Friday, November 06, 2015

Four For Friday - HIV Split Them Up

It has probably been a long time since you thought about this couple. They were never a couple in the traditional sense of being out in the open and displaying their love. This was always on the down low. For decades. Two men. One man has been through a bunch of marriages and women. Permanent A lister. The other guy was A list at one point. Not so much now. Sure, he still has a name, and makes a good living, but he is not A list any longer. He has never been married. He always says he has come close a few times, but it's not true. He has just become a really good liar. When our permanent A lister was with one of his woman, it left the other guy on his own. He has done a lot of exploring. At one point during his explorations he contracted HIV. The day he told the permanent A lister is the last time they spoke. Nothing will make the permanent A lister speak to him again. Ever. Decades of being together gone in one day.


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