Monday, December 21, 2015

Blind Item #11

This actress celebrity offspring who has made a name on her own almost as great as her parental unit discovered Adderall a few months ago when she was trying to lose some weight for a big life event. She has not stopped though and size zero clothes on her are falling off. Someone needs to say something.


  1. Tricia133:35 AM

    Kate Hudson...?
    Never gonna be close to Goldie in any way dude..,Dakota maybe...

  2. Kate Hudson

  3. Hi Tricia!
    Didn't see yours when I posted. Sorry.

  4. sandybrook3:36 AM

    Melanie Griffith

  5. AtlLady3:42 AM

    Allison Williams (actress), daughter of Brian Williams (celebrity), wanted to drop some pounds for a life event (her summer wedding), played Peter Pan so had a slim figure to begin with.

  6. Tricia133:51 AM

    Hey@Cobe! All good:) wonder if we are right? She looked thinner in pix from some event recently- was it in London maybe? She's everywhere like crabgrass so could've been anywhere lol. But thinner...

  7. Lainey posted a blind on Kate Hudson. If Enty's blind is also about her, then she's taken to Adderall and plastic surgery:

  8. MontanaMarriott4:00 AM

    Hmmm Liv Tyler trying to lose the pregnancy weight maybe?

  9. lila fowler4:43 AM

    Could also be for her wedding. That's the "life event."

  10. hollah5:02 AM

    Kate H prob is not correct answer to that lainey riddle. Beyonce, however, could be as Lainey has noted her absence from social media AND she has some workout line out, or coming out soon....

  11. Kno Won Uno12:05 PM

    I tried adderall for weight loss for a little while (you don't know my life, OK?! ;-) but I lost no weight (no decreased appetite), had insane migraines and wanted to murder at least 90% of the people that crossed my path. Screw that. I bought Spanx.
