Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

You know, today I was going to have a blind about Rita Ora helping one of her closeted celebrity female friends keep a secret by having sex with the woman's husband to keep him happy, but then decided I would do something that is not the same old same old. You know, this actress has been in the blinds before, but it was more about her relationship troubles than anything else. She seems to have straightened all those out. Foreign born. Another one of those foreign born actresses who plays American so well that you have trouble remembering that English is their second or third language. She is A- list and survived being in a franchise with that A list mostly movie actor who creeps everyone out. Our actress has done some work for the UN. She says she wanted to actually make a difference and not be just some show piece trotted out for photos. Her cause is helping Afghan girls go to school. The way she did it was to restore an old school in her home country and open a boarding school for girls from Afghanistan who are persecuted for getting an education. So far our actress has 20 girls she has brought to the school and hopes to someday have 20 new girls each year. If you run into her and start talking about it, be warned that she will ask you for a donation. It costs her hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.


  1. MontanaMarriott2:16 AM

    I am seeing Israeli born Natalie Portman for this

  2. sandybrook2:17 AM

    Carey Mulligaan mebbe?

  3. sandybrook2:19 AM


  4. sandybrook2:29 AM

    To me actor who creeps me out=Benecio del toro
    so eirher Franka Potente or Julia Ormond from Che 1 and 2

  5. Tricia132:30 AM

    Frida Pinto
    Survived James Franco- Return of the planet of the apes
    Relationship blinds- ex Dev Patel
    Born in India

  6. Tricia132:31 AM

    *Freida Pinto

  7. Tricia132:33 AM

    Her native language is "Konkani ": English her second....

  8. Diane Kruger, National Treasure, Nick Cage

  9. back again2:56 AM

    +1 cuz i think this works after my 4th read of the Blind! -nice one @ Tricia!
    --"Because I Am A Girl " Campaign to name ONE of Frida's Causes.
    --I was confused b/c I thought Enty meant that even though Rita Ora slept w/this actress's husband to help the actress protect her true sexual preference,Enty decided THAT part wasn't going to be the emphasis of THIS Blind...
    **Amazingly great act(s) of KINDNESS here--kudos to whoever is doing all of this!**

  10. back again3:03 AM

    Diane K. does work for AMFAR, UNICEF, UNHCR, and others as well...
    & you're right, you'd never know English is like her 3rd language along w/ German & French..& probably more..

  11. Tricia133:06 AM

    Thx@BA: primarily thought that it is geographically plausible(India/Afganistan) to perhaps have a school open for girls where they could easily access, etc.Rating is wonky but not 1st time or last !!!:(

  12. Caitlyn3:15 AM

    Franco definitely for creepy A lister-not sure Nic Cage is a current A- maybe former A + or A? I do remember the blind though about Franco and Freida on POTA and how he was a leach and tried to sleep with her, but she was with Dev still. Think he moved on to someone else(don't know who is in cast), just remember the blind item.

  13. Ok but who's Rita sleeping with now? lol...

  14. Puffy3:27 AM

    actually I think you may be right about Carrie Mulligan Sandy. Her brother was a soldier in Afghanistan & saw the destruction that the war brought on the schools & started raising money for charity for building schools. She got involved through him. http://www.people.com/article/carey-mulligan-war-child-charity

  15. Stank3:55 AM

    I'm thinking Cheryl Cole's Husband

  16. Kno Won Uno4:19 AM

    Franco was my first thought for Creepy A List Actor

  17. Kno Won Uno4:20 AM

    What day is it?

  18. Nicole Kidman. Duh.

  19. Rosamund Pike (with Tom Cruise being the creepy A lister)

  20. http://www.affairscloud.com/freida-pinto-kick-off-u-n-global-goals-campaign-what-are-sustainable-development-goals/

    +1 Tricia13 .Good job
    Plus I've always crushed on her:)

  21. honey bunny7:51 AM

    I'd say Tricia got this one. Good job!

  22. Pretty sure English is not Mulligan's second or third language, unless you count "chipmunk" as a language. If so, that'd definitely be her native tongue.

  23. marlo1:33 PM

    Cheryl Cole's husband is a moderately known drug dealer
