Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blind Item #4

This back in the day A list mostly movie actor who has also been a host and a stand up comedian and always annoying was all over any female who even barely recognized the actor. It was creepy. Touching and trying to kiss them. If they showed any interest at all he was all over them.


  1. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    chevy chase

  2. Sweet p2:54 AM

    Arsenio Hall?

  3. Tricia132:55 AM

    Billy crystal
    Academy award host many years/ stand up obvy

  4. Derek Harvey3:03 AM

    He's Not Chevy, He's an Asshole: A History of Chevy Chase's
    Apr 5, 2012 - He was talking, of course, about Chevy Chase, his opponent in a famous backstage fistfight. The two are friendly now, and it seems as though ...

  5. sandybrook3:11 AM

    Chevy Chase the owner of maybe the worst talk show in tv history

  6. michelle3:35 AM

    chevy never did stand-up so it can't be him.

  7. Purbear4:53 AM

    Pauly Shore?

  8. Purbear5:08 AM

    Hmmm... maybe Davis Spade at George Clooney's Halloween bash

  9. Derek Harvey5:25 AM

    yes he did

  10. michelle6:32 AM

    I'm pretty sure he didn't.

  11. michelle6:35 AM

    i agree with this guess.

  12. Pauly Shore was never an A list film actor( I don't think even enty is that liberal with ratings. Chevy Chase is not, and has never been known as a stand up comic - and whatever amount of it he might have done would never warrant the term.Hes also the opposite of "annoying"- very private and aloof. Crystal fits everything and is annoying, could be- but like with Chase , Akroyd he is longtime married and would be mentioned.
    In short- the answer is still out there im pretty sure.

  13. AlexT7:18 AM

    Jim Carrey? If " back in the day" refers 20-10 years ago, anyway.

  14. michelle8:03 AM

    He was A++ "back in the day" and still A list today. He's also never been a host.

  15. Whywhywhy???10:17 AM

    Thanks @ Derek. He's way more of an azzhole than I thought!

  16. Quiet Riot10:33 AM

    Eddie Murphy

  17. Snarknado2:40 PM

    Andy Dick

  18. meowie11:23 PM

    Martin Short?

  19. TopperMadison11:51 PM

    I read it as Rodney Dangerfield and immediately grossed myself out, yet laughed anyway.

  20. TopperMadison11:52 PM

    Eww. Then I just thought of Howie Mandel. Eww.

  21. Derek Harvey1:07 AM

    It says trying to kiss WOMEN lol ; )

  22. Derek Harvey1:08 AM

    IDK what is wrong with some of you bird-brains. A simple google search will provide the answer that Chevy Chase has done tone of stand-up and has comedy albums. I refuse to do the link/reference thing about something so obvious...

  23. michelle6:50 AM

    a comedy album isn't stand-up. he never did stand-up and isn't/wasn't known as one. ever. I don't know what you're reading.

  24. That @ Michelle, and any old "Google search" will show you that Chevy has been married to the same woman since 1982. Due to the fact that it's a blind about a lecherous man all over women, I tend to think that it may be relevant information.

    I'd post the link but it's too obvious.

    And as I stated yesterday- he is many things- but "annoying " isn't one. He is the very opposite I'd say,we very dry , sardonic and quiet.

  25. thebutlerdidit1:43 PM

    Why do people always think Spade is an asshole? He's a pretty nice guy. Everyone I know that's ever worked with him loved him & he was very cool to me the two times I met him...
    Everyone over 12 should know that Chevy is an ass. It's been 40 yrs, ppl
