Thursday, November 05, 2015

Blind Item #3

At the advice of her team, including her A+ list husband, this A+ list singer decided not to speak out in favor of equality for LGBT people in her hometown.


  1. sandybrook11:01 PM


  2. Tricia1311:01 PM


  3. Tricia1311:01 PM

    What gives with Jay z?!

  4. Salaam11:06 PM

    Beyonce was born in Houston

  5. sandybrook11:06 PM

    Houston voted down a bill on Tuesday giving equality to gays, so it's an unpopular belief there to be in favor. The arguement that beat it basically was it would give men access into women's bathrooms

  6. Salaam11:07 PM

    Prolly somehting to do with his ex BFF Kanye

  7. MontanaMarriott11:08 PM

    Dumb on her part since they made her who she is and are the most loyal of fans.

  8. sandybrook11:11 PM

    It's still the south she came from Montana and the farther south you go, the more ignorant it gets. So they played it sfe with her I guess. The bill lost big.

  9. muchlu11:23 PM

    fill me in of whats this bill, because wasnt gay marriage approved sometime ago by the SCOTUS?
    LBGT community is a massive supporter of Bey

  10. I like the sign just outside a women's restroom in a "local" Las Vegas casino where it says: "If you stand to urinate, you need to use the men's room.
    (The casino is known as a hangout for transvestites.)

  11. Kno Won Uno11:29 PM

    I like it - no frills. Stand or sit is all there is to it.

  12. AndrewBW11:31 PM

    It was a comprehensive equal rights bill that would have banned discrimination based on a variety of factors that are already covered under federal law. But it also included gender identity and sexual orientation, and conservative opponents made hay with that. I think it would have been nice if Beyonce came out in support of it, but the bill lost big and I doubt her support would have made much, if any, difference.

  13. Right now, LGBT can marry, but still get fired for being gay in Texas. Or denied a lease, or lots of other things. Kind of weird.

  14. Not really dumb. The Beyhive is too dense to realize their queen actually doesn't give a shit about them. They'll still buzz behind her.

  15. @Ay - exactly. dumb in a moral sense, smart in a money sense.

    I always assumed Bey doesn't form opinions or even have them. she's just a robot with a weave who sings. no personality, her tumblr of pictures her assistants take filling in for that void. it's sad...

  16. Texas is a joke.


  17. Snarknado12:20 AM

    PS, thanks for taking the heat off us,

  18. Libs, proving again and again that tolerance is a one-way street.
    Blind hypocrisy.

  19. lol anytime!

  20. florida isnt all bad! the crazies thought always make the headlines

  21. Please explain how accommodating discrimination is a positive?

  22. ellie8:59 AM

    This argument sickens me to no end. When discussing intolerence, you have to factor in what the sentiment is towards. We are intolerant towards those with zero tolerance, yes. Because for those who discriminate gays, for example, their beliefs and measures they attempt to take actually affect people and robs them of rights they should have. We (liberals) are intolerant of that behavior. Because if we're not, it will never change. And if it never changes, we will live in a world where no one can be themselves because they'll be thrown into jail or fired or refused a cake. So sure, call us intolerant, but when it's in defense of equality and expanded rights, it's not quite "blind" or "hypocritical". You're blindly regurgitating such a stupid conservative sentiment.
