Sunday, November 08, 2015

Blind Item #3

The B-/C+ list actress of this A+ list mostly movie actor says she cares for the couple's child all by herself. I think all of the nannies they have on their payroll would disagree.


  1. Tricia1311:01 PM

    Jenna Dewan/Channing Tatum

  2. Tricia1311:01 PM

    I'm guessing Enty left out a word or two!??

  3. The B-/C+ list actress of this A+ actor?

  4. Kno Won Uno11:19 PM

    He does that a lot, I've noticed - leaves out that tiny detail. Let's pretend he means daughter.

  5. Derek Harvey11:32 PM

    Eva Mendes Ryan Gossling

  6. Pick any Hollywood couple who had a child in the last two to three years and take a chance on them being the subject of the blind.

  7. back again11:45 PM

    ewwww, that's sick @ kno...not the image i was hoping for to enjoy with my cup o' joe! hahaha

  8. Ibebackyo11:55 PM

    They all lie about not having a nanny but have a small army of them..

  9. Mendes..didn't quite work out the way she probably wanted. If a guy says he doesn't want kids he probably means it.

  10. that means she has more free time!

    you think she could make her marriage work.

  11. Kno Won Uno1:14 AM

    Then Enty waits for a break up or some mudslinging and "reveals" this to be whoever's making gossip headlines. It's a formula.

  12. honey bunny4:16 AM

    You said it David. If nannies decide to go on strike, these actors would lose their minds trying to care for their kids.

  13. Caitlyn7:49 AM

    Jenna gave an interview not long ago saying how she's a 100% hands on mom and has no help - I think it's her and that she's full of it:(

  14. Ibebackyo10:50 AM

    Ryan gosling Wanted kids just not with That Cokie Monster. Or is it meth??
    I still think he wants Rachel back

  15. camal1912:34 AM

    This is definitely Blake and Ryan. I looked up Eva Mendes and she hasn't worked since her last movie came out in 2014. Blake and Ryan have been filming, pretty much at the same time. Blake is no hands on mom. She and Ryan are all about publicity, fame and money.

  16. Catroe2:59 PM

    Ryan/Blake on this one @Ibebackyo "Cokie Monster" lol that's the best you could come up with. Really though from what I heard she had issues with alcohol not substance abuse, but after she went to rehab for it. Rumours exaggerated it to coke etc. This was also around 2008 when everyone was getting caught with it in Hollywood. She also told a reporter who was snooping point blank it was non of his business so there you go rumour continues. Ryan on the other hand may have been into Heroin at some point. Got it on good authority from someone who worked with him on one of his prior film with Emma Stone that he's a huge flirt too.

  17. Catroe3:00 PM

    By huge flirt I mean any chick with a pulse and the right equipment.
