Friday, November 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Anniversary Month

November 24, 2010

This squeaky clean, late night talk show host is cheating on his wife. If you thought the Letterman thing was explosive, you have not seen anything yet.

Jimmy Fallon


  1. DoctorMaybe1:31 AM

    Would have been more disappointing and more juicy if it were Colbert. Is Fallon really "squeaky clean?" Hm.

  2. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    Nailed it.

  3. Puffy1:33 AM

    seriously. lol

  4. sandybrook1:34 AM

    Was he squeeky clean back then because he's a drunken womanizer now? Goes to show how money and fame corrupts.

  5. Kno Won Uno1:35 AM

    I haven't seen much explosion - just a lot of tripping & falling & injuries. And like DoctorMaybe, I never saw Fallon as squeaky clean. Or funny.

  6. Derek Harvey1:36 AM

    5 years ago everyone thought his personal life was. and Colbert is a lot edgier than Fallon (hosting wise). Fallon is too corny for me and he kisses to much ass during his interviews---you NEVER learn anything about his guests...

  7. DoctorMaybe1:37 AM

    @Derek: Huh. I've never watched him, so I didn't know. I was just thinking of his persona on SNL, where he always seemed high to me. Shows what I know...

  8. Derek Harvey1:41 AM

    He probably WAS during SNL--(remember this is a guy that hangs with Drew, Lilo and Winona) BUT to the general public idea--I believe he is the "good guy" family man..

  9. Avers1:58 AM

    It would have been "explosive" if it were Conan.

  10. Whywhywhy???2:18 AM

    I have only watched Fallon in clips...and knew he dated another comic named Sarah (I think)... don't associate being drunk with squeaky clean but as someone mentioned, perhaps he was in the past, before he was a household name.

  11. Yezka3:19 AM

    Ive been in one of Mr. Fallon's shows in NYC... Everything on his show is scripted, planned to appear as "funny" and "suprising" to their tv audience...
    Too much dissapointment...and fake... like his private life too...

  12. Derek Harvey3:35 AM

    I think you are confusing him with Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman

  13. Honeybunny6:50 AM

    I thought he was a little funny. Liked him in Taxi with Queen Latifah.

  14. Unemployable6:52 AM

    He accidentally tripped and fell into a woman's vagina. Hey, it happens!

  15. Whywhywhy???7:07 AM

    You're right! Thanks for the correction.

  16. Derek Harvey7:09 AM

    no problem---for the record, I prefer Kimmel...

  17. Shaddup mimsey3:35 PM

    Sucks he's an asshole cause he's hawt.
