Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 16, 2015

This foreign born probable one album wonder has spent every penny she earned off her biggest hit. There is nothing left. All gone in a year. She is living off advances from her next record but has almost blown through all of that and signed away rights but just keeps on pretending she has tons of money.

Iggy Azalea


  1. Kno Won Uno2:39 AM record? Is she working on anything?

  2. sandybrook2:40 AM

    NBA guys' private parts.

  3. ...I have written on my blog about idiot celebrities/athletes who don't know how to manage or invest their windfall of celebrity bonus money.
    She's a prefect example.
    So, you other wanna be famous celebrities reading this: take the initial windfall/bonus money and acquire an income property that is low in property management, such as: a national credit tenant property on a long 10+year NNN lease.
    It's truly NOT that hard.

  4. aemish3:07 AM

    ba da da dum pppsh! :p

  5. What new record? Oh wait.

  6. Ibebackyo3:40 AM

    You Really do have Way Too much free time to be a Good crei person.....

  7. Whywhywhy???8:31 AM

    That was worth the damn near choke on my wine! Good one.

  8. back again11:51 AM

    awesome sauce @ Sandy

  9. Scallywag12:10 PM

    New stars are like lottery winners...they tend to also blow through their money in short order and end up in a trailer within a few years.

  10. Shaddup Mimsey2:51 PM

    Is she the racist or homophobe? These flower bitchez confuse me.

  11. Mrs.K9:45 AM

    She was a dirt poor girl in Australia. Worked at hotel housekeeping as a teenager to afford a flight to US and somehow managed to score a record deal. She is a high school drop out. She knows zero about money management or control as she never had money before. This will not end well
