Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blind Item #10

This foreign born reality star from a show that is about to bite the dust loves to pretend what a great businessperson she is, but the only thing she did was burn through millions of dollars of other people's money and was only thinking of herself when all her employees lost their jobs.


  1. Tricia134:31 AM

    Carolyn. Stana bury/L adies of London

  2. Tricia134:31 AM


  3. Derek Harvey4:31 AM

    Heidi Klum?

  4. Tricia134:38 AM

    A bit of background on her and herCo.which failed pretty miserably.She is pretty awful-glamorous & witty, but a real wench.

  5. back again4:46 AM

    hahaha-that's your show- you better defend that b*tch!
    -is she the one who was dry-humping the other lady's(using term'Lady' XTREMELY lighty) husband that was all over DM ?

  6. Tricia134:53 AM

    She did do that.I am barely watching(maybe 2 episodes)this season- it ,,like so many other franchises, just sorta sucks now and seems forced. She is a piece of work though that one- makes Henry VIII look like mr. Rogers :(!

  7. I don't think Heidi Klum is unsuccessful and all.

  8. jesus on a cracker5:04 AM

    .........people watch Ladies of London? maybe its the same people that watch My Fab 40.

  9. back again6:12 AM

    I DO watch Heidi's Reality Show "Project Runway" cuz she gets my mood swings: "one day you're in and the next you're out".

  10. back again6:20 AM

    hahaha@jesus.- i just looked up "My Fab 40" cuz I'd never even HEARD of it let alone watch it but it seems like a happy kinda show.I don't mind people spending their own $$ to celebrate their big 4-0-s.One lady just got dumped by her hubby so whatever helps get her MOJO back good for her.At least their embracing their true age & not lying to themselves & others.
    --But, I'm still sticking with my "Halloween Wars" this month thank you.
