Friday, October 16, 2015

Blind Item #10

This foreign born probable one album wonder has spent every penny she earned off her biggest hit. There is nothing left. All gone in a year. She is living off advances from her next record but has almost blown through all of that and signed away rights but just keeps on pretending she has tons of money.


  1. Tricia134:30 AM

    Iggy azalea

  2. Derek Harvey4:31 AM

    Charlie XcX

  3. sandybrook4:31 AM


  4. sandybrook4:32 AM

    off chance it might be Lorde since it doesn't say one-hit wonder

  5. Elle B4:33 AM

    Carly Rae Jepsen?

  6. MontanaMarriott4:41 AM

    Well she can always become a "yacht girl"

  7. I know a guy who married a "professional poker player" -- so she says. He had about $350,000 in savings. Six months later, he divorced her because she gotten a hold of his ATM Card and PIN with out his knowledge.
    He now has $0 left in savings.
    Poker players are only successful 51% of the time -- if that! Very bad odds for a career.

  8. Tricia134:58 AM

    True: it's always yacht season somewhere!

  9. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:58 AM

    Iggy is engaged to a basketball player, so I don't think we could call that being dire straits.

    XCX is dating another rich dude, same reason than Iggy.

    Lorde doesn't seem to spend a lot, at least I don't see her much in magazines or here.

    Carly Rae Jepsen has just released her second album. I don't know how are the sales, but she doesn't fit.

    My guess: BS blind, and I don't mean your democrat candidate.

  10. 1) Charlie XCX both albums did very good and she probably got enough money from the songwriting for other artists. She also going to make a new record AND is about to launch a fashion line

    2) Lorde had a successful album, but has no new one...yet.

  11. texasrose7:15 AM

    I was coming here to say Lorde. One album? More like one hit wonder. Is she still hanging with Taylor Swift or has she been dropped from the pussy posse?

  12. Lorde isn't a one-hit wonder. She has had three.

  13. back again9:56 AM

    It says ONE ALBUM WONDER-- my 1st thought was Lorde too.

  14. texasrose11:10 AM

    Since all her songs sound exactly the same, except for the word Royals, how could you possibly tell.

  15. Iggy and her new titties.

  16. ellie1:17 PM

    thats how i feel about literally every single rihanna song. or beyonce. or katy perry. or insert other pop star here. lorde's songs do not sound the same to someone who appreciates that style of music and stuff. i can't stand rihanna bullshit, her songs are all the same.

  17. Lorde doesn't seem to spend tons of money. I think she still lives with her parents. Disclosure just put out a collaborative single with her, she had the hunger games soundtrack and her solo sophomore album is in production now.
