Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1- Anniversary Month

October 12, 2007

Our other cheater didn't actually manage to succeed, but I guess it is still considered cheating. He, is a married A list director. His goal was this A list actress. The married director got a little tipsy, well maybe drunk off his ass would be a better word, and started hitting on our A list actress over and over. What started out as innocent flirtation, by the end of the night became our director promising to leave his wife and give up everything if he could only be with the A list actress. Throughout the night he tried to keep putting his arm around the actress and also kept going in for kisses. The actress laughed it off for most of the night, but when the director started pawing her, she got pissed and warned him she would call his wife if he tried anything more.

Sam Mendes


  1. MontanaMarriott12:21 AM

    Ok we have GOT to impose a new rule on CDAN. When the BI involves two people and it is revealed can you furnish BOTH names?!?! UGHHH Now I am going to go loca trying to figure out who the actress is.

  2. Elle B12:23 AM

    A list actress= Halle Berry?

  3. Kno Won Uno12:29 AM

    It's frustrating, isn't it? It's only half of a reveal.

  4. Well Mendes cheated on Winslet with Rebecca Hall but no way is she A list and she took him up on it, unlike this actress.

    Very annoying that Enty doesn't give us the A list actress' name.

  5. MontanaMarriott12:53 AM


  6. Tricia131:02 AM

    My guess would be Paltrow or Kidman.Both are alumni of the Dolmar warehouse in London, where Sam is very active and wrote a book about- could have been a fundraiser or event / production there...

  7. youknowho1:03 AM

    Monica Belluci. A list name but not for acting. I can see her pulling aaaaa I call your wife aaaa.

  8. youknowho1:04 AM

    wait was 2007. mistake

  9. marlo1:23 AM

    Kate Winslet has cheated on all her husbands, so whatever.
    Somebody who travels with a boyfriend to Richard Branson's private island, only to leave with his half witted nephew who has legally changed his name to ROCK'N'ROLL, does not deserve better.

    Team Sam.

  10. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)1:34 AM

    This. He was the producer on THINGS WE LOST IN THE FIRE.

  11. medley1:49 AM


  12. medley1:49 AM

    he's really unattractive. men like sam mendes need money and/or fame to get laid.

  13. Molly1:52 AM

    No way I'll believe anyone would be lusting after Goop. No way in hell.

  14. Molly1:56 AM

    I like Kate, but it is known that she's a bona fide adulterer.

  15. Groaning2:03 AM

    I want to know who the actress is.

  16. Now I know why Enty has run on sentences: He doesn't know how to use a comma.
    And, yes, WHO is the hit upon actress?
    This is only a 1/2 Blind Item Reveal.

  17. vodianova11:12 AM

    Ahh, I had a feeling Sam Mendes was a cheater. He knew Rebecca Hall (not the A lister in this blind of course) for years and both denied their relationship until like a whole year after he got divorced, as thought if they waited long enough people would forget about it. When Kate started dating that hot British model, it was pretty obvious he was a rebound, maybe a sign to Sam that she can do much better. And the whole thing about going to Richard Branson's island with him and coming back with another dude is complete bullshit. People think these things happen as suddenly as they're reported in the news. She wasn't dating 2 guys at once. She broke up with the model dude, then months later her now-husband called her up and the rest was history. Apparently that model was a douche to begin with; I remember a blind about him name dropping her all the time and telling his friends that he was planning to control her career. Then after their breakup he tried to get his 15 minutes when he claimed she didn't treat him well when they broke up. Then he said he loved her. lol.

    Winslet is not known to be a cheater. Where did people get that from? I've never heard from any source. Who knows really, but I wouldn't peg her as one. She seems to be in 100% commitment mode with all her relationships, giving all of herself and demanding the best out of who she's with. She's been married a few times; it's clear she yearns for that long-term commitment. The inner fangirl in me wishes she and Leo were off in a secret relationship though. Hehe.

    I think the A lister in the blind is Halle Berry. He produced a movie she was in that came out around the time of this blind. I can see her telling him to back off and threatening to call Kate.

  18. Still funny though!

  19. marlo1:18 PM

    Do you work for Winslet or something? LOL
    Here in Britain, everybody knows she's an insecure and self-important cheater. There are even comedy When you have to write an essay on how awesome some actress is, chances are she isn't.

  20. marlo1:20 PM

    we have comedy skits about her and how she's so real on British tv. such a phoney baloney fake.

  21. If that's the case and the story came from her lips, it isn't true.

  22. vodianova11:05 AM


    First of all, why is the response to a defensive comment always "LOL you must know the person"? If that's your response to me not thinking Kate Winslet is a cheater, you sound pretty hellbent on the idea that she is, even though there's no evidence. Sounds like you have a very particular disliking towards her ready to shoot down anything positive or defensive. Secondly, the length of my post has nothing to do with whether or not someone is a good person lmao. Third, please don't start with the "well here in Britain everybody knows" nonsense. Don't make up generalizations solely to support something *you* think. It's your own opinion. If you're that afraid to own it, chances are you're pretty insecure about it.
