Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Tax Deduction For Pimping

Back before I wrote about the celebrity sex broker, I wrote about a guy who thinks of himself as a celebrity. He kind of is. He sure knows a lot of them. I wrote about, how, through the guise of a company he sends celebrities to Dubai and pockets money as a middleman, or in some cases pays them to have sex with him. He used to have almost unlimited funds. For the past few years though, his empire has started to show cracks. His company, which used to have locations all over the world allowing for the shuttling of female celebrities to various countries for sex while making it look like they were making public appearances is floundering. So, he fell back on an old standby. He created a church. Yes, a church. More of a spiritual center. It must be a really successful church because within a couple of months of opening his first, there are four more that popped up in some of the same locations as his cover business. The genius move on his part is now men who want to pay for a celebrity give a donation to his church. They then get a tax deduction. The owner then buys a bunch of product from the shell company which then pays the female celebrity. Oh, and in just a couple of months, this former B+ list tweener turned A- list singer is spending two nights doing promotional work for the company in between two shows she is performing. To land her, someone must have made a very very large donation to the spiritual center.


  1. Elle B2:12 AM

    Ariana Grande

  2. sandybrook2:13 AM

    Joe Francis/Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez?

  3. MontanaMarriott2:15 AM

    Demi L?

  4. back again2:16 AM

    Andrew Keegan has some wierd Spiritual Center

  5. Snookiemonster2:16 AM

    Miscaivage. Sounds like something CoS would do

  6. Tricia132:17 AM

    The Hillsing Church founder - Brian Huston..Australia is HA
    Ex tweener is Selena Gomez

  7. Tricia132:18 AM

    *Hillsong Church/Spiritual Center
    Brian Houston and his wife run it.

  8. Tricia132:21 AM

    Sorry - now Joel Hiuston(his son) runs it. He's the one that was/ is Biebers spiritual guru/advisor:(

  9. back again2:21 AM

    he has 'Full Circle Spiritual Center' and is involved with 'Kumbucha Dog' products.

  10. Demi Lovato

  11. back again2:27 AM

    also known as 'Joel Houston' now that he's gone all Hollywood..lol (he & wife Esther named his son Zion)..
    +1 @ Tricia... i like this guess--isn't he under investigation now after all the Bieber & Hailey Baldwin press??

  12. Tricia132:33 AM

    Yes ideedy.....
    His wife is an ex"model"* ahem*

  13. TopperMadison2:34 AM

    Well, heck. I'm totally off again. I read it as that Millions of Milkshakes dude.

  14. Who are associated with a church?

  15. Nicole2:35 AM

    The Millions of Milkshakes owner, Shareez Hasan?

  16. Hillsong Church is a good (and shocking) guess http://hillsong.com/#locations

    The reverend of Andrew Keegan's center is Alexander Polinsky who was in Charles in Charge. LOL.

  17. TopperMadison2:42 AM

    None of those locations are in the Middle East, though. The blind says he originally was a middleman to Dubai.

  18. Could be Sheeraz Hasan, Millions of Milkshakes. I think people guessed that before. And it does sound like this person just started opening churches. There are no churches associated with Hasan, though. (Not the he that means anything)

  19. For Realz2:47 AM

    A pimp and his whores

  20. back again2:49 AM

    okay i'm reading He's from London ..right? and lots of celebs involved like the Kartrashians w/his MOM opening in Dubai but I DO NOTUNDERSTAND WHAT HE DOES-- but the franchise could very well be a scam-he's global w/a DubaiTV network starting in 2016-- sounds like he has all the ingredients to be the answer but I don't see Spiritual Center attached to his name.. I don't get him or MOM...at. all.

  21. back again2:52 AM

    lol..@ mmm, i wasn't guessing Andrew Keegan as the answer here- I was just commenting that he has a so-called Spiritual Center..tongue in cheek.

  22. Kno Won Uno3:41 AM

    Hillsong United has been around for more than a decade and is a legit "worship" band. They have an extensive discography. I don't think it's him.

  23. How old is this church supposed to be?

  24. Former job? Sorry, cannot remember at moment.

  25. Bunny9:37 AM

    This has to be Sheeraz Hasan. Millions of Milkshakes is nowhere on the celebrity radar anymore. Does he still have his pap agency (hollywood.tv)? As for the religious angle, many years ago, my parents went to some cultural event and he had a booth hawking some self-published book and was one of many speakers. He spoke very eagerly about "spirituality" and "finding himself" and how God had blessed him, etc. My naive mom was so moved and impressed with him (probably because of his British accent and expensive suit and all the God talk) that she bought his book. I literally snorted and told my mom about his shtick. She threw away the book that night. Anyways, he's been playing the spiritual angle, at least amongst South Asians, for at least a decade, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is him.

  26. Promotional work? Where?

  27. Sorry, but I have a splitting headache, but she is spending two nights between two shows to do promotional work, right? So that means she performing on Monday and Thursday and between that she is doing promotional work?
