Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5- Anniversary Month

December 3, 2008

This one is from the accountant. This A list comedian with A+ name recognition apparently cant be bothered with parking meters or valets or parking garages. Instead he seems to get some kind of perverse thrill of accumulating as many parking tickets as he can. He always pays his tickets, but just hates looking around for a parking spot or finding change for meters. Thus he parks where he wants for as long as he wants. Total amount of money spent on parking tickets last year? About $40,000. That total includes being towed on average of about once a month when he parked in a fire zone. It also averages out to about one parking ticket per day for an entire year.

Jerry Seinfeld


  1. sandybrook2:33 AM

    Shithead can afford it and when you find a spot in NY you better take it.

  2. Muchlu2:35 AM

    Why doesn't he hire a chaffeur?

  3. Janae Marie2:38 AM

    He likes to drive, what's that, royalties from an episode on a Wednesday from WWOR?

    can't blame him

  4. MadameZ2:44 AM

    That's a douche move, Jerry

  5. jesus2:47 AM

    i guess the one positive to this....his tax dollars will pay for a lot of crap. Thats $40,000 for the city LOL

  6. texasrose2:56 AM

    Another reason why we are headed for a class war and why one percenters becoming hated. Great attitude Jerry.

  7. Malibuborebee2:57 AM

    He's an idiot. The tickets are no big deal but they're probably not using a flat-bed to tow his cars which is what they need. He can easily afford to have them fixed but why damage them in the first place?

  8. Kno Won Uno3:06 AM

    Exactly. $40K to park anywhere you want in NY for a year? Pay it.

  9. AndrewBW3:34 AM

    The rich are different than you and me.

  10. DoctorMaybe3:59 AM

    KWU nailed it - you can't buy a parking space in NYC for forty grand, so he's really getting a deal. It's classic game theory at work - a fine is a fee in certain situations. There's actually a great paper on it by Aldo Rustichini and some other guy.

  11. Groaning4:13 AM

    Take a damn taxi!

  12. I will never understand why municipalities have allowed developers to increase building sizes on small lots without any care for parking. It is truly idiotic.
    Yes, LA, Boston and New York, I am talking about you!

  13. Kno Won Uno4:51 AM

    And if he parks anywhere he wants all year, that could be FIFTY parking spots. That's a great deal.

  14. Kno Won Uno4:53 AM

    Other guy is Uri Gneezy

  15. Well that was an easy one!

  16. Wilburt6:40 AM

    The world needs to follow Finland's lead and implement income-based fines.

  17. Fine, Jerry. Overstay meters, park in tow zones. Just don't park in handicapped spaces and especially not the fire lanes. It's tough enough to get emergency vehicles down the streets with everyone double parked, but when you're blocking access to a hydrant or a building & you really are putting lives at risk. We can't get to you in time, that's it. (ex paramedic here, who did find himself backing out of a street we couldn't get an ambulance down because of double parking on both sides & 1 guy who left his car 18 inches from the curb)

  18. DoctorMaybe12:50 AM

    Thanks, Kno Won Uno! I was too lazy to Google that...
