Monday, November 02, 2015

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress from a franchise that is finished is slipping. If not for the franchise, she would probably be B- list. Anyway, she is going to break the hearts of a lot of guys, but make so many women happy when she comes out.


  1. sandybrook2:47 AM

    Oh poor JAS--Emma Watson! :(

  2. Haha, I was about to say the same thing!

  3. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:01 AM

    Funny, guys, but that's not typical of Enty's ratings for Emma.

  4. muchlu3:19 AM

    agreed and dont think Emma would come out (never heard the romour she was gay anyway) but she seems to be so uptight

  5. Mark B3:21 AM

    Emma is the obvious guess to me, and she does honestly ping slightly, but as has been said, I can't see that she's A-. Bonnie Wright or Evanna Lynch from the same franchise? Or would neither of them be A- either?

    Other franchise wise, I suspect enty would have less charitable about KStew or Nikki Reed, and I can't see it being Dormer or JLaw because of their relationships with men, despite rumours about Dormer being bi (is Dormer even "mostly movie"?)

    Can't think of any others after that lol.

  6. Mark B3:24 AM

    She always came across as a prime candidate for being a "later life lesbian" to me lol

  7. Daddy's lil monster4:27 AM

    Margot Robbie

  8. Is Margot Robbie foreign born?
    Must mean Emma Watson, but Emma is B+and that is only because of Harry Potter and her public speaking.

  9. medley4:48 AM

    @Mark B - Okay, I am SO glad this is came up about Emma Watson's sexuality. She doesn't ping automatically for me either......but something keeps telling me she does like the girls, I have this lingering feeling.

  10. medley4:49 AM

    omg.....yes! MARGOT ROBBIE THIS IS IT

  11. medley4:51 AM

    wait, what franchise? margot robbie only has potential franchise suicide squad...

  12. medley4:52 AM

    nikki reed definitely likes the ladies

  13. Mystery Man5:16 AM

    Shainely Woodley

  14. national nasty6:04 AM

    ...not to be mean, but would it really break guys' heart if she was gay? she's no stunner and she's butch as it is IRL

  15. johnsonbrat6:34 AM

    Kate Beckinsale

  16. Kate Beckinsale is not really an A lister. Shainely Woodly is one odd ball, do men find her attractive? Do women find her attractive?

  17. SkittleKitty7:03 AM

    Shailene - not foreign born
    Emma - I guess maybe.
    Anyone who's in The Hunger Games that could be a candidate?

  18. CobraDemander10:24 AM

    Kristen Stewart

  19. CobraDemander10:25 AM

    Oh, missed the "foreign born "

  20. marquis de whatever11:14 AM

    for someone to be A- JUST because of the franchise they were in when they would normally be B-.....this sounds like Emma Watson to me.

    When she hooked up with the guy from One Night Only, the lead singer....that looked like a 'winwin' beardship to me.

  21. Mark b1:20 PM

    KStew doesnt exactly deny it either at this point.

  22. Mark b1:25 PM

    Natalie Dormer maybe. Shes rumoured to be bi anyway. Id question if she either "mostly movie" or A- though.

  23. Mark b1:27 PM

    Yeah, theres something about her that i cant really put a finger on it, but as i said in a different comment, her being gay would really not be all that shocking to me
