Friday, November 27, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #11 - Anniversary Month

May 21, 2012

You know, when you are a big tweener star who relies on wholesomeness and want to keep your reputation intact, you really can’t go around hitting on every teen that walks by you. So, what do you do if you are an A list tweener and want to find some women who are open to more than just kissing, you let your mom handle it for you. Not a manager or an agent, not even a friend. Nope. Mom handled things for her A list tweener(s). Her only rule is that it has to be someone who is not a fan. She would find escorts who would sign confidentiality agreements in advance and then spend time with the tweener(s) and be gone the next morning. She had no problems with this. She felt it was way better than a scandal. It was way more preferable than waking up to some unexpected teen pregnancy or some crazy fan who sold everything they knew to the nearest tabloid. With a new escort coming every night there was no need to take that chance. Mom even made sure that when the tweener(s) had a girlfriend the escorts kept coming. At least one horrific breakup was the result of a girlfriend discovering that.

Justin Bieber


  1. Derek Harvey3:31 AM

    Nailed it.

  2. DoctorMaybe3:40 AM

    And here I felt all cocky that my mom used to let me rent R-rated movies when I was underage.

  3. Kno Won Uno4:14 AM

    I raised a son, so this is extra doubly gross for me.
    Hire a woman to have sex with my son? EWW. WAAAAAYYYY over the line.

  4. Mary contrary4:19 AM

    Gross. But she let usher pass him around so I'm not surprised.

  5. Funny, I figured it would be his dad who'd be the Biebs' pussy wrangler.

  6. Honeybunny6:04 AM

    Crazy don't fall to far from the tree.

  7. Dexknows6:46 AM

    I had a friend that used to irk behind the scenes at a club he would frequent and let's just say he wasn't particular.
    So gross.

  8. yayme6:59 AM

    Bieber's dad, yes. His mother, no. She seems like a decent lady and a good mother.

  9. Well it's never like anyone's accused her of being a good parent. She treats him like more of a meal ticket than a son. There are reasons this kid has gone off the rails. Not that he was ever on them.

  10. Derek Harvey8:27 AM

    If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

  11. T-Dog8:47 AM

    Bieber's problem is that both his parents try too hard to be the "cool" mom and dad.

  12. Derek Harvey12:12 PM

    *high 5

  13. Wow...this kids really did grow up with hillbilly parents!!!!

  14. Good one. That's hilarious.

  15. THANK YOU!!

  16. THANK YOU!! no matter how old you are your parents are always the ones you should be able to go to for help, man or not. but his parents aren't gems so he's stuck. he's just digging a whole for himself but no one is helping to pull him out, that and he's stubborn. just an all around mess

  17. Wow, he has parents that pretty much rate right up there with the Kraptashians and Miley Cyrus! Ewwww.......absolutely horrible......

  18. OopsyDaisy2:57 AM

    That lady is allllllllll business, isn't she? Like... it's your son. A client is one thing, but your own kid? Yuck.
