Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Blind Item #5

When he is in NYC, this A+ list mostly movie actor has moved in with his A-/B+ list mostly movie actress girlfriend. He just needs to do something about the actress he lives with in LA.


  1. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    ryan gosling emma stone

  2. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Ryan gosling

  3. Derek Harvey11:46 PM

    and eva mendes

  4. back again11:58 PM

    Ryan Gosling is A+--- but Jennifer L.is only A..okay got it.
    I didn't realize that Ryan & Emma were THAT tight.
    It'll be interesting when "The Big Short" comes out Dec. 11th who if anyone accompanies Ryan G. to all the premieres & events.

  5. youknowho12:02 AM

    never like Eva Mendes but you are not supposed to cheat. why did they brought that innocent baby into the world just recently? why??

  6. youknowho12:02 AM

    bring.. omg my typing

  7. Tricia1312:13 AM

    @BA It seems made up- yawn:(

  8. back again12:15 AM

    yeah i figured as much..

  9. @youknowho It's widely believed that 'they' didn't bring the baby into the world and Eva trapped him once she knew he wanted to break up (note how he wasn't really ever pictured with her when she was pregnant). There was also rumours that the baby wasn't even his, as they were already on the outs and she was hooking up with an ex, I believe. Does anyone with a better memory than me remember this in more detail?

  10. Courtney12:20 AM

    It's been hinted at that the baby isn't his. Something about timelines and whatnot and so forth. I was always under the impression they had broken up and then all out of the blue she announced pregnancy. I think the ship sailed on that 'relationship' a long time ago. Just my 2 cents. But why they would keep up for appearances sake is beyond me.

  11. Courtney12:23 AM

    Petal, apparently great minds think alike! Haha! I do remember something about him wanting to end it (and quite possibly did) and Rachel McAdams name even came back up and then Eva was pregnant. He's never seemed too involved and that's probably because it's 1) not his and/or 2) he got tricked/trapped. Him being with Emma probably isn't nearly as scandalous as some are trying to make it out to be.

  12. youknowho12:35 AM

    thanks for explaining it. hmm .. interesting story

  13. Don't buy it. Those 2 have zero chemistry together. Emma is cute, but seems quite asexual.

  14. Kno Won Uno12:37 AM

    I remember that her pregnancy announcement was pretty shocking and they weren't together at the time. They may be raising a child together, but I doubt they're together together. Mendes is one of what I think of as THT women (for Teeth, Hair, T!ts).

  15. Thanks for the back up @Courtney! Yes, that's how I remember it - they had just broke up, but hadn't announced it and she went into hiding, only coming out once she was about 6 months along.

    I'm not sure why Ryan's keeping up with it either, especially if it isn't his. Although according to Enty, it wasn't Gosling in the Halloween mask,... dun, dun, dun! The plot thickens! ; )

  16. Nonsense. They are friends.period.

  17. TopperMadison1:21 AM

    Of course Ryan Gosling is rated higher than Jennifer Lawrence. He's a man. If a man's name is above title--regardless of the quality of film--they're A+.

    Women with names above titles and holders of Oscars and Golden Globes are a B unless they're Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren.

  18. Ibebackyo1:49 AM

    My timeline memory is that he was in iceland with the game of thrones porn stars editing his masterpiece when she got preggers back in the states..

  19. youknowho1:57 AM

    Artificial insemination? IUI. Maybe she had his "tester" swimmers

  20. alice2:13 AM

    I think he didn’t planned a baby with eva, to put it mildly. But I do believe he’s trying to do what’s best for the baby, since Eva is fragile woman (drugs problems) and he tries to keep it together. I don’t exclude that he has a side chick, but I don’t think he’ll dump Eva and go public with the other woman, If something, I don’t ant to believe Emma is the kind of woman who will but herself in the position of being called a homewrecker, but you never know with these Hollywood girls. The ones that look adorable and likable are usually the meanest. and heartless.

  21. littletrix2:18 AM

    'emotional anchor' baby. lots of women desperate to lose their partners think having a baby will 'fix' the problem (prime example: JENNIFER GARNER - little Samuel is an 'emotional anchor' baby)

    people like that don't care about the children they bring into the world - they don't even really see them as lives, just leverage.Their children are pawns to keep their relationship surviving. Selfish people like that should be sterilized.

  22. littletrix2:20 AM

    also, lets not forget that WEIRD AS HELL photo op eva mendes arranged where a bodyguard in a halloween costume posed as ryan gosling w/her and her daughter to go trickortreeting and then eva called up the paparazzi to take photos of them.

    now that is....insano

  23. littletrix2:22 AM


    interesting you should say that. emma stone always subtly 'pinged' for me, as in she could like girls. no clue WHO TO BELIEEEEVE

  24. JSierra2:51 AM

    Has Ryan ever come out and said the baby is his? He seems like such a private dude, maybe he just never set the record straight? That would be odd though

  25. HH3145:00 AM

    He doesn't need to settle anything straight, and you are correct he is very private, hence no going to the tabloids
    It's his child and he co-parents with Mendes, but I don't think they are or will be together

  26. Kno Won Uno5:12 AM

    That's what I think, too. Enty's a little obsessed with "cheating" and makes it up if he can't get the real thing.

  27. Molly6:01 AM

    Dunno. I like both men and women and she does nothing for me and she doesn't strike me as a very sexual person. Not Taylor Swift kind-of-asexual, but close.

  28. KidCudi816:27 PM

    Lmao Eva isn't the bonkers one for sure I'm looking at comments from a bunch of them right now. The imagination it takes. Tabloid rumor as fact? So wrong about the "dress up" blind that its sad. But then again my friend did tell me to come here if I needed a laugh... thank you all for that. ;)

  29. KidCudi816:58 PM

    He was back in LA by mid November of 2013. 9 months back from September 2014 (babies birth) is December 2013. Try again hunny... she also stayed in Iceland for awhile with him before she began promotion for Ny&Co (her 1st launch). Tabloids didn't spot them together hence breakup rumors. Always surprises me how gullible people are. Especially when or if they don't particularly care for a celeb.
