Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 19, 2015

This former tweener turned bad actress has a new record and is out everywhere promoting it. Well, not everywhere. A radio station wanted her to sing an acoustic version of her new single and she refused. She doesn’t sing live. So, she had her PR people tell the radio station she was not feeling well the morning of the interview and bailed.

Selena Gomez


  1. sandybrook1:34 AM

    No auto tune for live singing poor Selena--when she does live concerts nobody can tell because they are too busy singing along, texting or taking pictures/selfies to listen to her.

  2. It is still very odd. She already done this before (a couple of times). So why not now?

  3. mariaj1:46 AM

    ...and she still manages to stay somehow in the charts, i mean, ok, songs nothing more than catchy, banal, mostly, but at least one should be able to sing , even weakly? Nahhh, we are over these kinda of things, apparently ( i wanted to use one of Enty's favorite word)

  4. youknowho1:56 AM

    Maybe she was in coma hangovered that morning lol.

  5. Ibebackyo2:03 AM

    Baby mv

  6. LimoMan3:40 AM

    Maybe the real reason she refused is because her latest single has some swearing in it and the station would likely have wanted her to do a "clean" version for live broadcast.

  7. Thank you SG.. for keeping it as real as you are humanely capable of. No one needs to hear that in the morning.

  8. For once a spelling error has worked in my favor lol.

  9. Gadzooks11:09 PM

    when ever these fake poser performers win a Grammy, they should promptly turn around and hand it to their sound engineers, the real talent.

  10. Gookie11:12 AM

    They played an acoustic version of her latest song on Z-100 here in NYC. The power of autotune is amazing. Anyone can sing with autotune. Her acoustic version was PAINFUL. Absolutely painful. Every time I hear that song on the radio I change the station because she is a no talent druggie
