Friday, October 30, 2015

Blind Item #6

Usually it is the two biggest stars in the film that travel together and the lesser stars divide up and conquer the rest of the cities on the globe. Not in the case of this blockbuster. As I told you previously, the two stars can't stand each other so the main female lead is traveling alone throughout the globe. When absolutely required she will be on the red carpet with the A list male lead, but she hates him.


  1. Derek Harvey1:00 AM

    Sandy Bullock Billy Bob

  2. Derek Harvey1:01 AM


  3. Tricia131:01 AM

    Daniel Craig/belly I Spectre

  4. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    nvmnd---not even released yet---can't be a blockbuster

  5. Derek Harvey1:02 AM

    The Martian

  6. Tricia131:03 AM


  7. MontanaMarriott1:06 AM

    Also noticed he removed her from all ads and commercials for Spectre.

  8. Derek Harvey1:06 AM

    Monica Belluci is NOT a big star and is not even the lead

  9. Tricia131:07 AM

    I hope Cassel kicks his ass!!!:)

  10. Derek Harvey1:08 AM

    not really....

    Daniel Craig Stands Up For Monica Bellucci
    Bustle-Oct 28, 2015
    Craig has been giving a lot of interviews to promote Spectre, and one thing has become abundantly clear — Daniel Craig is a feminist!

  11. Tricia131:12 AM

    ^Meant for MM- think it goes back her rejecting him and yet chumming it up with Chris Waltz,or so it was inferred.

  12. Mary Contrary1:22 AM

    Lea Seydoux / Daniel Craig / Monica Belucci. I don't think any of them like each other but they've parted ways to promote 007 after what appeared to be a tense royal premier together.

  13. Kno Won Uno1:24 AM

    Yeah, but Enty refers to films as blockbusters while they're shooting. Like triple-threat, Enty has his own definition.

  14. TopperMadison1:26 AM

    I was going to say, wasn't this revealed in the photos the other day? Lea was in one place, and Daniel was in some other place.

  15. Kno Won Uno1:26 AM

    I wonder if that was Kate's "daring dress" moment. I just wanted to put a sweater on her.Loved the dress, thought she was cold.

  16. Derek Harvey1:26 AM

    Daniel and Monica are foreign born---doesn't state that.

  17. Tricia131:28 AM

    I agree@Mary...Lea is still emerging and Monica is a the elder stateswoman- Lea seems more- agreeable in pix , but I'm sure was as vexed as MB when the "flashbulbs" stopped....

  18. Jones1:32 AM

    Daniel Craig and Monica Belluci. Spectre. She is a bond girl (Craig said so) so I think no matter how insignificant the bond girl role is, that is considered a lead.

  19. French girl1:34 AM

    Spectre /Craig / Naomie Harris.She was alone at Moscow premiere

  20. Not an absolute rule for Enty's blinds.

  21. French girl1:35 AM

    Craig,Seydoux and Bellucci were together at London and Paris premiere

  22. I believe the folks who guessed Spectre are correct. I think there's a clue in Enty specifying "MAIN female lead," implying that there could be more than one.

  23. Mooshki2:45 AM

    I can't tell if you're trolling, Derek? Monica Bellucci is a HUGE star, although not as much here in America.

  24. medley2:57 AM

    billy bob and sandra bullock ARE doing press together. saw them playing a game on a shower together online this AM. they seem like friends.

  25. medley2:58 AM

    i live in a california and yes, we know who monica belucci is here, she is famous. she was in one of The Matrix movies which more or less I think made her a recognizable face here

  26. Sadie3:04 AM

    Mad Max was a blockbuster (not many of them this year). Doesn't say foreign born, but it sounds like Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy. She hates him.

  27. meowie3:39 AM

    I was thinking the same. There was the blind reveal where Enty detailed how DC specifically wanted MB in film bcause he found her attractive, but when they were on set, she spurned his advances, making for frosty relations subsequently.

    +1 on Tricia's guess.

  28. Derek Harvey4:35 AM

    She cant open a movie
    she can't sell magazine covers
    she cant get advertising contracts
    she couldn't even get her name in a tabloid if she tried

    so no I am not trolling, and if she is more famous outside the USA it should definitely be foreign-born. Not saying she is not the answer---but dumb description.

  29. lila fowler4:49 AM

    Daniel Craig and Naomie Harris, she's in Moscow by herself

  30. Whywhywhy???4:51 AM

    Miss Moneypenny is crying at the thought of not having Daniel as Bond...she seems to really support him

  31. Malibuborebee10:43 AM

    Bellucci and Cassel split a couple of years ago. Too bad, he's pretty fabulous although not necessarily as a husband.

  32. back again10:55 AM

    What's more surprising is Lea & Monica actually having theirs arms around each other.Wasn't the general consensus that Lea S. was the final straw for Monica Belluci divorcing her hubby Vincent Cassel???
    Lea S.& Vincent C. starred in "Beauty & The Beast" movie & they were definately 'close' thru filming.

  33. Malibuborebee10:56 AM

    This seems like it's about Spectre. Maybe Enty's trying to be "tricky" by leaving out 'foreign born' or it's just one of his mistakes.

    Internationally she's a huge star but Bellucci is probably more famous as a great beauty than as an actress in America.

  34. Tom Felton's Penis1:28 AM

    Daniel and Naomi did Graham Norton together so they've definitely been doing press together.

    Lea was apparently the straw that broke the camel's back in Monica's and Vincent's marriage so I don't know how relations are there.

    Daniel and Monica apparently don't like each other.

    I wish I could've been a fly on the wall while filming happened.
