Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Blind Item #12

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress seems like she is in a dozen movies this year. Honestly, it is only slightly less than that. Because she was working so much she did not see her full frontal loving foreign born actor now ex-boyfriend as much as she would have liked but she was not expecting him to continually cheat on her either.


  1. Tricia133:46 AM

    Alicia Vikander/fassbender

  2. back again3:56 AM

    well then she's the only one who didn't.....didn't she read CDaN about his constant philandering??

  3. Tricia133:58 AM

    She been too busy filming a dozen movies @BA!

  4. mariaj3:59 AM

    Since i think that they are just a publicity couple, born from Weinstein offices-mind, i doubt she is hurting or care.

  5. back again4:01 AM

    oh right. *derp

  6. mariaj4:05 AM

    And i doubt that PUBLIC care, too, except some of his fans that quite loathe her. I do get his " charme", located in a particular zone of his body, and i wouldn't mind i think a round with him, but nothing more than that, i don't see his appeal beyond the obvious phisical " tool"

    But i like him as actor, he is very good.I loved him in Shame, and Jane Eyre and in his others movies.

  7. Mariaj - regarding Weinstein offices PR arrangement, I agree, I think there was a blind about that here. Something about her wanting to date people her age that she has more in common with and him wanting to take a relationship with a different costar public, but that not being part of Weinstein's grand plan for the two of them. Maybe these PR arrangements end up bleeding into real life, like how Gwen seems actually swept up in her PR relationship with Blake, and Robert Pattinson got really upset that Kristen Stewart "cheated" on him. It reminds me of the episode of 30 Rock where Jane Krakowski's character had a PR relationship with James Franco who was actually in love with his pillow. So maybe she's just annoyed he wasn't as discreet/professional as her.

  8. Don't quite understand how they need any P.R. They're both talented (although I'm still working on liking her).
    But... So would for one night with the Fassbender. More than that is asking for some drunken drama in your life!

  9. Alicia Vikander is a doll. I just recently saw her in UNCLE which was excellent.
