Thursday, November 05, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2- Anniversary Month


September 12, 2008

It's one thing to play the “do you know who I am game” if you are actually someone. What really sucks is when the person playing it has to resort to, “do you know who my father is? The person in question is actually an actress, although C-. The last name doesn't hurt, or else she would be D. Apparently she wasn't satisfied with just one $1000 bag worth of swag and decided she was going to take 10 and give them away as Christmas presents. She was rebuffed, threw the dad thing out there, and the worker after discovering the identity of the dad, said, “I wouldn't give him ten bags either.”

Katie Cassidy


  1. AndrewBW1:09 AM

    +! for that guy!

  2. sandybrook1:13 AM

    I guess since then she has moved up to B- all on her own. And people might know who she is.

  3. Snarknado1:34 AM

    7 years ago! She was 22. Forgive her sins, oh lord of Swag Bags.

  4. back again1:35 AM

    @ AndrewBW-- imma gonna borrow that +! my sentiments exactly.

  5. Zilla11:58 AM

    At this point, Katie can only play the "Do you know how many people my dad almost hit while driving drunk?" card

  6. .. and neither would I! :-)

  7. Malibuborebee3:58 AM

    A/B listers can take extra swag bags but C/D listers can't and nobody can take ten.

    I have no idea who this girl is and no idea who her father is either.

  8. Snarknado5:16 AM

    This blind is so old I have to think it's Butch Cassidy.

  9. If you've never heard of David Cassidy, you can't possibly be more than 20 years old.

  10. Snarknado10:13 AM

    Not more than 20? I think I love you.

    But what am I so afraid of?

  11. Gookie12:04 PM

    She should have been told, "Honey, this is not the 1970's".
