-excited about this and jumping in like a puppy, but remember, God knows how to read.

  90. Snarknado12:47 PM


  91. it took forever12:48 PM

    @wendy, it would be good if you put your money where your mouth is and actually help the refugees, someone as smart as you are must know you can send money to help at the camps, and that there are local muslim groups that you can donate to that will aid the refugees, tired of persons like you talking the big talk all the time and yet not doing shit. ...give generously WENDY

  92. it took forever12:50 PM

    hope you are smart enough to know that MY RANT above is for you WENDY

  93. Snarknado12:53 PM

    Let's put a fork in this dear and call it done! You know what's really funny about all these monkeys throwing poo at me-- I live in a muslim neighborhood. Ha! So ironic that it all gets heaped on me!!!

    You started it, I ended it: Perfect!

  94. Snarknado12:54 PM

    W's not very smart. She posted a picture on here and forgot all about google image.

  95. Why do you continue to post this over and over?

  96. marlo2:32 PM

    Thank you, Snarkado.
    How kind of you.

    I believe the delusional do-gooders will never get it however.
    It's amazing how how all of the world's problems should rest on the shoulders of us nasty bigots and racists, and not be re-distributed amongst a people who have been slaughtering their own for 1400 years.

  97. marlo2:34 PM

    Yes, incredible how kind and peaceful these peace-loving lefties come across...

    Nevermind Snark, the tide is turning.
    Here in Europe the left is on its' last legs, they have destroyed a once great Europe, and are in the clutches of Eurabia. Meanwhile we should shut up, right?

    Because truth is hate for those who hate the truth.

  98. marlo2:38 PM

    More BS.

  99. marlo2:39 PM

    Hey, what's a little mass child rape, against being called waycist by the hysterical pro-pedophile do-gooders, ey?

  100. marlo2:41 PM

    Thank you Misdismay, none if these fools will change my mind, because I have seen what the peaceful Muslims are capable of.
    I know. They are so peaceful, especially towards their own...

  101. marlo2:54 PM

    When I was an art student in Israel, I hid a mentally challenged teenage kid in my car booth, while pretending to be on a BS-support-the-poor-Palestinians tour in Gaza, with another 2 students.
    I would not do it again today in 1 million years!
    Only because today Gaza is in Palestinian hand, and it's so much more dangerous, than it ever was. Ask Egypt!

    It was dangerous and foolish, but I think i did the right thing.
    The boy (Marwan) was going to be used as a suicide bomber BY HIS OWN BROTHER, who was in Hamas. He would have happily sacrificed his kid brother, to kill Israelis. I was working with an IDF operator at the time who was facilitating all of this.
    He had approached me when the distraught aunt (an Arab Israeli) living in Israel, had begged him for help, through Marwan's mother.
    Nobody but the mother in Gaza, and his relatives in Israel knew, because otherwise, the brother would have killed his own MOTHER!

    This is not about bigotry or racism, you simple-minded fools, it's about a mentality of death.
    Death is celebrated and applauded, within Islam.
    The examples of this are plentiful, nobody shows Islam's true colours, more than Muslims do themselves, every single day, in their own countries, under their own laws, amongst their own people!

    Churchill said 'An Appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it'll eat him last'.
    Well, he's still gonna fucking eat you, you dumb turd, isn't he?

    Churchill also said 'whoever isn't a liberal under the age of 25, has no heart. Whoever isn't a conservative over the age of 25, has no brain'

    Maybe you have heard of Churchill? He was a great a respected leader. Hussein Obama removed his bust from Oval Office. It's clear Chruchill was right.

  102. marlo2:57 PM

    Hey French girl, you forgot to add 'it had nothing to do with islam' and 'islam is the religion of peace'

    there you go, now you're a complete cliché'

  103. 1D luv Harry1:39 AM

    What did I...where am... What is this.... I came here to read fake gossip there aren't even any moleststion blinds instead there's this shit when you're supposed to be making fun of the gossip subjects not each other go fight with your families not fake Internet people who are probably all the same person. Dummies. Go decorate your fucking Christmas tree and wrap presents, step away look what this shit is doing to you how many hours did you waste here with invisible beings while ignoring the real world around you

  104. youknowho1:55 AM

    was a good subject. many of us are real. and its quite good to watch people debating on issues that don t concern bimbos and cocaine. so from this point of view, I would say well done for a mental exercise on pride and prejudice.

  105. youknowho2:13 AM

    Here you go. meaningless phrases that don t describe any certainty or phisical act. a pseudo historical philosophical speech . no form and no sense. I give you a D.

  106. youknowho2:17 AM

    You can be conservative without being a radical as long as the facts can sustain a platform. its called rethorics. D in class again Marlo

  107. Wendy4:42 AM

    Then go comment on this site is bimbos and cocaine!

  108. CindyC5:19 AM

    oh my God, shut the fuck up!!!!

  109. Christine!5:23 AM

    I have lots of empathy- but keep the Muslims and the Terrorists they refuse to stand up to out of this Country. Until they come up with a way to only kill themselves- keep them where they can only kill themselves.

  110. JSierra is an bitch

  111. Gools fold10:21 AM

    Wendys what she said about evil nuslim boy got sent to CAIR.

  112. Snarknado10:26 AM

    I thought you were one of the good ones youknowwho. For a time, anyway. So glad I won't be dealing with this anymore from this side of the fence.

  113. Snarknado10:31 AM

    Because it irritates the piss out of people.

  114. Snarknado11:43 AM

    Dude, I've been with CDAN before VIP was blonde, before Derek, before Count Jerkula dumped his original AKA and became the magnificent Count.
    That's why it rolls right on by me. There will always be another dust-up coming down the pike, another story told. Sometimes I'm in it, sometimes I win it. and sometimes I'm out of Drambuie and forgot the Housewives were on.
    Keep your powder dry Sierra and quit depriving my sharks of their din-din!

  115. Snarknado11:47 AM

    Thank you Marlo. You'll always have unexpected luck in your life because you did the unexpected.

  116. Bubbles1:35 PM

    And Paris became a country when exactly?



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