Saturday, November 07, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

October 7, 2015

This former A+ list singer turned reality star turned singer turned reality star was supposed to do a photoshoot with some other singers. It went on without her after the magazine editors refused to cave in to her demands. She wanted to be in a certain portion of the frame and facing a certain direction. She wanted to choose which wardrobe to wear, but only after seeing what the other female singers were wearing. She wanted a private room for herself, her nannies, and her assistants. This is not Mariah or J-Lo or Lady GaGa.

Christina Aguilera


  1. Puffy2:39 AM

    Not that I can stomach The Voice, but I can't for the life of me understand why they keep bringing this drunken, nasty ass biznatch back to that show. From everything I've read/heard, Gwen Stefani seems like she is well respected a good judge. Christina is a has-been from Hagsville.

  2. Honeybunny5:14 AM

    That's a crying shame. She has a great voice but sounds like a lousey personality.

  3. Southern Smartass5:20 AM

    Christina Aguilera has always felt entitled to treat everyone like shit. And why? Because she can sing well. That's all. Sick of it--sick of her.

  4. Gripester6:08 AM

    Where are the Blake and Gwen reveals damn it!!!

  5. Just a guess--Miranda is thinking, "He's her problem now."

  6. According to Radar Online Christina was a nasty drunk at the Hosting Clinton Fundraiser.

  7. DerekHarvey1:19 AM


  8. And-so-on..1:26 AM

    Maybe Pink needs to take Christina to the woodshed and give her a good shake and harsh talk on prioritizing her family and private life vs party girl, sloppy drunk and disorderly rudeness.. sudden hatred of fans and supporters and that fast slide into final obscurity.

  9. Sydney8:12 AM

    Snore. Sad.
