Friday, November 06, 2015

Four For Friday - HIV Split Them Up

It has probably been a long time since you thought about this couple. They were never a couple in the traditional sense of being out in the open and displaying their love. This was always on the down low. For decades. Two men. One man has been through a bunch of marriages and women. Permanent A lister. The other guy was A list at one point. Not so much now. Sure, he still has a name, and makes a good living, but he is not A list any longer. He has never been married. He always says he has come close a few times, but it's not true. He has just become a really good liar. When our permanent A lister was with one of his woman, it left the other guy on his own. He has done a lot of exploring. At one point during his explorations he contracted HIV. The day he told the permanent A lister is the last time they spoke. Nothing will make the permanent A lister speak to him again. Ever. Decades of being together gone in one day.


  1. MontanaMarriott2:14 AM

    Clive Davis and ??

  2. Tricia132:16 AM

    Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall?

  3. sandybrook2:17 AM

    Jack Nicholson/Harry Dean Stanton

  4. MontanaMarriott2:19 AM

    JUICY, ME LIKEY! Which makes sense since they were the best of friends then one day you never saw them together again.

  5. Tricia132:20 AM

    Thx@MM....hope it isn't true though:(

  6. Kno Won Uno2:31 AM

    I want this to be them, but Nicholson's only been married once. That's the only thing I can't make work.

  7. meowie2:36 AM

    Like eddie/arsenio guess, but AH has been married. but, he did cite aids/hiv as his charity on celebrity apprentice.

    jack and harry is interesting. does harry work much anymore?

  8. As much as I hate to say it, the second guy could maybe be Keanu Reeves : (

  9. Johnny Gill and Eddie Murphy.

    He lived on Eddie's property for many years.

  10. Tricia132:49 AM

    Arsenio wasn't married I don't think- had a partner named Cheryl

  11. SweetP2:53 AM

    Eddie Murphy appeared on Arsenio Hall's talk show in 2013, so it can't be them.

  12. Salaam2:57 AM

    Robert Downey Jr. and Judd Nelson. They were always together back in the Brat Pack days.

  13. Jack and Harry

  14. There was a documentary put out about Harry a year or so ago. Not sure if this was mentioned.

  15. SweetP3:09 AM

    Judd Nelson is a great guess! Never married and still making a good living. Also, people were supposedly shocked at his appearance at a John Hughes tribute.

  16. cvggh3:18 AM

    Johnny Gill and Eddie Murphy. I know johnny claims he was engaged multiple times

  17. HollyQ3:21 AM

    Description of A lister reminds me of Kelsey Grammer, but the rest of the blind i dunno?

  18. Whywhywhy???3:27 AM

    I like this guess and still think there could be truth in but didn't Eddie actually guest on his short lived show ...

  19. Salaam3:39 AM

    Nelson would have been A in his heyday, and Downey has always given off the gay/bi vibe. And there is a lot of old footage of the two of them together - there is a whole RDJ/Judd bromance video on YouTube.

  20. Except RDJ hasn't really been known for multiple marriages and women

  21. DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH BLIND GOSSIP'S BLIND?? About the A+ list actor contracting HIV??

  22. meowie5:08 AM

    My bad. Misread wiki. D'oh!

  23. Camal195:46 AM

    The Gossip Blind A+ lister is thought to be Charlie Sheen. This Blind sounds exactly like Eddie and Arsenio, with just a tiny bit of Enty throw off, just enough to try to throw us all off.

  24. Itchycat8:48 AM

    Cary Grant and Randolph Scott. Oh wait, that's Old Hollywood.

  25. back again5:13 PM

    except Eddie Murphy's only been married ONE time

  26. back again5:26 PM

    Robert Downey Jr. and Anthony Michael Hall

  27. back again5:28 PM

    AGAIN---Eddie Murphy has only been married ONE TIME to Nicole Mitchell Murphy

  28. back again5:30 PM

    yeah..i was trying to make Dennis Hopper & Peter Fonda work...Older Hollywood..not quite Old Hollywood

  29. 1. Jean Claude Van Damme?

  30. Karen8:27 PM

    Tom Cruise for the permanent A lister, and Matt Dillon for his former lover.

  31. Tricia139:04 PM

    Nicole Murphy and Tracey Edmonds(they had a ceremony in Bora Bora but decided to not formalize it in states), but it was a ceremony.

  32. Undercover11:37 PM

    Gary Oldman (4 weddings) and ?

  33. Mystery Man5:04 AM

    I can't imagine either of them being gay.

  34. Tom Cruise and one of the Brat Pack.I wouldn't be surprised if Cruise and Sheen shared body fluids.

  35. it took forever7:54 PM

    RDJ is also rumored to be pos so i doubt he would treat a fellow pos like that. this could be either eddie/arsenio and cruise/?

  36. I think it's got to be the Eddie Murphy/Johnny Gill, especially because of the 'down low' reference. That term was really made popular in defining black men who outwardly live a straight life with wife and kids but kept their preference for and sex with men secret.

  37. AshBey6:32 AM

    Wasn't RDJ quoted in a mag around the he quit drugs for good and became Iron Man as being a bisexual? Right around the time he released The Futurist and was trying to restore his name.

    Anyway, I like EM/JG

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