Friday, November 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #12 - Anniversary Month

August 20, 2012

This actress is C+. To a certain group of people she is probably a B, but for most of the world, you would be hard pressed to identify what hit show she is in because even thought it is a hit, chances are you haven’t watched it. Anyway, our actress has been through more than most. She was subject to some time with the same abuser who has managed to get his hands on other tween stars. The difference with this actress is that she knew how to handle herself. She told him no and when he said he could get her more roles she still said no. She could not stop him from groping her because he was bigger and stronger, but that was all he managed to get. Our actress has a lot of experience fending guys off because unlike most young actresses who primarily work with people their own age, our actress has always worked with lots of older actors and has been fending them off since a very early age. There have been times where she spent entire days hiding out in a locked dressing room because the 50 something co-star would come try and find her whenever he got drunk. This is not to say that she has not been persuaded. She will be the first to admit that she lost her virginity to a guy who would go to jail if anyone found out. She was a teen and he was in his late 30’s. She is not much older than a teen now, but has always seemed to have been acting and making her own decisions. When you meet her she has a shell that is so hard and no one ever gets to crack it. Ever. Too much drama, too many fights. Never let them see who you really are she says. She has a boyfriend right now and a guy she sees on the side and they both think they know her and that she is crazy about them. Nope. She is with them because she feels like it is part of her job description. Great acting job, great boyfriend, and then someone on the side who cares for her, but she does not give much back. At least emotionally.

Ashley Benson


  1. Derek Harvey3:49 AM

    No one got this

    well she seems to like partying...

  2. sandybrook3:53 AM

    The Enties have turned on her since then.She was on Days of our Lives I wonder if thats where she lost virginity and with the 50 year old.

  3. snitty4:03 AM

    She lost her virginity to a 30 something year old...not that it's a big diff if she was a kid. Now, someone please tell me what you mean by "OG" when referring to Enty?

  4. Those who gave been exploited seem "to like partying" Why are these predators not named and discarded from the industry ?

  5. Kno Won Uno4:16 AM

    Enty only names the victims, which is ass backwards.

  6. In stoner-speak, OG = original genetics. I'm guessing here it means the original creator of this site.

  7. snitty5:46 AM

    You'd think it would "OE" then, but it makes sense. Thanks, Meg

  8. Honeybunny6:02 AM

    OG means "original gangster".

  9. sandybrook7:34 AM

    yes that's what we named the OG when he showed up once in a while.

  10. Derek Harvey8:26 AM

    If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

  11. DEREK HARVEY11:20 PM


  12. Mooshki3:43 AM

    I wonder if the 50-year-old creeper was Thaao. He once got fired for patting Ali Sweeney on the ass.

  13. Well, he can't exactly name his clients.

  14. OopsyDaisy3:03 AM

    According to her IMDB, she's been working in a world of adults since 2002. It's beyond disgusting that this chick has been fending off adults since she was 13. Name the pedos ffs.

  15. OopsyDaisy3:24 AM

    BTW, a little digging and the pervs could be:

    Same abuser who's raped other kids in the industry: Dan Schneider. She was only on 1 episode of Zoey 101, the only kid heavy show she was on.

    50 year old drunk who she had to physically hide from:

    - Paul Goss (b.1959, Eastwich for 12 epis)
    - Torsten Voges (b.1962, Eastwick for 9 epis)
    - Matthew Ashford (b.1960, DOOL forever)

    Guy she lost her virginity to, who was old enough it would have been a scandal? idk

    Boyfriend she keeps because she feels she has to: Ryan Good

  16. coffeerox9:11 AM

    Very sad. She's so beautiful but chose a line of work that's toxic to beautiful people. I still regard her as the best Abigail. It's good that she got out when she did b/c her storyline took a nosedive after she left.

    As for the virginity thing, there's only a handful of guys that fit that description from that time period and it had to have been during her time on Days of our Lives. I do know the characters and one of them is still on the show.

  17. OopsyDaisy1:17 AM

    I'm thinking Lucas. :)

  18. I think you are right. Most likely, the virginity part of this BI would have been when she was on Days. Lucas is the only male actor who i can remember being in his 30s at that time (correct me if I'm wrong). All the other guys were in their 20s or over 40.

    Plus, Ashley was playing Lucas' cousin on Days (Abigail Deveroux). Which means they were probably working together often.
