Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Blind Item #7

The phone was ringing off the hook yesterday at the plastic surgeon for this former A+ list mostly movie actress turned don't really work much, but I am going to have permanent A+ list name recognition forever. She was bragging at an event about the work she had done over the past three months and she looks amazing. I hope she gets a referral fee.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Sharon stone

  2. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Or Demi Moore is better guess

  3. TopperMadison12:35 AM

    Who's the surgeon?!

    ...asking for a friend.

  4. Butterlicious12:41 AM

    Meg Ryan

  5. back again12:44 AM

    well,Sharon Stone DID look good naked in September's Harper's Bazaar regardless of being photoshopped to w/i an inch of her life.. Like SPANX, photoshopping can only do sooo much.

    --the bigger issue here is--I want to know what the treatment is!!!!
    (Nicole Kidman gets my Honorable Mention at The Harper Bazaar Women Of The Year Awards)

  6. Tricia1312:47 AM


  7. back again12:48 AM

    EXACTLY!!! and what's the treatment!
    Are we allowed to ask Enty to investigate this matter ASAP??
    Enty if you find this info out, you can be damn sureto get many more Clicking Followers !!! ; )

  8. back again12:51 AM

    +1 - i like this guess @ Tricia at the CFDA Awards....and she DID look really nice & pretty & refreshed.

  9. Whoever it is, I'm glad she's honest about the work she had done.

  10. Kno Won Uno1:03 AM

    I think this is Sharon Stone, who is more natural-looking than Demi Moore, in my opinion. How I'd love to look that good and not tweaked to death.
    It's just cruel not to include the surgeon's name or a link to wear it's mentioned.

  11. sandybrook1:17 AM

    Demi, yesterday's randoms had a pic of her and a lot of ppl thought she looked great. However, Enty's rating for her as permanent A+ is total b.s.

  12. misdismay1:28 AM

    Christie Brinkley

  13. muchlu1:55 AM

    +1 sharon stone, she looks great, she also had work done here in Brazil some years ago when she was dating a Brazilian entrepreneur ...

  14. Tricia132:04 AM

    I think she did as well- I remember Enty sort of wrote something about her looking"really good". Such a scribe of influence our Enty lol

  15. Tricia132:07 AM

    Not scribe *writer is a more fitting word. Well- most of the time:)

  16. Groaning4:19 AM

    I want the name of the surgeon!

  17. Kno Won Uno5:16 AM

    Doesn't she swear she's completely natural?
    Much like I'm actually Jaden Smith in real life.

  18. Kno Won Uno5:17 AM

    I'd like the name of that surgeon, too! She doesn't look "done", in my opinion.

  19. It's Demi, 100%. She was just at the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards looking AMAZING.

  20. You're Probably Right10:30 AM

    You're quite the comedian. Good job.

  21. No advertising for surgeons here please. They can pay for their own darn ads.
