Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B+ list mostly television actor and his wife recently celebrated the birth of another child. What the wife does not know (or considering rumors probably does know and doesn't care) is that her husband's girlfriend gave birth to his child only weeks before the wife did. The girlfriend's baby daughter looks significantly more like him than his wife's last child. This is what happens when the husband makes the wife live back at home while he lives in the US.



  1. youknowho1:07 AM

    that must be a canadian actor. but who?

  2. Whywhywhy???1:07 AM

    Dang! So the wife has a beau at home? No guess for the actor.

  3. Violet1:12 AM

    David Tennant

  4. Tricia131:17 AM

    Yep. Nice Violet!

  5. Ibebackyo1:18 AM


  6. Puffy1:21 AM

    David Tennant?

  7. Puffy1:26 AM

    sorry, there weren't any showing yet when I took my guess lol

  8. hothotheat1:50 AM

    Isn't David Tennant gay?

  9. Whywhywhy???5:33 AM

    Not the 10th Doctor.....NOoooooooooooo! And that just had a baby girl.

  10. Whywhywhy???5:41 AM

    Gay people make babies all the time.

  11. Snarknado7:14 AM

    Heterosexual people make gay babies all the time.

  12. Clive Owen

  13. Ginnee9:27 AM

    His detective partner just had a baby girl in August ... Coincidence?

  14. Anna Gunn had a baby?

  15. this is the original blind I guess baby came around 11 months after this.

  16. David Tennant, Georgia Moffett, and Chris Brassington. Open secret in London.

  17. Hola_14:31 AM

    David Tennant? Frequent mention of being seen with other woman over last couple of years including backstage at awards ceremony this year, Stratford and on sets outside UK. Some of these posts have since been removed and one outlet covering the story reportedly pulled entire issue which ran the story. Reason for recent PR blitz on television and radio about happy family when previously this was completely off limits?

  18. Guidedog4:42 AM

    If Clive Owen is fooling around would somebody please send him my number. :)

  19. Anonjubs6:22 AM

    Janine Miller- shouldn't you know better?

  20. Hahaha6:37 AM

    You have literally made this all up. You are so weird.

  21. Hope imagine6:47 AM

    So secret even they don't know about it!

  22. It was in Popbitch and they pulled the entire newsletter, but did not issue a retraction which is what they usually do automatically when a celeb contacts them.

  23. Where do the rumours come from, that he is gay?

  24. Notafananymore8:09 AM

    Ewww if Tennant but circs seem to fit and persistent rumours as well as other potential blinds over last year. Surprised UK tabloids haven't blurbed yet as this will kill off his nice guy image but his PR people are good at making things go away and until recently he has been super discreet about private life. If it is him, wonder how this is going to play out or maybe all parties happy to keep schtum for sake of kids?? Only a guess though and will be interested to see reveal.

  25. Geoff8:28 AM

    Always thought the Tennant marriage was a bit odd. Three kids in a four-year relationship, him abroad most of the time. I remember he spent years pretending she didn't exist, while she was posting piccies of him in his undercrackers on social media. Looking at his schedule he's due to do a play in NY for 3 months then a movie in Berlin then another TV series. Looks like he won't be home for a year basically.

  26. Geoff8:34 AM

    Btw I've been watching some of his TV interviews recently and what struck me is that he's happy to chat and tell stories about his kids till the cows come home, but the minute anyone mentions his wife, no matter how briefly or innocuously, he becomes visibly uncomfortable and states that he will refuse to answer. He was on US TV today, the host said "Do you remember when you and your wife first met" and there was dead silence for maybe 30 seconds. It was incredibly uncomfortable. I can understand not talking about your private life, or the other way round talking about your spouse but not your kids, but this is just weird.

  27. Thist8:55 AM

    Sad if Tennant. If this is true and one of the partners goes to press, this will be huge news in UK but maybe not so much in US. Will keep eyes on UK sites but maybe legal injunctions there?

  28. Checked out that interview. Ouch. That was mortifying. I think his people might rule out asking those kinds of questions in the future as it only feeds the speculation and makes him look bad. Wonder if this will get a run in the UK gossip onlines this week including the one which was forced to pull the issue alleging his indiscreet behaviour earlier this year.

  29. ginnee11:41 AM

    Nice try, but no. Olivia Colman just had a baby girl.

  30. LuckE32:03 PM

    Sounds like a super weird relationship. Plus, his wife is like 14 years younger than him. Dude sounds like he gets around.

  31. Always comes across as very fakey fakey nice and always looks uncomfortable speaking about his wife. How do these people think they can get away with stuff like this and never think about their kids hearing about it in school or reading it on the internet.

  32. Sad world5:39 PM

    I hate to burst your bubble kids but this is all made up by one individual who is totally desperate to try and get attention. There are no other women, no other baby. Just 2 people who are very happy together and share 4 children. Sometimes things are really that lovely and it's just a shame that makes people so angry.

  33. LucyH6:32 PM

    It was swimming trunks and they were on holiday. He clearly knew the photo was being taken!

  34. No one is querying the photo being taken, but the Invisible Wife's decision to plaster it all over social media!

  35. LucyH7:49 PM

    It's her husband! If she wants to take photos of him and her kids and show them off she can! People are allowed to do that. They do it all the time. She is proud of them! Stop being so bitter and focus on your own life.

  36. It's nothing to do with her being allowed or not being allowed to post pics, it's to do with the fact they appear to be 180 opposed. Imo it's fucked up for one spouse to plaster intimate pics all over social media for the world to see and the other spouse to go out of their way to pretend the other doesn't exist. They're sending out a very mixed message.

  37. I think the thing you are missing here is that they aren't sending out any messages that's the point. They are living their lives very happily for the sake of each other and their kids and their family and friends, not for you. They don't care if you 'don't get' their relationship. It's not for you to get. She has NEVER talked about him in an interview since being together and he has talked about her lots. Your theory doesn't add up.

  38. You must know them very well personally, Lucy? Odd that a personal friend would be commenting on a gossip forum.

    They're celebs, people are allowed an opinion on celebs. And in my OPINION it's super weird and dodgy that a couple who only got together shortly before she gave birth to an oopsie baby, who live thousands of miles apart for most of the year, have been beset by rumours, and where the husband freaks out anytime his wife is mentioned and goes out of his way to pretend she doesn't exist while she's pimping him out and bragging about their perfect marriage 24/7 on social media.

  39. >>>She has NEVER talked about him in an interview

    Um, she retired from acting to be a stay at home mom after they got married. No one's interviewed her for years.

  40. LooLoo2:06 AM

    Please he's been pimping out his kids HARD during his last PR blitzes. You do realize chatshow topics are pre-planned, right? His PR team have even sent out press releases saying "Next week Tennant will be on live chatshow X talking about Jessica Jones and being a father."

    Let's see. He kept his family super private for years. Then immediately after a story about him being separated and having a new girlfriend hit the press, he did a 180 and launched a full on PR campaign based entirely on being a father and telling kiddie stories.

    Yet still refuses to mention his wife.

  41. Um no she is still an actress.

  42. No sweetheart, they know what he is talking about because it's a pre-record! Bless.

  43. What part of "LIVE interview" do you not understand?? HuffPost was definitely broadcast live and it was advertised ahead of time as "David Tennant talks about his family."

  44. Fffffffs6:33 AM

    His people don't know the questions beforehand idiot, that's not how it works. Jeez you are thick as.

  45. Megan6:58 AM

    Her dad said in an interview that she'd retired. Looking at her CV she's barely worked in years and only really tiny jobs when she has worked.

  46. Megan7:00 AM

    Actually it's a very well known fact that chat shows pre-arrange what Qs they're going to ask, and that celebs give lists of what subjects they won't talk about.

    Obviously in this case it was prearranged, otherwise how would the press statement know that the interview was going to be about his family before it was even recorded? Unless they're psychic...

  47. Fffffffs12:52 PM

    Megan and ffs, (as you are the same person) Because the people asking the questions know what they are going to ask! You know, the ones that release the statement beforehand. You just saying 'it's a very well known fact' is totally bull as it's neither so or how it works. Now please stop making up stuff for the sake of it. You can't make something true just by saying it a lot.

  48. No he didn't. He said he hoped she wouldn't. Not that she had. She has done 2 whole series and some one offs and is writing and producing, all since having kids.

  49. ginnee1:48 PM

    Probably came from the fact that he's always avoided talking about his girlfriends/lovers. So when he'd get asked about who he was with and he'd skirt the question -- going back to the days before Doctor Who -- the speculation started.

    I've read somewhere that he'd didn't mind that speculation.

  50. Hilary1:52 PM

    No, it sounded like a rather intimate photo of him holding his baby son -- and he was in underwear.

  51. Hilary1:57 PM

    Had he already broken up with Sophia Myles when he met Georgia? Just wondering if answering that question would have caused some tension. Anyway, his father-in-law is more than happy to spill on them first going out.

  52. Hilary2:01 PM

    It's not that surprising, given how many female fans fantasize about him with Billie Piper/Rose. FFS, they manipulate photos of her with her husband and son to look like Billie is/was with David.

  53. 1234boom6:03 PM

    Nope it was trunks by a pool and they were on holiday. I have it.

  54. 1234boom6:04 PM

    Yes quite a few months before.

  55. 1234boom6:05 PM

    Yes. Lots of his 'fans' are totally crazy. This page is a prime example of that.

  56. Megan8:10 PM

    Okay so HuffPost are PSYCHIC and celebs never have any idea what they're going to be asked about when they go on chatshows. It's all a total coincidence that Tennant constantly tells stories about his kids now.

  57. Megan8:11 PM

    Agreed. It's so weird the posters acting like they're David and Georgia's best friend!

  58. Megan8:12 PM

    Her CV doesn't back ANY of that up.

  59. Not as weird as the ones who don't know them AT ALL and judge their most private of lives. Those are the worst.

  60. Lurker3:46 AM

    Dear MrscDMcDonald/Lizzy Carr/John/Matt/Lucy/Hope,

    This is a gossip forum. People will gossip about celebs on a gossip forum, that's what it exists for. Tennant's behavior and long-distance baby-a-year shotgun marriage is weird enough that of course people will gossip! Unless you are Georgia or a friend of hers (which would be truly deranged and proof the marriage is toast), screaming about what a perfect marriage two celebs have on a celeb gossip forum, and how anyone who *gasp* dares to engage in gossip on a gossip forum just makes you sound like a troll.

  61. Tom Felton's Penis8:17 AM

    I'd have his babies. Hit me up David.

  62. Hola_12:08 PM

    Wonder if PB will run something about this item in tomorrow's newsletter as they've had a few others, including the one pulled, in the past about his relationship/s and seem to have quite a good reputation for reliability.

  63. LucyH8:09 PM

    I'm Lucy and I have no idea who all those other people are. Nice try but I think this just proves the sane people outnumber the loons.

  64. Arlene1:51 AM

    What filming in Berlin? He's supposed to be doing Richard II for part of January in London then for part of April/May in NYC. He has two Scottish films that appear to be on hold (Metanoia and I Feel Fine) and supposedly Broadchurch 3 will film next summer in London & SW Britain. Plus some stuff to do with the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death and a couple of Comic Cons/Wizard World's next spring.

  65. K Tate3:05 AM

    Well, he did mention her on Absolute Radio last week. Not by name, but he did say something about the radio guys needing to get her permission for him to take part in their Christmas Panto.

    At the same time, she's recently wiped all her old profile photos that included a few of him, from her FB account -- at least from public view.
