Monday, November 02, 2015

Blind Item #5

This B list celebrity has done cable reality, movies, network reality and so much more. He is also using again after being clean for a very long time.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Steve O

  2. I will be sad if it is him. He has worked so hard on his sobriety.

  3. Johnny Knoxville

  4. Tricia1311:59 PM

    @Mo he definitely has and seemed in a great place(especially when on DWTS). Does he have a child now? Not sure.....thought I read that a while ago.

  5. back again12:37 AM

    Bill Maher
    b/c of comment "...and so much more.."
    -Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central & ABC(cable reality & network)
    -Real Time With bill..(HBO)
    -lots of movies

  6. back again12:39 AM

    ...just to be different from Stevie-O... & I really don't want this to be him!!
    (and i know Bill M. still does coke,weed,ecstacy..i'm just throwing it in there..)

  7. Kno Won Uno1:16 AM

    He never stopped, though - did he?

  8. back again3:15 AM

    nope..i said that above... i just was proud of Stevie-O & don't like to hear of him going down that hellhole of active addiction again..

  9. Malibuborebee3:22 AM

    Bill Maher? Of all the people to "throw out there" why on earth would you choose someone who makes no secret of using drugs and has obviously never quit?

    It makes no sense, @back.

  10. back again3:31 AM

    didn't you see that I literally wrote "and I know Bill M. coke,weed,ecstacy..."{dot dot dot meaning & other drugs}... i also wrote that I threw his name in there just b/c I was hoping against hope that it wasn't Stevie -O b/c I like Steve-O.. i'm just sad about this blind if this is true..

  11. back again3:31 AM

    **still does coke,weed,ecstacy..."

  12. back again3:34 AM

    i guess i wasn't very clear....not surprising seeing that the way i type out my thoughts often doesn't translate on here very well...; )

  13. Kno Won Uno5:06 AM

    Me too. Typing does not equal conversation - you'd think I'd have figured that out since I first stumbled into an AOL chat room in the mid 90s. But no.
    I mostly get you, though.

  14. muchlu5:41 AM

    Steve O was doing well while he was in relationship with x factor alum Stacey Solomon, but seems like he is loosing, he was arrested for the sea world stunt
