Friday, November 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #15 - Anniversary Month

November 23, 2012

What C list actor who has not been in anything of consequence but still manages to keep his name in the news almost everyday was spotted this week getting a new cell phone. From a new company. Without his B list celebrity wife. He was denied for service with the new company and asked if he wanted to use someone as a co-signer. He looked like he would die. He also had to pay in cash. He said there was no way he could use any credit cards and his wife pays all the bills.

Eddie Cibrian/LeAnn Rimes


  1. Derek Harvey4:32 AM

    Tricia FINALLY GOT ONE! Her minions must be SO PROUD! 1 out of 15 aint bad....

  2. sandybrook4:35 AM

    You would think that if this moron was trying to sneak in a new phone behind bitch's back, you would know to pay in cash so she can't see the transaction on a credit card statement.

  3. Derek Harvey4:39 AM

    his cash goes to pay for Brandi Glanvilles plastic surgery,urgh-I mean "child support"

  4. youknowho4:44 AM

    Hehehe. Love this blind. LeeAnn got the best husband ever! :)

  5. sandybrook4:45 AM

    she must be paying that for him too since he doesn't/cant find work and she still gets residuals and tours.

  6. Kno Won Uno4:51 AM

    Until she gets an eyelid lift, she'll never know.

  7. Derek Harvey4:52 AM


  8. Blind as planted by Brandi Glanville

    This was planted during her heyday of planting false stories in hopes something would stick

  9. You are such an ass!

  10. Dexknows6:41 AM

    Here come the deliverance crew, aka Leanns Fantards. They seem to forget rarely does a leopard change their spots and Ed is probably screwing around behind his wife's back. It's what he does.

  11. Derek Harvey6:45 AM

    ooooh THAT HURT.

  12. Caitlyn6:53 AM

    Completely. Considering Tricia gets them right day to day and never brags about it ffs. Today's / yesterday's blinds were recycled and answers repeated, it's just a pathetic comment.Enty run blinds again tomorrow and I'll guess ones already guessed by other posters today!
    That and the made up blinds are whack enough to laugh at.

  13. Caitlyn6:57 AM

    @ MsV +1! Reply didn't work.

  14. Derek Harvey6:58 AM

    Well you clearly didn't read any of the other reveals this week : )

    But obviously you are a touched in the head and that would not be right to challenge the already "challenged" .

  15. Shityoucantbuy7:04 AM

    Jeeeeeeeez, and you are wondering why no one comes here anymore? Stop with the trolling Derek, you are annoying.
    i miss the old crew, back in the day this site was so much fun.

  16. Derek Harvey7:07 AM

    Who ARE YOU? I don't "wonder" shit. If you miss em and are dumb enough to not find em -than I suggest you MOVE-ON.

  17. Amber737:22 AM

    I LOVE DEREK!!!!! Funny as hell and often "NAILS IT!" bwahahaha
    Bye Haters!

  18. Derek Harvey7:34 AM

    Cheers Amber!!

    "i miss the old crew, back in the day this site was so much fun."

    wif? lmao

    That is like going back to your old high school and demanding you old locker and cafeteria table back 5 years later. If you don't post here anymore, you have no say in what is what. Some people are so dumb.

  19. Amber Harvey7:38 AM

    I take it back- I hate myself! ( forgot to take my meds)

  20. Derek Harvey8:24 AM

    If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

  21. Derek Harvey8:39 AM

    Once again, please stop using my username.

  22. Think he means his "loosername" Fwiw.
    Stop trying to UN embarrass yourself or the fact you've been here all day and night , and as obnoxious as ever.

  23. Put the bottle down, Boni. Don't worry I have a busy day tomorrow-off to see an amazing indie band and dinner party with close friends. And you can enjoy sticking needles in your eye or memorizing The State Birds. Or whatever people like you do all day..

  24. I'm not boni, but I thought you prided yourself on always posting as "Derek Harvey"?Guess not as most knew. Your" planned day " tomorrow sounds familiar- didn't Ryan Gosling try that in"Lars and the Real Girl"- you know, with the blow up doll/friends?

  25. Derek Harvey9:43 AM

    Sure Jan...

  26. Malibuborebee9:47 AM

    Look at you, Derek, being all kind and 'in the holiday spirit" and everything. ;-)

    It's not even Canadian Thanksgiving!

  27. Malibuborebee9:54 AM

    Wait - so it's not just morons using 'Derek Fill in the Blank" but now they're actually using the username "Derek Harvey" to post attacks against you?

    It's such a jr. high asshole thing to do.

  28. Derek Harvey10:01 AM

    Exactly lol xo

    But they are the "nice" posters remember...

  29. Regards, Nice Poster's10:14 AM

    Yes, "there are" nice poster's . Perhaps what you meant? You just don't happen to be one . You give Canadians a bad name, unfortunately.

  30. Derek Harvey10:40 AM

    TRICIA!!!! We missed your pretentious way of words and over use of puncuation!

  31. Cheryl K11:26 AM

    Bwwwahah! That is so true probably - perfect analogy@smh only wish I had thought of it first!

  32. back again11:33 AM


  33. back again11:45 AM

    yeah well Eddy can fit his entire brain into one of his dimples...

  34. Derek Harvey11:49 AM

    At least Ryan is handsome and does not resemble Marge Simpons sisters, like you probably offense to them. I mean add 100 pounds and now we are talken...

  35. back again2:03 PM

    i'm sooo glad it was Eddie C... good one @ tricia!
    i really thought that this was probably DeanM...wrong again.

  36. Shaddup mimsey3:05 PM

    Y'all trippin and funny.

  37. Cannot you guys/girls grow up and act your fucking age?

  38. DEREK HARVEY11:10 PM

    So Amber 73 is also Derek? Inneresting.

  39. Shityoucantbuy6:37 AM

    Oh please, I've been posting here longer that you. You can claim 'nailed it' when you are the first one to guess right. If you copy someone else's answer you didn't 'nail it'.
    And calling people dumb? Oh yeah, remember that from the old days, people were already annoyed with you.

    Serious question, why do you always post 'nailed it'? Do you need everyone's approval?

  40. Shityoucantbuy6:39 AM

    Meh, just ignore him. He does this to get approval and thinks he is the king of this website, now that people like VIPblonde, count and others are gone.

  41. No safe spaces8:55 AM

    Haha I live for this shit!

  42. Sharper Teeth10:28 AM

