Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blind Item #2

If there is one thing you don't tell this A- list mostly movie actress, who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and filming a franchise, it is that she needs to look slim for a certain portion of the movie. Our actress, who has always had an eating disorder has almost collapsed several times over the past week because she is not eating. The only thing that has saved her from falling a few times are pieces of the set or people she has been able to hold on to.


  1. sandybrook11:46 PM

    Renee Zellweger

  2. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Emma stone ?

  3. Tricia1311:47 PM

    Yes- renee :(
    She looks good now- much better than during"Chicago" peak

  4. sandybrook11:49 PM

    Except for whatever she did to her face she looks good

  5. Tricia1311:53 PM

    It seems more- natural -I think she looks good? i like her- hope she is ok(or that this is one of Enty's "creative" blinds)

  6. Kno Won Uno12:20 AM

    Well, yeah....this could be any number of people. Wait a couple of months for a particularly thin photo and then do a reveal saying it's that person.

  7. Sorry didn't see franchise
