Monday, October 05, 2015

Blind Item #5

This B list mostly movie actress is on the verge of splitting with her actor boyfriend because of his ex. Her stalking of the actress has got out of control, but the boyfriend is trying to talk her out of a restraining order because of possible custody issues.


  1. Tricia1312:49 AM

    Kate Mara/ jaime Bell/ ERW

  2. Kate Mara being stalked by Evan Rachel Wood

    Jaime Bell trying to keep the peace.

  3. If a restraining order was filed I would LOVE it. TMZ would be allover that story

  4. lila fowler6:25 AM

    Oh please. Kate Mara or her people are trying to drum up some sympathy for this non motherfucking entity. No one cares! Least of all ERW.

  5. lila fowler6:29 AM

    Also, it was most likely a PR relationship anyway, designed to get people interested in their movie that bombed. They overestimated how much anyone would care.

  6. Call BR-5493:11 PM

    Who? What? Lila Fowler nailed it.
