Saturday, October 24, 2015

Blind Item #4

This married former A- list mostly movie actress, who thankfully never seems to act any longer says she doesn't have a nanny. True, but her live in girlfriend definitely helps out a lot.


  1. Derek Harvey2:45 AM

    jessica beil

  2. Derek Harvey2:45 AM


  3. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    and WHEN was she EVER A list?!

  4. muchlu2:49 AM

    +1 agreed she was never A list!

  5. sandybrook3:04 AM

    un no Enty-- B list tv actress C list movie actress=B- mostly movie actress.

  6. LOL! (Not that there is anything wrong with that!)
    Why is it I thought that this could be Mila Kunis?
    According to Enty, Mila was A- before "Jupiter descended." (Horrible movie!)
    And, I remember there were (staged) papped shots of her out and about with her "assistant" in the background or mostly just out of frame.
    But, there was never any inference that she had a "girlfriend."
    Anyway, I think all this "Ashton cheating" is just PR.
    Oh, and her recent, I would help bury a body is just typical parent stuff. No big deal.

  7. Derek Harvey4:23 AM

    yeah but Mila has talent in the right roles...

  8. medley5:16 AM

    this is definitely Jessica Biel.

  9. Apple Tartin5:48 AM

    Guys! Jessica should be A list but like she said she is too beautiful to be cast in roles! Not because she is a shit actress!

  10. texasrose6:01 AM

    So JT's bf doesn't help out?

  11. I saw Jessica in two movies and she was as competent as any other working actress. Not many of them are brilliant. She is also very easy on the ojos.

  12. Itchycat9:35 AM

    I used to think that Penelope Cruz and Selma Hayak were just really really close.

  13. Snarknado2:39 PM

    , B+ in phys ed, A+ in sex ed.= A- actress

  14. HA. No coincidence that they are both married to cheating douchebags.
