Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Blind Item #11 - Old Hollywood

This actor was A+ list. He is dead and is still A+ list. When he was married to his first wife he didn't care whether she was home or not when he brought home women to have sex with Our actor hated paying for a hotel since he had a house. His wife never tried to stop him after the first time he beat her. Needless to say, the marriage was very short lived.


  1. Tricia134:46 AM

    Marlon Brando

  2. Tricia134:47 AM

    Brando's 1st wife was Anna kashfi

  3. sandybrook4:50 AM

    His whole family are POS

  4. Tricia134:52 AM

    Agreed ....twisted.

  5. MontanaMarriott5:14 AM

    O/T so is this the new format Enty? we are getting 12 BI with the last two coming in between Random Photos?!?

  6. Tricia135:53 AM

    @MM- think Enty's trying sumptim new to generate some 3-3.30 buzz lol. I just saw there was a #12 and it's kinda fun--- like seeing you have your stocking still stuffed with lil gifts after you've opened all your Xmas presents :)
    Ok maybe not. It was a Kate Hudson /Joe Jonas blind....

  7. back again6:45 AM

    The stockings do keep the fun going! great analogy! : )

  8. Hate the fact I now get bombarded with awful popup/sites since the format change :(

  9. adblocker. you won't know how you've lived life without it.

  10. people complain about how horrible this website is, but it must be in the ads, because it works perfect for me.

  11. Itchycat11:27 AM

    More Old Hollywoood Blinds, please! These are cool, not so cool, but very interesting.

  12. And-so-on..2:36 AM

    In the end, all alone the only one to blame.. he cried,was deeply humiliated, but was he ashamed of all the evil and hatefully selfish chaos he created..?

  13. TheCousinEddy3:45 PM

    RE: Complaints about the site & pop-up ads, etc.

    I have to amend what I said a while back concerning the "new" site format. I recently tried reading the site on my iPad and iPhone while traveling and it was very frustrating. The ads were annoying, the "iPad" version was annoying (mainly because it limits the # of comments I can view to only 10). If I choose to view the "full site" on either mobile device it was clunky at best.

    Suffice it to say, this site is best viewed on a full browser (laptop/desktop) and as others mentioned with adblocker software or adblocker plugins/extensions activated (sorry Enty).

    I have been trying to keep-up, but have missed most of the past week or so and have been scarce in the comments. This will probably be the case for the foreseeable future, for me, for a variety of reasons, but I'll pop-in and comment when I can.

    Keep it classy CDAN commenters!
