Monday, October 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 21, 2015

This A+ list singer was so drunk and wasted on pills this week for a show that she showed up late and only managed to do that after forcing herself to puke up everything she ingested. Apparently the show was as awful as the hour leading up to it.

Mariah Carey


  1. Kno Won Uno2:47 AM

    Maybe she needs another 'vacation' in the Mediterranean. Doesn't she need 7 or 8 a year?

  2. TopperMadison3:19 AM

    I know I need 7 or 8 a year!

  3. I could use a (female) billionaire benefactor, though!

  4. sydguy3:12 PM

    @david Why so picky? Just say any billionaire, you never know. :D
