Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 27, 2015

This A list athlete/celebrity had a bunch of her new food line brought to a practice facility for her fellow athletes. When an arch rival, who is an A+ list athlete/celebrity found out who they were from she dumped them all in the trash.

Maria Sharapova/Serena Williams


  1. A Pretty Cat in LA5:39 AM

    Serena actually hates white people. Her dating all those white guys is a form of self-punishment.

  2. Anway7:51 AM

    That's the stupidest thing I've ever read.

  3. Mark b2:38 PM

    Nah, she seems like hates everyone not called Serena or Venus.

  4. How wasteful. She should be ashamed of herself.
