Annual MV Clue
It is that time of the year again. Revisiting MV. I think next year for the 10th anniversary of the site, on Black Friday it will be time to reveal this one. Back then, it was a big deal. Now, times have changed. So, consider this, your final clue.
November 21, 2006
Let me preface this post, by saying that if this story ever comes out, it would blow the music world up and shake it to its core..This would put the Milli Vanilli scandal and Ashlee Simpson SNL situation so far down the ladder it would be crazy..Towards the end of last year I had a woman come into my office and she began to explain what she had done and had been doing for several years and it was one of the very few times that I just could not believe what I was hearing..I know the music industry inside and out, and I had never heard of something so extensive and pervasive as this..This woman (S) came into my office because the payments she had been receiving had stopped and she wanted to either get the money that was owed to her, or expose what she had been doing to the light of day..
S is a sessions/studio/backup singer and is very good..Prior to her involvement in what I am going to describe, she made a very good living singing on commercials and being a backup singer for groups and othe

In late 2000, a man came to her one day and said he needed someone to record some demos because he had written a lot of songs, but wanted a demo to shop the songs to singers and record labels..This is not unusual at all and she had done this type of work before and it paid pretty well so she agreed. What was unusual about her recording of the demos was how much work was put into the actual recordings..It was extensive..Generally there is not much time put into the recordings because you never really know if the song will even sell, and the money spent on recording could be put to better uses..These demos she was recording were actually being treated as if they were going to be released on a CD or to radio..They even did some mixing which was REALLY unusual..
After a few weeks she had recorded about over a dozen songs and she went on her way and was really oblivious to anything else pertaining to it, UNTIL several months later she was in her car and heard her voice coming from the radio, only it was another singer being given credit..(We will call this other singer MV for Milli Vanilli) She could not believe what she was hearing and did not know whether to be excited to hear herself on the radio, confused about the credit given to another singer or just pissed off for the same reasons..
What she did do, was to call the man who had originally come to her and had her record the songs..The man agreed to meet her and gave her a substantial sum of money and promised to keep giving her money every month as long as she kept her mouth shut. MV was taking off..(MV has/had several Top 40 songs and CD's. They could have gone to #1 or languished in the 30's..I really cannot go into much more detail or else it would be too easy to discover) MV was everywhere..on television, radio, awards shows, commercials..EVERYWHERE..meanwhile, S continued to get money every month and kept her little secret to herself..The guy who picked S was VERY lucky..Most singers would have caused a fuss, but S has always been in the background and was resigned to the fact she always would be, and was very happy just taking the $$, and did not want that to stop..
About 9 months go by and S is called by the guy because MV is going on tour and they want S to record some extra mixes and such for the tour..She agrees and does not really do much, but money is money..
Fast forward another year or so and S stops receiving money and after a few months

S agrees and records another CD worth of songs which is released several months later and does even better than the first CD. This same process is repeated (I am not going to tell you the number of CD's because again you may be able to deduce and so I will just say the process repeated itself several times)
Well everything goes well for the most part for all these years and then no more payments, and no more calls and she cannot even locate our mystery man..S has not received a payment in six months when she came into my office and related this story..She did not even know the guy's name, but when she described him, I knew who he was and was even more floored than I had been previously..This was just something I had really not heard before..
I had heard of really altering voices in the recording studios and bringing in hired hands for one song or a large portion of a song, but never CD after CD and even doing extra work so a live performance would not sound staged..I told her I needed some time to check into her story and then we could proceed..It took two calls before I got the guy on the phone and he was pissed, scared, angry, thr

I actually think the record company to this day has no idea what went on as the Guy was very good at what he does/did and knew how to make sure the record company was always happy..He stayed under budget, toured, made MV available, and made the record company money..
So a meeting was arranged in my office and S and MV finally met face to face..they had never done so, even though it was S who made MV a star..MV was rude to say the least when she saw what S looked like and it really upset me although S being her normal classy self could have cared less..
What we agreed to do that day was to provide S with one lump sum rather than a monthly income which was easier for Guy to pull off and S also agreed to never disclose her role in this drama and MV was on her own for future recordings and tours..
This involved literally millions of CD's and hundreds of concerts all over the world..The one thing I did get out of this beside my fee of course is a Gold Record autographed by S and by MV..I know it is the only one in the world..
The CLUE - She has received two Golden Raspberry Awards
Britney has won two
Madonna has won 2 Razzies.
ReplyDeleteShe has won 4 two for actress and two for supporting
JLo wins and is unmasked
I missed one?
ReplyDeletethat would be Britney but I thought it had been declared JLo
ReplyDeleteBritney won one for worst actress and one for worst original song.
ReplyDelete2002 Crossroads -tied with Madonna
ReplyDelete2004 Fahrenheit
I think this is Britney.
ReplyDeleteI swear this has to be JLo. In my mind, it's her.
ReplyDeleteWait...there's also one for worst supporting actress...maybe she has 3? Or the song one isn't hers because she didn't write it?
ReplyDeleteSorry BritBrit has 2 also JLo may have 3
ReplyDeleteBritney Spears for the win. Razzies in 2002 (Crossroads) and 2004 (Fahrenheit 9/11).
ReplyDeleteParis Hilton won two razzies in the same year - actress & supporting actress. That's amusing. She has a ton of them.
ReplyDeleteRihanna also has a razzie.
I'm just digging around, looking at stuff.
In 2006 Enty wrote that if this ever came out it "would blow the music world up and shake it to its core." Today it would barely make a ripple.
ReplyDeleteIve always thought it's Britney JLo sings live.
ReplyDeleteIt's always been down to BS and JLo. However Enty has previously alluded that this was JLo so not sure about this misleading clue unless Enty miscounted JLo's noms for actual wins. But then again this is the same person that named Melanie Griffith an Oscar WINNER (she was a nominee NOT a winner) in previous BI's.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures Enty chose look like J Lo if that matters.
ReplyDeleteI think the being rude when she saw "S's" appearance is more Jlo
ReplyDeleteAlthough Condoleezza Rice was robbed in 2004. J/k - I didn't see Fahrenheit 9/11.
just a question-- if Enty's the attorney for S & there's a paid in full non-disclosure element to this agreement made between S & MV in Enty's office & since there's always the attorney/client confidentiality presumption why would Enty be disclosing this at all next year?
ReplyDeleteJLo won two razzies in 2004 - it's on IMDb
ReplyDeleteBritney sang when she was on Mickey Mouse Club. JLo's music career came out of nowhere; she was known for being a dancer.
ReplyDeleteIt's JLo.
I so wanted this to be Beyoncé.
ReplyDeleteThe clues:
ReplyDeleteTo borrow a phrase from Ted C, MV ain’t: Mandy Moore, Pink, Norah Jones, Beyonce
MV has at least one child.
MV has been separated (real separation and not just kicking the guy out for a couple of days) and/or divorced at least once.
MV was born in the United States.
Either our singer or someone she has been married to has had a nickname or a hyphenation in their nickname.
MV's name contains 13 letters.
Any others?
How is enty getting past the privacy stuff? Surely his knowledge falls under attorney/client priviledge or a non-disclosure agreement or something.
ReplyDeleteNever let it be said she isn't accomplished:)!
ReplyDeleteI still feel awful for Milli Vanilli.
ReplyDeleteThe only one who "...would blow the music world up and shake it to its core.." in 2015/16 is Adele and this is absolutely not her.
What's the status of Brit's Vegas deal?
"Either our singer or someone she has been married to has had a nickname or a hyphenation in their nickname" KFed?
ReplyDeletesorry to repeat your post, back again.
ReplyDeleteWhoever it is - for the record, I don't believe Britney or JLo can sing.
ReplyDeleteI thought JLO because she is A list Everything in her mind. But let me think this through.
ReplyDeleteRumors persisted that Madonna had auto tuned for her voice in the 80s...I always that Robyn sounded a lot like Brit Brit but I don't think Britney would be a shit to her ghost voice..JLO wouldn't topple the music industry if revealed IMHO.
This started in the 2000' then Brit, JLO and Madonna were thoroughly established. This was when Katy Perry was trying to get I'm thinking younger now.
Both Madonna and Brit were nominated for worst song in 2002 with Brit winning.
Didn't Brit have her meltdown in the mid 2000's? Britney's voice is distinctive and pretty consistent but Madonna voice not quite so. I'm going with Madonna.
It's even more Madonna, though.
ReplyDeleteI think Madonna's speaking voice sounds exactly like her singing voice, though.
I'm thinking one of the players is going to die - has a terminal diagnosis or something. Maybe one of the attorneys involved or maybe even S.
ReplyDeleteTerminal diagnoses can surprise you, though.
Britney actually has 3, 1 for actress, 1 for supporting actress, and 1 for song, or are we not counting the song?
ReplyDeleteI dinged myself for overuse of 'though', though.
ReplyDeleteSorry Dena, didn't see that you already mentioned that.
ReplyDeleteEnty has his own number and letter classifications, I think.
ReplyDeleteBut I think that makes 3, so I'm wrong - assuming Enty is correct, which is a huge leap of faith.
Does Rihanna have only 1?
I have a feeling this is about Britney Spears and Myah Marie. She's done background vocals on Britneys songs because (with editing) she has a very similar voice and someone started a rumor a while ago that she was actually the one singing her songs. This is a lie though because you can find videos of Britney singing acapella on Youtube and, while she's not Mariah Carey, it's clearly her voice in those songs. If this is them, disappointing. Listen to Myah's song "feet on the ground." With a little editing her voice sounds just like Britneys.
ReplyDeleteI've always believed this is Britney Spears. JLo's voice isn't good enough to have anyone else take credit for it. Madonna's voice has sounded the same since she first emerged in the early 80s.
ReplyDeleteYou need to have a frickin party - to which we are all invited - to do this reveal. Early December 2016? It's on my calendar.
In lieu of an invitation, it's rumored that some commentors are prepared to surround your domicile.
Naturally, I cannot reveal who started the rumor or which commentors are involved. I signed something.
Can't be JLO. She released On the 6 in May of 1999. Unless his dates are wrong.
ReplyDeleteNo, she actually won 9! Including one for Worst Actress of the Centenary. I shit you not, check out her IMDb. She was nominated 17 times. LOL!
ReplyDeleteMadonna won I think 4 worst actress razzies and 1 for worst song.
ReplyDeleteDear dear! Maybe Enty meant she has won 2+7 Razzies ? Lol. Nah- I didn't follow the mv story much, I know Brit is popular guess, but I said Madonna because it would- astonishing.
ReplyDeleteI Google myah marie because of youand star magazine 3/4/2013 said myah's father was saying myah sang all the tracks for album and concerts.
ReplyDeleteAs much as it breaks my heart to accuse a fellow Southerner, my cheetos are on Britney. JLo's singing voice just sounds so much like her speaking voice. And while Britney could sing when she was young, voices and range can change during puberty---yes, even for females. I sang all throughout my school years and I lost two and a half octaves from age 10 to 20. Totally sucked, btw. And when listening to all Britney's stuff for the past 8 or so years, she's *heavily* supported with extra vocals. Yeah. Sorry, Brit Brit. You're still awfully pretty.
ReplyDeleteThe answer might be easier if someone could determine who was the "mystery man" that arranged MV at that time. It appears to be someone that "Enty" knew, and was possibly a big name in the music business. Anyone know who managed/produced JLo or Brittney then?
ReplyDeleteI think you win:
ReplyDelete"The scandal gained traction when Marie’s own father came forward and claimed Brit-wasn’t-really-Brit on half of her last album ‘Femme Fatale’ . Marie disputed this publicly, and somehow, despite what should have been a Milli Vanilli sized scandal – Britney emerged on the other side without any statement from her label or management. Marie went on to become a featured background vocalist on Britney Jean where she also co-wrote the track Body Ache. Under rug swept, it would seem. "
Jlo with rodney jerkind the producer being s and investments like yje now shutteted madres redtaurant and sweatface clothing line
ReplyDeleteIt is J LO and the manager is Benny Medina. They had a falling out so that is where the money problems fit in. He is managing her again. You can also search for live J LO recordings and she is just an awful singer. All of the clues over the years fit.
ReplyDeleteHey, is it a coincidence that today is Britney Spears' birthday?
ReplyDeleteThe timeline fits for Benny Medina/JLo: (Wikipedia) Medina is best known for managing actress/singer/dancer Jennifer Lopez. Along with Lopez and then-head of Sony Music, Tommy Mottola, Medina launched Lopez's pop music career in 1999, after which he and Lopez worked intensively together building a dominant film, music, fragrance and clothing empire. In 2003, at the height of her popularity, Lopez and Medina had a public falling out, and split. They remained in contact with each other, and unofficially reunited during late 2007. As of 2008, Medina officially resumed his role as Lopez's manager,and is also a godparent to her twin children.
ReplyDeleteBut Brithey's manager has a similar timeline -- and was an entertainment lawyer! (Wikipedia, again): Larry Rudolph (born July 24, 1963) is an American talent manager and former entertainment lawyer. He is best known as the manager of Britney Spears from 1998 to 2004, briefly in 2006 to 2007 and from 2008 to present.
ReplyDeleteBritney has 3 if you include hers for Worst Song (But IDK if the 'award' went to the writers of the song and not Britney). A hair-split Enty is counting on. lol.
ReplyDeleteJLo has 2. One for Worth Actress, one for Worst Screen Combo w/ Affleck.
Britney has three if the one for Worst Song counts. IF those don't go to the songwriters instead of her.
ReplyDeleteJLo has two, one for Worst Actress & Worst Screen Combo w/ Affleck.
Britney's birthday today. Another clue? JLO sings like her voice. Why would they pay for that? Autotuned, but still sounds like her.
ReplyDeleteBritney has 3 if you count the one for Worst Song. Maybe it went to the songwriters, IDK.
ReplyDeleteJLo definitely has 2. One for Worst Actress, one for Worst Screen Combo w/ Affleck.
Why won't my comments show up? Are they moderated? I may have repeated myself, not used to the new site.
ReplyDeleteBritney and Sia - this is a no brainer and I guarantee it won't show up in the comments!
ReplyDeleteI thought S did die, didn't she? Or did I make that up?
ReplyDeleteLOL---I guess we're moderated now. SEE HOW MANY TIMES I TRIED TO COMMENT, GUYS???
So sorry, all. And hello to any old friends out there!
I'm in!!
ReplyDeleteIt's J-Lo if you listen to On the 6 and J.Lo (released early 2001) those albums sound like two different people, she also has 2 razzies and Britney has 3.
ReplyDeleteagreed, this is Britney Spears (MV) and Sia (S)
ReplyDeletearent Britney and Sia are both bipolar? its too bad cause if they had connected on that level maybe
britney wouldnt have had a shaving head, umbrella smacking breakdown in front of 100 cameras
One of my neighbors works at Planet Hollywood and has said it is well known among ALL employees there that Britney lip syncs to a supposed 'back up' sound track.
ReplyDeleteThe employee said her singing performance always sounds the same; and the bosses were surprised at this information when they first learned this.
It is the same as when Johnny Carson insisted for performers appearing on his 'Tonight Show.'
She deserved that and more for the abomination that was 'The Next Best Thing.' I am still traumatized by the complete shittiness of that movie.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone mentioned that JLo's character in Maid in Manhattan is named Marisa Ventura - MV? Myah Marie is 26, does that match the timeline? I loved on the 6, maybe that's not part of the timeline, and it commences with her second album as Lysse suggests. Maybe Britney has done similar stuff, but this item is actually about JLo?
ReplyDeleteOkay, I vote JLo because Britney seems too nice to be so rude about someone's appearance but also because she got her start because she could sing J Lo got her start because she was a dancer. Most of all, in the early blog days Enty had mad love for Britney and said he would say anything bad about her. That being said, I thought I remembered a couple years ago him revealing a blind about her having a serious illness so who knows. If he was not going to say anything bad, he shouldn't have revealed that. Then again please take my comment with a grain of salt. I was a daily reader for years in the early days but haven't kept up since the new blog format. I could be mixed up with my details. Enty posted this today is to be misleading toward Britney for the surprise it's JLo reveal next year.
ReplyDeleteIn case my first comment never goes through - cosign Lysse's theory, JLo was Marisa Ventura, MV in Maid in Manhattan
ReplyDeleteWasn't JLo's new York based? At least in the beginning. I wondered for years whether enty was blackmailing someone. Maybe the money stops next year, no money no deal. Britney would be more damaged by the reveal. Don't think anyone thought she would still be in demand ten years ago.
ReplyDeleteOK, was Topper.
ReplyDeleteIt's Britney. If enty has been releasing clues every December 2nd. That's her birthday
ReplyDeleteThank you for the LOL
ReplyDeleteIt's Britney, bitch!
ReplyDelete(fixed that for you ;-)
Here are all the clues through the years. Hope it helps. It's down to Brit Brit or JLo. I personally think it's Brit Brit. JLo's speaking voice sounds too much like her singing voice. I could be wrong though.
ReplyDelete1. Combined, the first and last name equals 13 letters.
2. Either our singer or someone she has been married to has had a nickname or a hyphenation in their nickname.
3. MV was born in the United States.
4. MV has been separated (real separation and not just kicking the guy out for a couple of days) and/or divorced at least once.
5. MV has at least one child.
6. MV ain’t Mandy Moore, Pink, Norah Jones, Beyonce.
7. MV has/had several Top 40 songs and CD’s. They could have gone to #1 or languished in the 30’s
8. MV has been or is currently married.
9. Someone who knows MV, but does not know about the S situation told me this morning that MV was contemplating an in depth interview to address some issues in her personal and professional life. Could this be one of the issues?
10. Original MV story, in which we learn that S. is a backup singer who was tricked into recording all of the albums, “live” concerts, etc. for MV, who has sold millions of albums and sold out tours. (MV- Milli Vanilli)
11. She has been on a very popular CBS sitcom.
12. She has been on Saturday Night Live more than once.
13. She has received two Golden Rasberry Awards (assuming that she won, wasn’t just nominated)
Another vote for JLo
ReplyDeleteAnd to clarify, both Brit Brit and JLo use other people's vocals especially on more recent stuff
However, I do not believe Brit Brit would ever be rude to the person who sings for her - she is a nice girl
JLo on the other hand is horrible
And for those who guessed Madonna - you must be on crack. Madonna has actual talent and is a control freak. Like she would ever allow someone else to sing for her - not in a million years
Barbara Streisand or Olivia Newton John?
ReplyDeleteI'm confused by this whole Blind. I've been reading this blind for years, and it keeps changing. S is supposed to have passed away. MV actually ended up visiting her in the hospital as S was dying. She passed on, so no other records could ever be recorded ever again. At the time, Enty has mentioned only 5 albums were released...and no other could be released, since S passed on. Brit Brit has 8 albums out now.
ReplyDeleteI believe very much this is Jennifer Lopez. Remember, the hired singer is to mimic JLo's voice as much as possible while making is sound better. JLo's second album was that remix one i believe. Listen to the remix version of Im Real. Especially the chorus. Not JLO
ReplyDeleteCould very well be Britney.. although wouldn't be surprising if "S" is Sia, considering they collaborated on the song "Perfume" together.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, very interesting that today is Britney Spears' birthday!
Hey! I didn't post here often and can't remember my alter ego, so I'll just use this for now.
ReplyDeleteFor those who don't know, there used to be a "Britney diss song" (done to "Piece of me" sung by no other than Myah Marie.
Link to article here:
For those who don't want to be bothered, the lyrics are below:
I was miss preteen wet dream
When i was 17
I lip sanch
and Pretended to sing
Got breast implants
And a wedding ring
Then i flashed all my privates
they put pictures in the magazines
Don’t take the kids from me
Don’t take the kids from me
I started hittin the bottle
Lost all the titles of role model
Hitched in vegas
Forgot it
Did all the things that i wanted
And with a kid in the car dont need a seatbelt
Or protection
Don’t take the kids from me
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses lifestyles of the hicks and trailers
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses oh my god that hair she shaved it
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses now i have a double chin
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses don’t we miss when she was thin
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses don’t take the kids from me
Try then pissin me off
I’ll take an umbrella to your car
Just try flippin me off
And now were gonna make a scene
And i wont show up to court
Now are you sure u’ll take the kids from me
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses most likely to walk around naked in the shoppin mall
Doesn’t matter cuz i’ll do a line or two to forget it all
No wonder theres panic in the industry i mean please
Don’t take the kids from me
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses lifestyles of the hicks and trailers
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses oh my god that hair she shaved it
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses now i have a double chin
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses don’t we miss when she was thin
Don’t take the kids from me
I’m misses preteen wet dream
When i was seventeen
It matters when i walk with barefeet
And leave my kids with whomevers free
Aren’t they sick of the pictures of my privates in the magazines.
There was a link to a video but the video had been removed for copyright infringement
Larry Rudolph had heart surgery this summer. Has had a heart condition for years.
ReplyDeleteSo in late 2000, when S was approached, Britney had already been touring for Baby One More Time and Oops! I Did it Again.
ReplyDeleteMadonna did not have a tour from '93 Girle Show until mid '01 Drowned World and was married to Guy Ritchie during the timeline of S. The man who started this whole thing is referred to as Guy, not guy, which may be a big hint. She is notoriously meticulous about finances, so the fact that the man couldn't figure a way to pay S makes sense here. Tempting, but nope.
I still totally believe this to be JLo, even if it wouldn't be a shock. Diddy found someone who could actually sing to cover for her until they broke up and the payments stopped. Notice, she didn't release another album until after she had married Marc Anthony. As of 2006, when this blind originated, she had released 5 albums, whereas Britney had only released 4.
--For the record...regarding the STAR Article that @ Theresa found about Myah Marie's FATHER saying his daughter actually did all of Britney's songs ...
ReplyDelete--Myah Marie's father is " TheUnknown Comic"...the comic who performed with a paperbag on his head...a/k/a Murray Langston...
The thing about Britney, is that she was doing her own singing on Mickey Mouse Club; later singing sounds like exactly her voice. Furthermore, her songs aren't exactly high singing art, so why bring in a greater copycat talent when auto-tune can do the trick? Is Britney known as the kind of person that would sneer at someone's appearance upon meeting them?
ReplyDeleteI will eat my stinky shoes if this is not Jennifer Lopez. All you have to do is listen to On the Six and any other post CD and she sound nothing like the first CD. As for singing live, oy vey is that a disaster the few times she had tried it. The worst was the duet with her now ex-he must of made her sing live to humiliate her.
ReplyDeletefinally someone said what i was thinking.. jlo's voice sucks..definitely not good enough for someone to take credit for it. lol I can't stand that talentless thing
ReplyDeleteYes, in one of the original clues S had breast cancer and MV visited her in the hospital and was super nice to her. These clues keep changing over the years.
ReplyDeleteOMG. Madonna.
ReplyDeletehas to be j-lo. selena movie won many awards in 1998. mgmt wanted to brand her as a musical artist. on the 6 came out may 1999 and was most likely recorded by s early 1999, late 1998, on the heels of all the selena hype.
ReplyDeleteI can believe this is Madonna. Great entertainer.
ReplyDeleteGreat singer?
MV is Jlo. If it is revealed to be Britney, I call fake. There are far too many videos from her early years (post MMC-midBOMT fame) where she is very clearly singing live and it sounds the same as her albums. No one, even Britney, ever claimed she was a great singer.
Yes she lip syncs 99% of the time while performing, that is no surprise to anyone, but the 1% of the time she does sing live, it is clearly the same person as on her albums. While I definitely believe the myah marie stuff since it is CLEARLY her singing on 60% of britney jean, i think it was the first album they used another singer for the majority of the tracks.
I googled Myah Marie and she is not ugly!??! The post makes it seem like the real voice is horrid..?
ReplyDeleteYes exactly. I always thought it was strange, and remember clearly when JLo was chosen for Selena, they kept silent for a while if she was singing or lip syncing. It was like they wanted to see if the audience believed that an old fly girl could also sing and be the new triple threat.
ReplyDeleteThat, plus the clue about her making fun of the singers appearance is why I've been sure it's JLo. The only way I could see Britney cracking jokes is if the singer is a man. Because that would be very funny except I think Enty implied that she was mean.
I vote JLo. Has anyone noticed that her performances over the last year or so have actually been decent? Like from the Selena tribute, all the way to last weeks AMA's... She can suddenly sing. As soon as she opened her mouth at that Selena tribute I thought of this blind. I think she got a new person to sing for her.
ReplyDeleteYes Jon...that was it. S had breast cancer and MV used to visit her in the hospital and was really nice to her. S has passed away, so no other records can be recorded. Both Brit Brit and JLo have put out albums since. the original post, Enty mentions that MV wasn't a terrible singer, just wasn't that great, but could still carry a tune. S was better, just not marketable, because she wasn't physically attractive.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused why Enty is leaving stuff out of the Blind through the years.
ReplyDeleteThe flub was when she was performing.
ReplyDeleteI want SO MUCH for this to be Madonna........and I still believe it could be, because in all of her touring and appearances she never does any of her original, early know, the ones that made her famous. It was mentioned that the dates of this blind may intentionally be wrong to mislead, which would make Madonna a viable answer. I also feel that Madonna is the only one who would shake the music world to it's core, and I believe if it were revealed to be her today, it would still be just as shocking.
ReplyDeleteJLo never toured until about 2012, although she did initially plan to tour around 2000 and almost every year thereafter, so that is very suspect. The blind doesn't say for sure that the tour occurred, only that plans were in the works for a tour.
Gotta admit, though...the post coming on Brittney Spears' birthday is MIGHTY suspect......
I really want it to be Madonna, though. Never liked her. Ever.
This was a made-for-TV movie. On Lifetime, I think. I know because I remember watching it. EVERY DETAIL in this story is part of the plot of the movie! Including her having a car accident when she suddenly heard her own voice on the radio from the demos she recorded. She had a husband and a couple of kids. The face of the singer (it was a one-name model-type) couldn't sing worth crap, but she was a model and of course looked good on the covers and TV and such.
ReplyDeleteThe guy who did the demos told the model that it was all the post-recording stuff that would make her sound good. I also remember an executive who was paying for these recordings, and he was at one of the fake recordings. The guy who did the original demos begged the older singer to come back in and record the stuff for more CDs and the big finale of the movie was a live on TV concert.
The reason the guy who recorded the original demos didn't tell the truth as to who the actual singer was was because the industry expects everybody to be young, slim, model-like. And this lady was older, mother type (the actress who played her looked fabulous, though, being the typical made-for-TV movie thing).
The movie ended with the voice over dub which was being used for the live concert not working or being deliberately shut off, exposing the younger model singer as having a terrible voice. The older singer had rushed like crazy to get to the venue and came out to say that she was the singer in those hits and proved it by singing live without backup. She was wearing a long red dress.
Trust me, this was a MOVIE on TV. That apparently nobody remembers. Probably at LEAST 10 years ago. So either this all happened decades and decades earlier and it was so scandalous that somebody made a TV movie out of it or...Enty is just describing a made-for-TV movie to see if anybody remembers it.
Hmmm...Brit and J Lo both fit. J Lo did donate all or some of the proceeds from her Kohl's clothing line to fight breast cancer. Guilt? Or kindness?
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely Jennifer Lopez. No doubt. If you listen to her early records, some of the singing is quite good. It's on her later records that it's obvious it's her (and terrible).
ReplyDeleteI saw that movie , vh1 or MTV. I looked it up kari wurher ? Of MTV and Gail O'Grady as the real singer. Called out of sync or lip service. They changed the title don't know the original.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Britt sing in Vegas?
ReplyDeleteRemember when MV clues would get over 300 comments? Good job Enties.
ReplyDeleteOut of Sync!
ReplyDeleteThe movie sounds similar but it's not such an unusual concept. I believe the first time voices were altered were back in the 1970's when this producer created Boney M with attractive people who could also dance dubbed with electronic voices. He's the same producer who later created Mili Vanilli. So it's not like MV was the first to do such a thing.
ReplyDeletebrit's voice has never been good
ReplyDeleteThanks for the name of the movie! Out of Sync/Lip Service made by Hearst Entertainment for VH-1. It was based (rather loosely) on real-life Martha Wash.
ReplyDeleteFrom Rolling Stone:
As Wash continued her session work, she reunited with producer David Cole, a former New York City DJ and session musician for Fleetwood Mac and Janet Jackson who had previously been Wash's pianist and musical director in the Weather Girls. Cole was now the co-founder of house music production team C+C Music Factory (the other C standing for DJ/producer Robert Clivillés). Before the group struck out on their own, Clivillés and Cole had been a prolific house production duo, working as freelance producers for Chaka Khan and Grace Jones alongside countless other groups.
"David would call me up and I would go and do demos for him," Wash says. "That's how Seduction came about." Seduction was originally just another studio project put together by C+C until Wash's vocals for their second song "(You're My One and Only) True Love" made it an unexpected hit. The production duo quickly put together a trio of three beautiful women to be the "face" of Seduction, with Wash only getting "backing vocalist" credit on her own song. It would be a harbinger of things of come.
Read more:
So there you go. The Rolling Stones article (published last year) and the "blind" matches. The answer is Martha Wash.
Hey, Enty, what do I win?
And...still 100% JLo
ReplyDeleteNo, I do not think that you win anything. You would need to actually be correct. Nothing about Seduction or Martha Wash would shake the music industry to its core. My aunt singing in the shower would be more news than what you mentioned.
ReplyDeleteYes, I listened to a J-Lo track today. Um, it is highly unlikely that all of those tracks were done by the same person. This is the plastic surgery of the music industry! People grow older, not different. And voices grow older with better/worse technique, not different.
ReplyDeleteWhitney Houston. She received two Golden Raspberries in 1992 . One for Worst Original Song and one for Worst Actress. Also I remember hearing many years ago when she was in one of her worst times with drugs she sang at a small venue and was supposedly awful. The assumption at the time was that the drugs had wrecked her voice.
ReplyDelete[…] Source […]
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I missed this post. But it's interesting that this was posted on Britney's birthday.
ReplyDeleteI still think Jlo
This is absolutely Britney, Meya Marie is the vocalist, sometimes helping sometimes doing all of the vocals with Britney as back up. Go take a google. Jlo sings live quite a bit and sounds just like her speaking voice. She also sucks life which proves shes actually singing.
ReplyDeleteshe broke up with Kevin 2006
ReplyDelete^Well this is something
MV is definitely not Britney Spears.
ReplyDelete“In late 2000, a man came to her one day and said he needed someone to record some demos because he had written a lot of songs, but wanted a demo to shop the songs to singers and record labels.”
By late 2000 Britney already had two number 1 albums (Baby One More Time & Oops I Did It Again), was touring her music and had already “taken off” as a star – all before “S” came into the scene.
From 1999 – 2004, Britney actually did sing live quite a bit during her performances (especially so from 1999 – 2000). Barring of course her “dance-breaks” where she would use backing-tracks or pre-recorded live vocals to assist her for obvious reasons (remember, the girl was doing back-hand-springs on stage at one point!) there is plenty of YouTube footage showing her singing 100% live during those periods (acapella snippets during interviews and documentaries, studio snippets from recording sessions or vids of actual on-stage performances). I have watched a few of these myself and while she is certainly not the greatest singer nor does she possess the greatest technique, I can attest to the fact that the vocals/ tone I was hearing was pretty much the same vocals/ tone coming off of her records (i.e.) her own. A great example of Brit-Brit singing 100% live and proving that the voice on her albums is pretty much hers (albeit with a bit of pitch-tweaking) can be found in her 2002 AMA performance of, Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman.
Larry Rudolph is an entertainment lawyer and Britney’s Manager. He does not write songs and therefore is not “the man” as some have suggested.
“S agrees and records another CD worth of songs which is released several months later and does even better than the first CD.” At this point it is implied that “S” recorded a 2nd CD, however if one takes into account the time that had passed (which is described in some detail) between the 1st and 2nd CDs, the recording of the 2nd CD must have only started around mid to late 2003, by which time Britney already had 3 number 1 albums under her belt and a fourth (In the Zone) already recorded and on the verge of release.
“S agrees and records another CD worth of songs which is released several months later and does even better than the first CD.” BOMT, Britney’s first album (recorded in 1998), remains her most successful to date. None of her other albums top it in terms of sales and impact. Also, there is actual footage on YouTube of her recording this album… so definitely no MV on that one.
Finally a lot of people mention Myah Marie and how Myah is “S”. Myah was born in 1989 which would of made her 10 (turning 11) years old in 2000…so no.
It's JLo and I believe her "voice" was Ashanti...
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that back in 2001, there were already rumors about JLO being Milli Vanilli. Here's an article from Fox News about someone using almost the exact phrasing.
Just jane
ReplyDeleteHoping to train and my guess is Hillary Duff. I done my homework :) Is there any reward if am right?? :D
ReplyDeleteStill not Britney. I think he's trying to throw us off by posting these on her birthday. Britney has tracks from other albums as old as 1997/1998. Fact. Myah Marie was a child when Britney started, another fact, and only began working for Britney as a background vocalist during Circus. Also a fact. Myah's father is talking out of his ass in that Star article. Not a fact and just a belief, but it was Britney fans who realized Myah had ghosted so much on Britney Jean, not the general public.
ReplyDeleteIt's J. Lo, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Has anyone heard of Canela Cox? Apparently, she provided background vocals (uncredited) on Love Don't Cost a Thing, and later went on to sing on other JLo songs... again, uncredited.
She sounds JUST like "Jennifer Lopez"...
Myah Marie was born in 1989 which would make her abit young to be recording in the 2000s early
ReplyDeleteJ- LO