Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blind Item #1

This closeted, married A- list mostly movie actor who has been A+ in movies and television at points in his career is not going to be able to get his promised daily fill of willing gay men because the movie he was going to make and get him that perk is all but a dream now.


  1. Tricia1311:30 PM


  2. sandybrook11:32 PM

    Eddie Redymayne or if it's extra page view day--Cumberbitch

  3. Tricia1311:32 PM

    Or Will Smith

  4. MontanaMarriott11:32 PM

    Yeah sorry but no Saturday Night Fever 2, JT

  5. Tricia1311:32 PM

    Movie was "Gypsy " maybe?

  6. I have a friend who worked for a movie producer years ago. She worked on some Travolta movie and said they would helicopter in twinks almost daily for JT. Apparently, it's a "perk' in his contract. Another story I'm reminded of, is an acquaintance from my SF days named Ryan, was in a TV movie with Michelle Pfeiffer about orphans or something. Said she was really nice but for some reason, I can't remember the connection, said that Tommy boy started out as a hustler in West Hollywood and was known as a fist f*cking bottom!

  7. Snarknado12:58 AM

    Whoa Nelly! If true, TC's in Depends now.

  8. back again1:02 AM

    good tea there @ jcs!

  9. TatooRose2:11 AM

    Dayum! TC or JT?

  10. lessie2:24 AM

    yes, michelle pfeiffer actually lives in my area here in northern california. she is a VERY kind woman, definitely not a hollywood fake type. so glad cause that's refreshing.

  11. There already was a part 2. Although I think a part 3, 40 years later could be fun. A fat Travolta trying to dance...

  12. back again4:33 AM

    +1 definately.. i don't mind John Travolta or his taste for twinks.

  13. back again4:33 AM

    *private taste for twinks....derp

  14. Sounds kind of unprofessional to be such a blabbermouth about such things and unlike the image I had of her.

  15. Malibuborebee8:56 AM

    The old TC story I heard was that he was a standard-variety hustler. It started on the East Coast prior to doing a bit of hustling when he got out to LA, no mention of fisting.

    I've always assumed that the Scienos have him on tape talking about it during "auditing" sessions.

  16. Snarknado12:07 PM

    Taste for twinkies, too.

  17. Snarknado12:11 PM

    Your image of her is the real deal, in addition to being crusty and crumpled up from years of use.
