Friday, November 06, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 6, 2015

This former A-/B+ list mostly television actress who was on that hit almost network show with two other stars who also had previous network hits back in the day has gone on record saying she hates being considered for roles because of her looks. Great. I agree. On the other hand though she has tried to get the entire world to look at her by exposing herself on a red carpet and now is posing nude because she wants to show the world her “hot body.” Her words.

Rose McGowan


  1. back again1:17 AM

    I used to think she was striking and had enviable beautiful alabaster skin.

  2. lanky2:18 AM

    I used to think she f*cked her face up through surgery but then I read about her car accident. too bad, I liked her in stuff.
