Monday, November 09, 2015

Blind Item #3

This young billionaire tech guy who has not been married all that long and who everyone knows, was all fan boy about this B list singer who does not seem to do much, but somehow retains her popularity. Anyway, he left his wife in a corner and spent three hours in the face of this singer at a party and then spent an additional three hours in her hotel the next morning.


  1. Tricia1311:00 PM

    Mark Zuckerberg/FB

  2. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Zuckerberg and Lana delRay maybe

  3. Def MZ. Maybe the singer is Gaga. Seems he would be a fan:)

  4. Felicia11:03 PM

    BAM! @tricia

    Plus I think he tweeted about his love for LDR too.

  5. sandybrook11:03 PM

    how long is not married all that long Enty? Is it like back in the day and dual and triple threats to you?

  6. Tricia1311:07 PM

    Thx@felicia- that was my stroke of luck! But aren't too many B listers Enty describes as having a fan base either- is this blind implying he "friended" and "poked" her?!

  7. youknowho11:08 PM

    someone must out him bit more lol. tlMr FB and Gugu

  8. Felicia11:09 PM

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Snappy on the implications @tricia!

  9. And here it is;

  10. Muchlu11:24 PM

    Is Lana still with the aristo boyfriend? I never believed he was a good guy

  11. NoseyNeighbor1:54 AM


  12. medley1:58 AM

    that sucks for Mark Z's wife, she is like eight months pregnant!

    I have seen Lana in person with zero makeup on in jeans and a sweatshirt, sneakers. not only if she gorgeous, but she is DAMN TALENTED. her voice is so unusual and sensual. but her main talent I think is lyric writng, truly. her lyrics are not something taylor swift could come up with, lets just say...

    she is a odd, beautiful bird...I cant blame mark.....

  13. back again12:29 PM

    wow..this is after he explained how long he & his wife have tried to get pregnant ..alot of heartache w/failed attempts, etc... what a dick!
    and yeah @medley, she's about to pop! this sucks on many levels... but who knows with these two-they've always had a very unconventional union...maybe they have an arrangement & are the best of friends, yadda yadda yadda..
