Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blind Item #2

There is a little battle between two Teen Moms. One of them has been trying to hook up for forever with a certain producer and has always been shot down while this other Teen Mom frequently hooks up with the producer which is why she can basically do whatever she wants.


  1. Tricia1310:46 PM

    Farrah and Janelle

  2. Snookiemonster10:46 PM

    ? And Janelle

  3. sandybrook10:46 PM

    Farrah and Janelle

  4. Tricia1310:47 PM

    I reckon Farrah is the one who hooks up:)

  5. Is it about this? http://www.inquisitr.com/2635212/teen-mom-farrah-abraham-co-stars-want-her-fired-after-she-assaults-producer/

  6. back again2:04 AM

    @ Me, you're another one on here who's sooo frickin' on the ball with finding articles related &/or evidencing the BI all the time..thanks for that!

  7. Wendy6:23 AM

    Farrah and Leah.

    Farrah was on the MTV preview saying the show was shit and she was going to quit, and Leah tweeted out #teamLarry (the producer) and talked about how great he is.

    Suck up so she can suck dick obviously.

  8. lila fowler10:32 AM

    If it's the Larry guy that Farrah freaks out on that's pretty gross. He is married with kids and was present at all of the Teen Moms' kids' births. He seemed like an uncle figure or something on the last season of OG.

  9. Murphy10:43 PM

    While both of these women are horrible human beings and physically disgusting-I am actually surprised that this producer would hook up with Jenelle but not Farrah.

  10. Murphy10:44 PM

    And yes its definitely Jenelle, she gets away with more than Leah does.

  11. Murphy10:47 PM

    Also Jenelle has been getting all those ridiculous appearances in New York, I'm sure that is absolutely infuriating to Farrah. Its not like Farrah wants the guy for his physical services. Just his industry abilities. (not that he cares either way)
