Sunday, December 27, 2015

Blind Item #1

This A- list celebrity takes his mutual ties with an also ran Presidential contender very seriously. Instead of donating cash though, our celebrity donates the personal services of others.


  1. sandybrook10:34 PM

    Mike Huckabee and some loser at Fox News? Like Hannity or O'Reilly?

  2. Snookiemonster10:35 PM

    Trump and Tom Brady? Not understanding the wording of blind item.

  3. Donates the personal services of others? Huh?

  4. sandybrook10:40 PM

    also-ran means he's behind and the celebrity supplies the guy with fun times people for fun times private visits.

  5. He/she supplies him with hookers?

  6. sandybrook10:45 PM

    probably hookers or just loose women s/he knows

  7. careless diamond1:49 AM

    Mike Huckabee is a garbage can with a mouth

  8. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob4:44 AM

    Some liberal junkie from Hollyweird donating young hollyweirdian chicks to the cuckold who is a former FLOTUS or to the satyr she is still married to?

  9. SnarkIsFun7:20 AM

    Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore?

  10. sandybrook7:42 AM

    I'm changing my answer to that Duggar sex pervert and Huckabee the former governor of Arkansas, and vocal supporter and supportee of the Duggar family.

  11. nasty baby8:58 AM


    better than the little boys the republican party passes around........

  12. Malibuborebee1:48 PM

    Aww, pauvre petit Kermit, I see that you haven't recovered from your Clinton Derangement Syndrome after all these years.

    As usual, it has clouded your judgment. This item is about an "also-ran presidential contender" meaning a presidential candidate who ran and lost. We elected Bill Clinton president twice, dear (and we're going to elect his wife in 2016).

  13. Unemployable1:58 PM

    This just in from AP wire: Trump lights own fart at rally. Poll numbers remain unaffected. Rest of NFL pledges support.

  14. I think the key term is "mutual ties".

  15. numoon36:59 AM

    I think this is Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Jeffrey Epstein.

  16. numoon37:01 AM

    Crazy formatting!? I think this is the Clintons, Prince Andrew, and Jeffrey Epstein and the sex with minors scandal

  17. numoon37:08 AM

    may actually be more about Trump & Clinton.

  18. ellie1:32 AM

    I agree with everything until your last sentence. I'll vote for hillary over whoever the republican candidate is, but Bernie Sanders is who we need right now. We've had too many people who put the health of big banking over the health of citizens. Sanders walks to work, flies coach, and doesn't give a fuck what people have to say about his hair (which still looks less ridiculous than Trump's lol). When Black Lives Matter activists showed up to disrupt a speech Sanders was giving, people in the crowd were yelling and telling them to go away. Sanders allowed them to take the microphone and say their message. The BLM people came in, ready to explode and then were like "oh..okay. someone's letting us get our message out." Even Obama didn't handle them that way. IDK, he seems like a genuine guy who doesn't buy into political games. Feel the Bern 2016!!
