Friday, October 30, 2015

Blind Item #4

This former tweener who people forget was a tweener is on a talk show now and thankfully is not named Raven Symone. The other night she had her friends try and find her a guy but the only criteria they used was what kind of car a guy drove. If it didn't cost over $100K they were not invited to talk to the host.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Adrienne Baillon

  2. Derek Harvey12:30 AM

    adriene baloon

  3. This goes to show two things about these women "friends."
    One, these women don't understand anything about personal financing; most of the richest people I know, don't drive cars that cost more than $100K. And, two just because he is driving an expensive car, doesn't mean he's a nice guy -- nor could the car actually be his! (Sure, it might be dad's car.)

  4. Kno Won Uno1:02 AM

    Lots of women who aren't celebrities do this every day.
    You have a really attractive man in a 15 or you have a meh man in a Porsche. What are you gonna do? (killing the meh man isn't an option - it's one or the other)
    I'm not endorsing it, just saying it happens every day

  5. Kno Won Uno1:15 AM

    *15 year old toyota.
    Fire alarm went off at work.

  6. Mystery Man10:57 AM

