Sunday, November 01, 2015

Blind Item #1

When the announcement was put out that this foreign born A list movie/television actor's stalker was leaving red ribbons, it was actually to distract from the fact that they were leaving blue hankies. There's a subset of Tumblr stalkers who have gotten his addresses, notate what cars they drive and tell their followers that whenever he wears a blue hankie, it's a secret message to and from him so the stalkers are encouraged to go into his neighborhood and carry/wave/gift blue hankies to show him that they're in on his supposed secret message.


  1. tricia131:01 AM


  2. meowie1:04 AM

    Cumberbatch fans?

  3. meowie1:05 AM

    Jinx @tricia13 ????. Sorry, nothing was up yet, comments-wise until after mine posted. ????

  4. Tricia131:09 AM

    Hey@ meowie:) jinx! Don't be silly- I know sometimes they are there sometimes not.. All good and yep, sounds like him/ them....( *prepare to duck lol*)

  5. pretzel logic1:10 AM

    These people really live in a scary little world of their imagination, don't they? *shudders*

  6. 2cents1:12 AM


  7. I'm sorry, I don't understand this at all.

    Could someone please translate this to English?

  8. meowie1:18 AM

    @tricia D'oh! Forgot about that part. Maybe invoke Jaime Dorman and Milly, and really get the party started?!

  9. Wow. There really should be done against those crazy stalkers before Cumberbatch (and everyone else who get stalked) gets hurt/killed.

  10. Crazy1:22 AM

    Sounds like Sophie Hunter sent this one into Enty herself. Perhaps she doesn't want anyone to realize that her marriage is fake and that the "baby" is really a pillow?

  11. Puffy1:27 AM

    Ewww the creepiness of stans knows no bounds. I hope these are teen girls and not grown ass women, cuz ewwwwwwww.

  12. Crazy1:28 AM

    And rumor has it that she planted the stalker story in The Mirror.

  13. Sounds like someone was on obscure Tumblers again.

  14. marlo1:30 AM

    A gay friend of mine calls Cumberbatch 'the closeted albino pacifake'.
    Here in London he's really pissing off a lot of fans and non fans, with his rants about open borders, infinite immigration, hug a terrorist and other bs.
    People are sick and tired of having celebrities who live in $20 million bubbles, telling them about politics. Especially since they don't open their enormous houses to any Abdul & Mohammeds, but tell us we should.

    Just bloody act, sing, dance, tell a joke, and then go home - nobody is interested in your political views.

    (mini rant over)

  15. Hug a terrorist? Excuse me?

  16. French girl1:39 AM

    Apparently Enty writes that Cucumber plays with his crazy fans

  17. medley1:41 AM

    wow, whoever these fans are, they are tragic.

    get help.

  18. medley1:43 AM

    but the marriage IS fake.

    cumberbatch is gay, through and through. sophie hunter is a willing beard. im doubtful she'd want to sabotage such a steady meal ticket.

  19. Tricia131:44 AM

    That will do it- strobe lights and all!

  20. Sorcha1:50 AM

    @marlo +1,000

  21. Is Enty starting to take blind items from Cumberbatch's nanny fandom again? Either that, or Sophie Hunter is pissed because Cumberbatch is trying to get rid of her.

  22. marlo2:03 AM

    it's a tongue in cheek expression, the ranting demands, by some actor, that a nation, any nation, should take in millions of warring muslims, who are slaughtering their way through the middle east, starting with christians, is kinda revolting, Imo

    Fyi: nearly 80% of 'migrants' arriving in Europe today are men between the ages of 18-30: it used to be called 'invasion'

    You're lucky you're across the pond, you have no idea what we're dealing with right now!

  23. marlo2:04 AM

    Thanks, it's nice to see there are still people out there who can think for themselves.

  24. I really don't want to talk about religion or politics here, because this is not the right place, but you do know that NOT everyone is a terrorist and actually are fleeing from war, senseless slaughter. The only one who are slaughtering the Christians are IS.

  25. marlo2:39 AM

    Muslim countries should take them (there are 50+ in the world), it speaks volumes that they don't.

    And you are very misinformed, currently there are persecutions/genocide of Christians going on in:

    Palestinian Territories
    Saudi Arabia

    And these are just the ones coming to me from the top of my head, there is more persecution in muslim heavy areas of Sri Lanka, Philippines, Kashmir, Indochina

    ISIS is 1 terrorist group, currently there are over 120 Islamist terrorist groups worldwide, the persecution and systematic genocide of minorities, is something they all share - not to mention killing their own.

    Please, with respect, if you don't want to talk about politics, that is totally fine, but try not to spread untruths.
    Inform yourself, celebrity gossip is not everything, but I admit it's refreshingly entertaining. But knowledge is power.

    Peace out.

  26. Nevermind. This is not the right place to go and talk about different religions and politics.

  27. Artemis2:44 AM

    What the hell does this even mean? Who submitted this one, a kindergartener? Somebody played you Enty, nice going.

  28. Artemis2:45 AM

    Nailed it.

  29. marlo2:45 AM

    However some believe it is always the right time to talk about injustices and to rectify untruths.

    I would have never listed all those facts, had you not written something very wrong.

  30. EnnuiAnon2:51 AM

    Word. Wrote a little poem about it a year ago when the "engagement" happened. Hope you enjoy it. *clears throat*...

    Early in MOvember
    (When beards are all the rage)
    It 'could' be just coincidence...
    But Benedict's ENGAGED! :)

  31. EnnuiAnon2:54 AM

    Obviously. Because he's got the blue hanky thing ALL wrong and it certainly sounds like some nanny's screwed up version.

  32. Crazy3:03 AM

    He's not gay. It's just Hunter trying to bash him publicly. All I know is that lady is a loon. Didn't she lie on her CV? Didn't she blackmail him? Doesn't she have a boyfriend that lives with her in London and that's why this whole thing is fake?

  33. Malibuborebee3:06 AM

    Marlo, seriously, just shut the fuck up.

  34. Malibuborebee3:14 AM

    Of course, someone agreeing with you "+1000" must be thinking for him/her self not, you know, mindlessly chiming in.

  35. lol9993:20 AM

    on twitter the other day saw "BABY IS THE NEW BEARD"

    so true.....

  36. lol9993:23 AM

    all I see when I read your comment was

    Yes, the relationship is fake - but both of them are complicit. It's a business deal - nobody gets hurt, both people get benefits. Benedict likes men, but with a wife and baby retains his huge core female fanbase.

  37. Thanks French Girl.

    Still trying to get my head around what this blind is saying.

    Now I understand that a stalker is leaving red ribbons.

    Is the blind saying that there are several stalkers and they are all leaving blue hankies, somehow deluded into thinking that Cumberbatch is purposefully wearing them?

    That sounds like some serious mental illness.

  38. Chuchu3:25 AM

    Dear lord I thought you joking on your first comment but it's obvious your not. If I were religious I'd pray for you.

  39. Does anyone here actually take anything posted on this site as real? It's a bunch of made up fantasies by people bored to death with their own lives. Hankies? Fake marriage? Fake baby? Come on - even the most ridiculous soap operas don't cough up stuff like this.

  40. Chuchu3:32 AM

    Pillow? I thought the baby was a rubber doll? You must have missed that part of the conspiracy / narrative.

  41. Look, the blue hankie thing was a joke made up last year by the people who thought the sudden engagement meant "showmance" for awards season ("skeptics"). They thought Cumberbatch was being overly influenced by Weinstein, So they joked, "Benedict, give us a signal that we're right--wear a blue hankie in public and we'll know." Obviously, someone's deliberately misunderstanding the joke and taking it literally. If someone from the Batch's fandom submitted this item, it seems quite likely it was from people who want everyone to believe it was a "skeptic" who was his stalker.

  42. The only couple of things that I going to say are and then we drop this because we probably will never agree on all of this:

    Just because the government of some of these countries are not a fan of Christianity it does NOT mean that every Muslim are agreeing with all this. That is what I was talking about. Not everyone is the same. Or are every Catholic a child abuser? No. They are not.

    These people are coming to Europe because they are having the idea that it is good place to live without fear of being slaughtered, persecuted by the government of Syria, IS, etc.

    Persecution? Yes. Some of them are getting severely persecuted as well. For what? For being a ‎Shi'i. (That is one of the two major denominations of Islam. The other is Sunni.)

    You probably have heard about the Sectarian violence, right?

    Palestinian Territories? That is more a difficult situation than you think. The Palestinians are not having it great there either. Israel does not differentiate between Palestinian Christians and Muslims when it carries out its occupational policies.

    EVERYONE are all subjected to the same military occupation; humiliating military checkpoints, targeted assassinations, house demolitions, curfew etc.

    But I am not going any deeper into that, because we will never agree.

    Oh. I just took IS as an example. They kill everyone who are against them.

    Let us now drop all this and move on. Okay?

  43. TopperMadison4:27 AM

    I find it so bizarre how this man brings out the crazies in such force. Just look at the comments here compared to other blind reveals. I am SO GLAD I didn't marry the guy. You know, had I ever met him, got over his unconventional looks, fallen in love at the same time he fell in love with me, figured out the logistics of the multiple location dwellings, settled on a pre-nup, and the like. Having thousands of crazy women stalking my husband and declaring me a devil-worshiper would really just be too stressful for me. So, thank you Mr. Cumberbatch for never proposing, pursuing, or even meeting me! If you're a cat person, it never would have worked out anyway, so please don't call now, K? Thanks!!

  44. If you don't care or think this is all false, why bother reading or commenting on the site?

  45. Holy crap. Dunno which is more distrurbing this strange and confusing blind or the responses. I like Cumberbatch but why does he bring out the crazy in so many people? When the Twilight or One Direction fans show the crazy, you can at least say "we were all teenagers once". The Cumberbatch fans are unlikely to be 13 year olds. I repeat, holy crap.

  46. Edit: (I accidently removed this part)

    It doesn't matter which religion people have, because they are still getting slaughtered by the Syrian army if they are against the government.

    In Afghanistan you have the Taliban who interpreting the Qur'an on their own way and kill Christians and all.

    Iraq? I hope you realize that THAT is done by IS and other organizations who are just using the Qur'an for their own gain, politics and all. There is not much of a government in Iraq anymore. Just chaos and Sectarian violence.

    Turkey also persecute(d) the Kurds and killed Armenians. So..

    Who were getting slaughtered in former Yugoslavia? Muslims.

    Persecution and systematic genocide of minorities? 1942-1945 anyone? Or the Spanish Inquisition. So, the Christians are not that innocent either.

    Now that everything has been said, let us QUICKLY move on and speak of this no more. Okay?

  47. CantRemember7:01 AM

    Marlo, since all gay people know exactly who else is gay can you ask your friend a few questions for me. It will really help my release fantasies, if you know what I mean. winkwink.

    What is Cumberbatch's type? Is he a top or bottom? Kind of hoping for bottom since his pale white butt has been on screen so much. I think I want to pair him with Hugh Jackman, Eddie Redmayne, or maybe even Jake Gyllenhall if I can ever picture him without facial hair again. Am I on the right track or does Benny like twinks or bears or something specific like that? Do you or anyone else know if he took a page from Cruise and put the wifey on a 5 or 10 year contract, or did he just do an easy 2 years, one kid type of deal?

    Come to think of it, he was hanging out with the star trek cast alot after it was over. Is he sleeping with any of them. Now that's hot.

  48. Chuchu8:11 AM

    Yeah a big chunk are in their 40s and 50s.

  49. These threads make me wish I had taken a shine to actual reading ( books). I would be doing it.

  50. Navymommy8:48 AM

    It wasn't only Muslims being slaughtered in the former Yugoslavia. I have family that fought in that war against the Serbs. In front of their home. To keep their parents and younger siblings from being killed. I also have family in The Netherlands, Germany and England. Marlo is right. It is an invasion that PC policies for the last 50 years made inevitable. I mourn for western European culture.

  51. Navymommy8:49 AM


  52. TheCousinEddy9:09 AM

    All I'm going to say is that I think Enty sometimes screws with us regular readers/commenters by posting/revealing blinds that he knows will attract a certain segment of a certain fandom. In other words, the very author of this blog is trolling his own readers. Thanks Enty. Carry on folks, nothing to see here...

  53. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)10:07 AM


  54. Lemon Swizzle (fka Princess Kate)10:09 AM

    All Cumberbatch BI's are BS. The person who was feeding most of them to Enty has confessed to this many times.

  55. marlo1:35 PM

    I don't think so.
    Is this the famous american 'freedom of speech'?
    I'm used to it, here in Europe we are also being muzzled by cretins and collaborators.

    If you don't like it, don't read it. As I said, when somebody talks out of their backside, they should not be surprised when the get corrected by somebody more informed.

    Getting angry at facts only shows ignorance, coupled with a primitive sense of childish closing-your-ears and going 'lalalalalalalala'

  56. marlo1:36 PM

    You are shockingly ignorant and disturbingly stupid, and incessantly stubborn in your stupidity,

    You do know that everybody who reads your garbage of a post can use google, right?

  57. marlo1:43 PM

    Thank you Navymommy,
    yes we will see another Balkan style crises arising within months, in parts of Germany, Sweden and Britain it's already here.
    The war in ex Jugoslavia was started by Muslims throwing their weight aground, attacking other religions and the wars were a response to that. Everybody knows this, it's bloody HISTORY, and recent one at that, and not an opinion by an ignorant cretin, 'like 'Me'.

    The morons who want us fighters to shut up are traitors and collaborators to genocide.
    They will not shut us up any longer. We will get our countries back, we will not surrender to Islam, so don't start your mourning yet. Europeans are fed up to their teeth, Muslims should stay in their 50+ countries and stop invading the entire planet. Whever there is Islam, there are wars, apart form North Korea/South Korea, every war in the world today, and every armed conflict in the world today, has Islam as the lowest common denominator - but we should not talk about it? Get the F out of here you spineless turd!

    What was happening in Ex Jugoslavia and the Balkans and now is happening all across Europe, is simply race replacement.

    p.s.: the comment below is not for you clearly, but mean for 'Me".

  58. marlo1:46 PM

    some ppl are too smart to swallow mindless leftist propaganda in the media and government, and can see for themselves whats going on

    the rest are useful idiots

  59. marlo1:50 PM

    LOL, my friend likes Peter Marino type guys :D, so I don't think he knows

  60. LOLSTANS3:26 PM

    This is a spoof, right?

  61. EnnuiAnon3:30 PM

    ^^^ The real scoop. From True Blue Lu. :)

    She has it exactly right. It's one particular Tumblr blog, and the people who hang out there are mostly 'former' fans -- "skeptics" -- who for the most part sit somewhere on the spectrum of still hoping for the best for the guy (because he looks like hell now & is clearly miserable) and just being so disgusted with all his fakery and shilling of his private life that we're not really fans anymore. Just watching a bloody interesting story play out. Kinda like a train wreck it's hard to look away from.

    If there 'were' anybody twisting the blue hanky joke into some kind of stalker activity, it would be Cumberbatch's die-hard, blissfully oblivious fans, the nutty nannies -- who actually DO things like show up at his publicist's office with prezzies, etc. The irony is, this faux marriage narrative probably was meant to distance him from that crowd, but it's been performed so poorly (BC's camp really should have hired a better actress) that the squealies are the only ones silly enough NOT to see through the whole thing, including the most unnaturally progressing pregnancy in human history. So he lost the smart fans, and kept THEM. *sigh*...

    Those of us who admired his acting, his sense of fun, his mischievousness, etc. never cared if he was gay or not. He was just a lucky actor who never expected to be famous, and was having the time of his life, being himself. He was truly a joy to watch. Then he listened to some bad advice, let himself get railroaded into being somebody else, and f*cked the whole thing up. What a shame.

    A lot of us don't believe the red ribbon story, either. Just sounds like PR bullsh*t to get his name in the papers, push the forthcoming movie, and to perhaps lay some sort of groundwork for furthering this year-long story in one direction or another. Perhaps to its conclusion before he ages another 10 years in one. We can only hope.

    And of course, watch for that blue hanky. ;) ;) ;)

  62. LOLSTANS3:33 PM

    There's literally no evidence for any of that, at all. It's all just lies invented by the obsessed stans who can't accept that their Internet boyfriend is married to someone else.

    I can tell you that the "living with her boyfriend" thing has been comprehensively debunked. The rumour came from one of the hater blogs who searched her name on the Companies House website (official government registry of businesses) and found that Sophie's theatre company is registered to an address owned by her ex-boyfriend. Because they're not very bright, they assumed they'd found Sophie's personal tax records and home address, because it's completely logical that you'd be able to put someone's name into a government website and just instantly have their home address pop up! Despite the fact Companies House says very clearly it's the registered address of the business and nothing to do with personal tax. Despite the fact entering Benedict Cumberbatch's name into the same site, his address pops up as a business park in Stevenage. Despite the fact the building was demolished two years ago and has been a building site ever since. Despite the fact the 'boyfriend' is married with a baby.

  63. LOLSTANS3:34 PM

    No, Enty is saying that crazy fans are assuming that Ben is sending them secret messages through his clothes. Nothing says he has anything to do with it (other than being aware of what they're doing and taking police action against them).

  64. Oh FFS. Is there no limit to the depths you obsessed stans will sink to? The newspapers reported on a POLICE story. The press cannot simply invent lies about the Metropolitan Police, they'd be in massive trouble. Besides any stories involving the Met Police have to be checked with them first. The idea that Sophie Hunter just casually phoned up the press and ordered them to print a fake story involving lies about the police force is mind-boggling.

    And honestly it's pretty disgusting that you claim to be massive fans yet obviously don't care a jot about the poor man going through what must have been a terrifying ordeal.

  65. I doubt this is the same person, though, because the person who was feeding fake BIs to Enty is a "skeptic" making up BIs about Sophie Hunter being an evil junkie blackmailer faking her pregnancy to force Ben to marry her. She wouldn't send in a BI about skeptics being stalkers. Besides the stalker was spoken to by police, that part of public record.

  66. We know 'Gator' (one of the main skeptics) has been submitting fake BIs about Sophie Hunter being evil and fake for ages, and for the last couple of months she's been blogging her anger and impatience at Enty for not publishing her latest BI submissions. She obviously has anger issues; she's abusive to anyone who contacts her who doesn't worship and blindly agree with her. So God only knows what kind of crazy abusive messages she's been sending him. I wouldn't be surprised if Enty published this because he was sick of being harassed and used by skeptics and wanted to send a message to them, that he wasn't 'on their side' and wasn't going to play their game anymore.

  67. The Mirror managed to get their hands on the PIN Report (police report) so it's definitely true. If it wasn't true, there would be no police report.

  68. I'm not going to post her name because she appears to have mental health problems, but the identify of the woman spoken to by police for stalking was leaked elsewhere. She lives in London and she is a skeptic (very much a skeptic), though not one of the 'big name fans' within skepticdom, and she has a past history of harassing Ben's colleagues about the 'fake baby' via Twitter.

  69. Two of the biggest 'BNFs' in skeptic-dom have made posts this past week about knowing Ben's home address and giving details about Ben's home. One of them previously posted about sending a friend to check up on his house to see if there was anything outside that would prove/disprove the existence of the baby (amusingly, the friend reported that there was a car containing a baby carseat parked in the driveway, and the packaging for a buggy in the recycling, which is apparently proof there is no baby??).

    It's mind-blowing. An actor has a stalker arrested and you think this is the best time to start openly blogging about how you have his home address and think it's okay to visit it??

  70. Sophie? Is that you commenting on this blog? Desperate to keep your 15 minutes going? Sure as hell sounds like it.

  71. You just sound like a desperate nanny. Are you one of Sohpie's minions?

  72. Yeahsure12:57 AM

    As the red ribbons on his car and house was all over the news, it hardly qualifies as a "blind item". As for the rest . . . JHC. I think Cumberbatch is an immature twat, but he's Winston Churchill compared to his obsessed lunatic skeptic fans. If I hadn't seen some of this shit with my own eyes, I don't think I'd have believed a report of it.

  73. Yeahsure1:00 AM

    Have you ever looked at gator's blog? You don't need to be a nanny to see that this woman is out of her cotton pickin' mind.

  74. Yeahsure1:05 AM

    It was Sherlock whut done it. He was a decently respected jobbing actor till Sherlock put him over the top. Cumberbatch exists in the imaginations of a bunch of emotionally damaged misfits as some charming impish eternal 32 year old genius whose quirkiness plays to their own sense of specialness and isolation. That he really wasn't that person is impossible to get across. They want their Dorkybatch back and they blame Hunter for revealing that he's not, even more than they blame her for "getting" him when they couldn't. Someone should really do a PhD on these people.

  75. Yeahsure1:11 AM

    Hon, get yourself a life, please, before it's too late. Start with meds. He's just fine - his only problem is YOU.

  76. Yeahsure1:13 AM

    I sure hope you never get picked for jury duty. There isn't a think you mentioned in this post that doesn't fall into the Big Lie Technique. Every last bit of it is unfounded, unprovable rumor.

  77. Yeahsure1:15 AM

    Aeltri, is that you trying desperately to hang onto the shreds of the parallel universe you've been living in since Sherlock debuted?

  78. Yeahsure1:25 AM

    For the record, I have a similar beef with Cumberbatch, whose family will never experience the downsides of mass migration, which is what this amounts to. This is a tragedy for the poor and working-class at the sharp end inside Europe, and for those legitimate refugees at the other sharp end. As I said, Cumberbatch is an infantile twat living in a bubble, and the theater was an inappropriate place for this uninformed b.s. And all that said, yeah, this is a gossip site it's kinda hard to do this kind of thing here.

  79. Yeahsure1:31 AM

    Oh FFS - there is no more proof that he's gay than his baby is a doll and his marriage nonlegal and his wife doesn't live with him and they're both drug addicts. If Cumberbatch were really gay, by this time it would have leaked, just the way everyone knows Armitage is gay, everyone knows Redmayne is gay, everyone knows Jenner is gay, BCoop is gay, KStew is gay . . . I don't say this because I think it's impossible he's gay, but because if he were, even DL would be announcing it - they really know their own. If they aren't talking about him the way they do ER, Jenner, BCoop, and Armitage . . . he probably isn't.

  80. Topper, out of the million or so posts on this strange BI, for me-yours wins!

    A post that made me legitimately laugh due to it's wit (as opposed to uncomfortably laughter due to holy shit factor of some other posts).

  81. Yeahsure1:35 AM

    Didn't you know? Hunter is also blackmailing most of the Met - and Scotland Yard. They did a fake PIN for her just the way all Cumberbatch's friends and family came to the wedding that wasn't legal, just to keep her from spilling the beans about every last one of them: Hiddleston, Rhodes, Brealey . . . because they're all dumb as a box of rocks and Hunter is the only one with an IQ over 80 and is outwitting them all . . .

  82. Yeahsure1:56 AM

    Even if the marriage is a beard arrangement, that doesn't make it FAKE - as in nonlegal. Nor does it make the baby fake. Lots of gay men get married and father children. And they often have close relationships with the women who are their beards. The kind of "fake" Crazy is referring to is something that helpfully completely negates any reality that she can't cope with: he loves someone else, he fathered a child with someone else, he married someone else, he's not gay, and it's entirely someone else's fault.

  83. Yeahsure2:00 AM

    You don't by any chance have access to next week's PowerBall numbers, too, do you?

  84. Yeahsure2:07 AM

    Don't believe the red ribbon story? Think Hunger blackmailed the Met into making up a PIN?

    He looks, actually, like a man nearly 40 who's just come off a 7-8 perf/week of the greatest role of his career. His hairline is receding, he's moving into middle age, and it's a real shame he couldn't remain your "fun loving" Dorkybatch till he hit 70, but you know that's the trouble with these Loves From Afar: they always fucking have to grow up and start living adult lives - you know, wives, kids, etc. - without YOU.

  85. The only thing I truly believe here is that Yeahsure is an idiot.

  86. Yeahsure3:46 AM

    Oh come now - you've made it abundantly clear the many things you DO believe besides that . . . as ME.

  87. Aeltri4:06 AM

    Actually Winston Churchill wasn't the hero a lot of people make him out to be. Look up 'Bengali Famine' for starters instead of taking everything the media puts out at face value. THIS is why skeptics exist, we don't like being lied to. With regards to BC be it a fauxmance, bearding setup or whatever the fuck this toxic setup is? It has not done him any favors. No one simply decides to change that much overnight, especially not for the worse. If you think this is normal I feel sorry for you because you are setting yourself up for a co-dependent nightmare. Even the change is his appearance and mannerisms is notable. A happily married man does not make passes at other women in front of his wife nor does he leave her for an hour to chat up an ex. BC got shackled to a malignant narcissist and is already regretting it from the look of things...

  88. You're still an idiot.

  89. LooLoo5:27 AM

    Honestly the most disturbing thing about the "skeptics" is the fact that they relentlessly stalk Ben and his family both in person (several of them openly brag about having his home address and at least three have openly posted about visiting his house to check up on him), cyberstalk them and try to illegally gain access to private government records (one even posted a screencap of a purchase order for their baby's birth certificate!!), harass anyone who knows them or even anyone who tweets about seeing them, spread vicious lies about innocent people simply for having any passing connection to Sophie (accusing a guy who dated her five years ago of cheating on his wife, with whom he's got a baby; going from worshipping Letters Live to accusing them of financial fraud just because they asked Sophie to read) not to mention devoting most of their daily lives to running a hate campaign against his wife and his baby son.

    Yet genuinely believe that all this is fine and dandy and that Ben would actually appreciate them for doing it, because in their minds he is Sophie's "victim" and in need of rescuing by them.

    Someone actually said on another forum the other day, that she was certain Ben was more freaked out by "nannies" going to see Hamlet multiple times, than "skeptics" for stalking, libelling and hating on his wife and baby. It's terrifying.

  90. Personally I don't believe that "nannies" exist. They're just an invention of the skeptics, who like to pretend there's some shadow army of equally obsessed stalker fans fighting them, who they can use as a convenient fall guy.

    Problem is they accuse literally anyone and everyone who doesn't believe that Sophie Hunter is a criminal mastermind forcing Ben (and the rest of the UK) to go along with a fake marriage and fake doll, of being a nanny. Heck, any time one of their own fellow 'skeptics' does something terrible (like the girl from London who was harassing Ben's friends) or even when a 'skeptic' finds something that contradicts them (like the Canadian fan who stalked Ben's house and took a photo of Sophie in the local market), they'll instantly say, "Oh that person MUST be a nanny who's been pretending to be a Skeptic all this time to make us look bad."

    Sure, there are plenty of people who are disgusted by what the "skeptics" have done (some of them hardcore Ben fans, some casual fans, some not fans at all but people brought in because the skeptics stalked them). I'm sure some Ben fans stan for Sophie simply because she's his wife, which is a bit weird. And considering all famous people have stalkers, it's probably that Ben has stalkers or obsessed fans who are not skeptics. But that's a far cry from the all-powerful single entity "Nanny Army" the skeptics like to pretend it is.

  91. LooLoo and Paul? You just sound like nannies.

    Get a life.

  92. As you asked, I'm one of Gator's victims. I had a professional encounter with Sophie last year, I sent a few work-related tweets, one of which happened to mention her name and said something nice about her. The skeptics instantly starting sending me AND my boss emails saying all kinds of crazy accusations about me. Then a friend emailed me a link to a 'skeptic' blog that had a bunch of screencaps of my webpage, my social media, etc. with comments about how I was clearly a total failure in my career and that's why I was accepting bribes from Sophie to tweet about her.

    Before that day I'd never visited Tumblr and barely knew who Benedict Cumberbatch was. The only reason I started investigating the skeptic blogs, was because of what they were saying about me. Then I fell down the rabbit hole, out of a kind of fascinated disgust. Now when I come across you skeptics spreading your hate, I fight back, because I know you're the same people who attacked and stalked me. Sophie can't fight back, but I can.

    PS my name is not Paul and I've changed minor details so the skeptics can't identify me. I don't care if you don't believe me, because I know it's true, and you idiots brought this on yourself.

  93. LOLSTANS5:46 AM

    "A happily married man does not make passes at other women in front of his wife nor does he leave her for an hour to chat up an ex."

    Oh, stop it. You're not fooling anyone. I like how "Ben has sex with different women in his dressing room between shows" has turned into "made a pass at a woman in front of his wife," though.

  94. Yeahsure9:01 AM

    And you're still ME and a subscriber to conspiracy theories that would make the CIA blush for shame.

  95. Yeahsure9:03 AM

    Like yours, you mean?

  96. Yeahsure9:13 AM

    Honey, most of the vast movie going public doesn't give a rat's ass who he's married to or why. Only a small group of Tumblr obsessives care. And btw, he has a perfect right to lie to the public if he feels like it. He owes you nada. It's his life, not yours - something you seem to have difficulty understanding. It's none of your damned business. Period. Full stop.

  97. Carolina12:47 PM

    Freedom of speech is guaranteed by our govt--it doesn't mean we have to listen to you blather on a gossip blog.

  98. Paul, you are a LIAR.

  99. Shut up already.

  100. marlo2:29 AM

    Who's forcing you? Just F off, as we say here in Britain!

  101. marlo2:30 AM

    I fully concur.
