Thursday, December 24, 2015

Blind Item #14

I didn't think anyone could get worse than Kneepads, but this very successful blogger with multiple sites not named after a coke for butt sex celebrity got invited to a Kardashian Christmas party and has been writing four or five stories a day about how wonderful they all are. It's vomit inducing.


  1. Elle B3:49 AM

    perez hilton

  2. Just Jared

  3. recked6:25 AM

    Just Jared

    I noticed....Just Jared has become worse than Kneepads IMO....its such a mouthpiece they don't even try to hide it anymore. Probably 5 Kardashian postings EVERYDAY. Pitiful, but insightful :) (in a way it hopes it is not).

  4. magnolia belle7:47 AM

    Bonnie Fuller of Hollywood Life. Her entire site is devoted to the Karkrashians, their make-up, hair products, friends, clothes, pets, name it. If your last name is Kardashian, you're in! I find her and her site vomit inducing.

  5. Unemployable9:10 AM

    "NOT named after a coke for butt sex celebrity."
    It took me a second to piece that one together, too, Elle B, but I think Enty is talking about Paris Hilton, there. Apparently she trades butt sex for coke. Which explains why she is rarely pictured sitting down.

  6. Scrooge1:32 PM

    Pop Sugar for site like coke
    Paris trades coke for but sex??

  7. Wendy1:51 PM

    I thought Hollywood Life just made up shit?I stopped reading a lot time ago because they were just posting bogus stories.

  8. Yeah. They only thing that they can do are making up stories to get hits and followers.

  9. Wait, a site notorious for making stuff up and pretending that Robert Downey, Jr. comments and dishes gossip is throwing shade at the ethics of another site? That's quite rich.

  10. This is one of the few sites that doesn't inexplicably kiss the Kartrashians inflated weird butts. Don't rock the boat please. ????

  11. Julie7:16 AM

    LOL !! omg i can't stop laughing.. it's perez hilton of course... i can't STAND him!
