Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Blind Item #12

This A+ list singer was invited to a very recent birthday celebration. No way would she attend. She hates being filmed and doesn't like the invitees despite what they would lead you to believe.


  1. Tricia133:45 AM

    Taylor Swift

  2. Tricia133:46 AM

    At Kendall Jenners bday

  3. Kno Won Uno4:15 AM

    Hahaha! I think this is hysterical!
    Sometimes I think the Kardashian/Jenners rewrote their dates of birth so that every couple of weeks someone could have a huge party - a family member, an SO or a child. It's ridiculous how many damned birthday parties they have. Do they spend all day getting ready for the venue-stroll - and that's it? That's work?
    Swifty is the only A+ female singer connected to the Birthday-Go-Round family, to the best of my knowledge.
    I don't like her either, but I like this item.

  4. LA Rose4:28 AM

    Honestly it could be Rihanna, Beyonce, Taylor, Selena, Ariana or any A list singer because they all down low despise that family. LOL

  5. Kno Won Uno4:40 AM

    I agree.....but would they be invited?
    No way is Selena in the same class as Bey & RiRi or I'll have to kill myself. Ariana should be in a different galaxy. A galaxy far, far away.

  6. makersfm4:42 AM

    Im going to assume the birthday party was Kendall Jenner and the A+ singer is Swift.

    Selena/Ariana are not A+ and Beyonce/Rihanna are too old

  7. back again4:50 AM

    well...Kim K. was/is forever trying to be BFFs with Beyonce as well i believe @ Kno.

  8. Megley5:18 AM

    And don't forget Princess Kate!

  9. I agree with it being Kendull's party, but I think it's probably Beyonce. I've heard time and time again how she keeps tight control over images of herself. And she also hates the Kardashians. But who doesn't?

  10. Amused6:42 AM

    TMZ already dinged on Taylor not showing up, and eating at a restaurant down the street instead.

  11. muchlu7:08 AM

    definitly Tay Tay and Kendall, I remember they asked Kendall why wasnt she on Swift Bad Blood video, she said she had schedule conflict and wouldn't be abble to make it but she was quoted haha

  12. Mystery Man8:21 AM

    Taylor Swift I heard she was eating at a restaurant nearby. Who would really blame her for not going. I wouldn't even go to Kendall Jenner party if I was invited.

  13. Dutch9:36 AM

    Good for Taylor! I don't know why the Kartrashians would think Taylor would lower herself to go to a reality party.

  14. Hey now5:00 PM

    I wonder how much Kris paid Drake and his friends to attend Kenny's photo shoot...oops, I mean birthday party. Believe me when I tell you that any well known A-lister (Drake) that did attend this embarrassing social event was either paid or Kim had Kanye pull out the "can you do me a favor" BS routine which I hear is getting really old among his remaining friends in the industry! NO ONE IN THE INDUSTRY LIKES KENDULL or her fame driven family!

  15. Christine10:11 PM

    Why you all bagging on Kendull? A (alleged) ho's gotta eat too
